Mawai, on 30 September 2013 - 08:24 AM, said:
"Then people noticed that you could see that terrifying gaze...from across the battlefield, and due to player input, PGI removed this feature."
You do realize that the Atlas head hit box is one of the eyes and a nice glowing red eye is like painting the head hit box? Folks had a good reason to request the removal of this feature. Anyone who would turn it on is basically saying please head shot me here.
People died to Atlas head shots a lot when the head was that entire face.
Once the head hit box was one of its eyes, this stopped being a problem.
At no point did it really matter whether the eyes glowed. If people where this precise with their shots, head shots would be the most common thing of every mech to die, if not from afar, than in a brawl. It's not happening.
Blue Footed Booby, on 30 September 2013 - 09:48 AM, said:
Given how shaders and level of detail work I'm not entirely clear on why they removed the eyeglow rather than reduce the visibility distance. Did they ever say?
I think it was simply somethnig they couldn't really support anymore once the paint customization system was added. It necessitated a lot of changes to pre-existing mech models. I don't have the feel that they actually were aiming at "nerfing" the Atlas eyes away.