John Buford, on 20 September 2013 - 01:43 PM, said:
Actualy not even close. Lights take much more than 10m or even the 20m you say later on to turn around. Range doesn't look quite right because we are in giant robots so what you percive as 10-20m is probly close to 100m. When a light does doe that turn on a dime they have either jump turned or kill the throttle to turn tighter.
Well I don't know about the actual radius of the turn in meters, but the main problem is the fact that lights can circle strafe around a mech at full speed. This makes the best weapon to use against lights up close lasers, since you can try and 'sweep' them, but they are also handicapped by being DOT weapons so that you lose damage scattered across the target. If you have streaks they are good, but you cannot control where the missiles hit. Ballistics can hurt a light, but are much harder to hit with. Meanwhile, that light can keep popping shots into the same location on your mech far more easily (at least if your a slower target, doesn't really apply to another light). A light versus any other weight class in a 1v1 scenario inevitable leads to the light presenting its opponent with just a few snapshots to get damage in, while firing nearly as fast as its weapons can cycle (barring overheating). So speed is only really OP for lights when they can get in close, especially as they come up to the waistline of most heavies and assaults making it even that much harder to hit. I would not mind a real world application of physics, in which the faster you go the larger your turn radius. Light mechs should be engaging in hit and run tactics, not circling around in the open like a vulture because the other mech can't twist or turn fast enough to shoot back.