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Short Question, Short Answer

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#9101 Koniving

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Posted 29 September 2018 - 10:01 AM

View PostAudacious Aubergine, on 29 September 2018 - 01:11 AM, said:

I know I asked and/or saw the answer on the forums like 2 years ago but I couldn't remember for the life of me

I figured that's why I said as far as I know the answer hasn't changed (it's one of the oldest questions around and it is always a good question to ask. That said everything that was awarded up to the moment you left plus victory/loss money (as that's given after the game ends.).

#9102 Tier5 Kerensky


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Posted 05 October 2018 - 07:07 AM

View PostAudacious Aubergine, on 28 September 2018 - 09:55 PM, said:

If I leave a match after I die but before the match ends will I still get any kill assists that happen after I quit?

After you die there is no difference weather you stay or leave. You get all exp and cbills and whatnot.

And yes thats exactly the opposite what Koniving said, it's been asked before, we've said our answers before, anyone can easily test it by swiping about all enemies quickly with ERL and then dying, without doing any significant damage. If the team wins, they will kill all and the cbill rewards from 9-11 assists will be very releaving.

#9103 Tesunie


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Posted 05 October 2018 - 07:11 AM

View PostTeer Kerensky, on 05 October 2018 - 07:07 AM, said:

After you die there is no difference weather you stay or leave. You get all exp and cbills and whatnot.

And yes thats exactly the opposite what Koniving said, it's been asked before, we've said our answers before, anyone can easily test it by swiping about all enemies quickly with ERL and then dying, without doing any significant damage. If the team wins, they will kill all and the cbill rewards from 9-11 assists will be very releaving.

Then they must have changed it without saying anything about it. I too understand the system as Koniving says it, and that was the last PGI announced about it.

Is there any place with definitive proof? I'd just like to know one way or another for certain is all.

#9104 Capn Crunchtime


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Posted 08 October 2018 - 12:10 PM

Is decelleration while falling directly tied to the mechs decelleration rate, rather than any form of momentum?
I love scooching around at high speeds in my locust, but often enough i can find myself cruising over a large rock at a nice 150 km/h, dropping for quarter a second, and then needing to reacellerate to top speed from around 60 km/h, which can leave me somewhat voulnerable. I never quite encounter this problem in such a jarring form when using something that acellerates at a slower pace, which is what prompted me to ask this, as it seems somewhat odd/unintended.

#9105 TheCaptainJZ


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Posted 08 October 2018 - 04:56 PM

I think so. While in the air, your throttle drops to 0, so whatever deceleration the mech has normally would take place. Obviously, this is more noticeable on fast mechs. Lights require greater piloting skill and you have to remember to weave around slopes rather than just drop down. Often, you'll see lights with jump jets which can add some acceleration back and cushion the fall and add some jump-turning and other mobility benefits.

#9106 Capn Crunchtime


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Posted 09 October 2018 - 05:12 AM

Yeah on mechs like the viper and the spider, which I run with jump jets, I've never really had that problem, which makes me even sadder for the locust, hah. I do fairly well to avoid slopes, a greater problem comes from the hills which provide no traction, but are angled low enough for me to slide up partially, decelerate me, and let me stay in that semi airbourne voulnerable state for longer than a normal drop from a height as high as the hill is tall would. The only real ""fix"" or maybe buff to lights unfortunate enough not to have jump jets i can think of would be to have airtime throttle decay set at a fixed rate across all mechs, rather than punish ones with high acceleration/deceleration. I any case, thanks for confirming my suspicions!

#9107 Jables McBarty


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Posted 10 October 2018 - 12:55 PM

How does TAG interact with ECM?

My recollection from pre-Civil War was that it countered a targeted ECM carrier, and negated the effects of a covered 'mech, but I used a TAG during the event and this didn't seem to be the case.

#9108 Eisenhorne


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Posted 10 October 2018 - 01:10 PM

View PostJables McBarty, on 10 October 2018 - 12:55 PM, said:

How does TAG interact with ECM?

My recollection from pre-Civil War was that it countered a targeted ECM carrier, and negated the effects of a covered 'mech, but I used a TAG during the event and this didn't seem to be the case.

TAG will counter ECM if you're outside the 120M ECM bubble they carry.

TAG will -NOT- counter stealth armor fully. If you TAG a stealth armored target, you can target them, but you will be unable to get a missile lock.

#9109 Tesunie


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Posted 10 October 2018 - 05:27 PM

View PostJables McBarty, on 10 October 2018 - 12:55 PM, said:

How does TAG interact with ECM?

My recollection from pre-Civil War was that it countered a targeted ECM carrier, and negated the effects of a covered 'mech, but I used a TAG during the event and this didn't seem to be the case.

TAG doesn't "counter" ECM, but it does "punch through" it's effects. Outside it's "lock down" of targeting systems, it will counter some of the effects of ECM. Inside ECM's "lock down" effect, it's going to do basically nothing.

AKA: It doesn't "counter" ECM, but it does aid in mitigating the effects of ECM.

#9110 DodgerH2O


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Posted 16 October 2018 - 05:11 PM

So how long after an event (such as the current one) can you redeem a reward from the event? I'd like to get the Premium Time on the weekend, when I'll have more time to use it, but don't want to wait and miss out entirely.

#9111 Horseman


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Posted 16 October 2018 - 10:41 PM

View PostDodgerH2O, on 16 October 2018 - 05:11 PM, said:

So how long after an event (such as the current one) can you redeem a reward from the event? I'd like to get the Premium Time on the weekend, when I'll have more time to use it, but don't want to wait and miss out entirely.

IIRC typically it's about two weeks.

