It's all subjective. Even with video evidence - which is few and far between - people can read into it (and do with all video evidence) alternative scenarios.
1) PGI still say they have to tune SRM hit detection - it's a 'kinda' known problem.
2) There are hundreds of reports in the Patch Feedback thread every month of inexplicable hit problems. It's not limited to Spiders but they are the smallest, fastest 'Mechs in the game and shortcommings of HSR and other hit detection mechanisms show up most when fighting them.
3) It may not be HSR. I've gone head to head with other 'Mechs and relatively we're not moving. And I'VE BEEN HIT visually while not registering damage. I've also had a hit that registered as Critical Damage while, for the whole game, my paper-doll registered no significant damage. So is the paper-doll lying or is hit detection completely weird?
4) PGI staff have acknowledged a while back that Ping jitter throws out HSR and, even further back, there is a problem with hit detection "deep within" the mystical deapth of CryEngine 3. They have not said that these problems have been fixed. So we don't know. They currently acknowledge hit detection issues with SRMs.
5) They acknowledge hit detection issues with SRMs, as of this patch. If there's a problem with one weapon, doesn't that mean a problem with the whole system? Surely there isn't separate code for every weapon in the game? Yes, they brought HSR online for each of the 3 main weapon groups one at a time, but they didn't bring it in for each weapon at a time.
6) Do they need to code different hit detection routines for each weapon? Absurd! If PPCs have been long reported as missing when it looked like it hit and SRM hit detection is a known problem and lots of people report problems damaging light mechs, there are problems with PGI's **HIT DETECTION** (I can't type _PGI's__hit__detection__because the forum's naughty word detector reads it as "PGI ****" detection) code with all weapons and mechs!
Edited by Xajorkith, 23 September 2013 - 04:36 AM.