#9112 Throe


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Posted 16 October 2018 - 11:03 PM

[delete by user]

Edited by Throe, 08 November 2018 - 03:42 PM.

#9113 Tesunie


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Posted 17 October 2018 - 06:35 AM

View PostThroe, on 16 October 2018 - 11:03 PM, said:

I got a headshot in Solaris just now. Pure luck. AC/20 with 2xRAC2. I got a lucky hit with the AC/20. My opponent comments, "gs?" directly afterward, but either didn't have enough time or didn't want to explain.

Any idea what "gs?" means?

I'm gonna guess "Good Shot?"

It's hard when people short hand everything like everyone knows it... Posted Image
There have been many times in many games where I've had to ask much the same thing because it got short handed too much...Posted Image

#9114 Koniving

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Posted 18 October 2018 - 09:51 PM

View PostTeer Kerensky, on 05 October 2018 - 07:07 AM, said:

After you die there is no difference weather you stay or leave. You get all exp and cbills and whatnot.

And yes thats exactly the opposite what Koniving said, it's been asked before, we've said our answers before, anyone can easily test it by swiping about all enemies quickly with ERL and then dying, without doing any significant damage. If the team wins, they will kill all and the cbill rewards from 9-11 assists will be very releaving.

Like Tsunie, I too would like to see the proof of this beyond the supposed guesstimate of spray everyone and leave (as there's no telling how many enemies actually are killed by the team to tell how much cbills you should expect, etc in a win versus no win. The setup was particularly elaborately explained to us in 2013 as a means to eliminate the issues of "match farming", use of exploitative methods including bots, etc., as such there was even a bare requirement of participation in which if you failed this you forfeit all the earnings, In 2015 this became expanded to include disconnecting for more than 2 minutes before rejoining in which you also forfeit your earnings.

Spoiler added to reduce screen consumption for those scrolling through. Supporting evidence inside.

PGI may have changed this, but given that it has been like this since 2015 and it's never mentioned in a patch since, unless it happens to be this year... I doubt there's been a change.

#9115 Tier5 Kerensky


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Posted 22 October 2018 - 07:40 AM

View PostKoniving, on 18 October 2018 - 09:51 PM, said:

Like Tsunie, I too would like to see the proof of this beyond the supposed guesstimate of spray everyone and leave (as there's no telling how many enemies actually are killed by the team to tell how much cbills you should expect, etc in a win versus no win. The setup was particularly elaborately explained to us in 2013 as a means to eliminate the issues of "match farming", use of exploitative methods including bots, etc., as such there was even a bare requirement of participation in which if you failed this you forfeit all the earnings, In 2015 this became expanded to include disconnecting for more than 2 minutes before rejoining in which you also forfeit your earnings.

Spoiler added to reduce screen consumption for those scrolling through. Supporting evidence inside.

PGI may have changed this, but given that it has been like this since 2015 and it's never mentioned in a patch since, unless it happens to be this year... I doubt there's been a change.

Hey, get real.

Your post just prooves you don't have any idea what we are talking about. That's usually a very strong hint about person being incorrect about whatever he claims of.

The screenshot of Pauls post addresses some rewards in a situation where you leave the game before dying. It has nothing to do with what we are talking about, instantly leaving when you die, versus continuing to watch other people play.

Your first link, what does it exactly address or proofs? That there is a years old belief held by many players that you don't get assists and assosiated cbills if you just leave after you die, before those mechs get killed by your teammates? The existance of that belief has already been established.

" A story isn't kept straight for 5 years across thousands of people without there being facts behind it"

What about 2000 years? Jesus, God, Mohammed, Allah and all the like have a track record of thousands of years, and billions of believers. And still going strong. That's not a very credible argument.

All people would need to, is to test it. But hey, can't be arsed. If you get lucky, the test takes 10-15 mins. WIth less luck it takes more. People have had many years of time to test it for good. Too much trouble. And no one cares.

Second link, long patch note post.

What part are you spesifically referring to, quote it?

"You will also receive your in-game rewards if you happened to have died before disconnecting, regardless of the timer."

You want this part, it kinda says the opposite?. So I'm quessing it's not the part you are referring to.

"If the player died in the match before the disconnect occured, rewards will be given regardless of the 2 minute timer."

This part? No you can't refer to either. Although it implies the player disconnected by random chance and not intentionally, and it also implies the player would reconnect, it doesn't clearly say either. So it's no proof of nothing.

I read that post line by line. There was absolutely nothing addressing the situation we are talking about? Only further prooves you don't know what you are talking about.

Your last part of post. I'm calling it the slot theory. That's all stuff you made up yourself. That might have even been valid ages ago. Maybe, I can't say. I'm quite certain it has not been valid never during when I've started playing, I believe I'm now soon played 3 years.(I can see it from my profile but not while I'm typing this.)

But the best part is? I can disproof yourself, using your own videos. Lol.

It's amazing. How do you manage to keep that silly theory about slots, while you play and observe it not being so, just like any other player. But on top of it you also record games and upload them. And still don't see it. Just wow.

So, take any video your team wins. Assume someone died and exited, preferrebly very early with little to no deat. Since people have strong preference to post gameplay videos about them and their team winning, that's nearly any video.

So here's to your slot theory.

Player named wolden22, who you killed, is shown to exit the game right after the linked point of 3:36. He was first to die, followed by a player on your team.

So he can get max 1 assists, because after he leaves, the slot is gone. Trolloloo.

End scores in 6:40. Wait what, he dealth 77 damage and scores 3 assists.

#9116 Tesunie


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Posted 22 October 2018 - 07:56 AM

View PostTeer Kerensky, on 22 October 2018 - 07:40 AM, said:

Player named wolden22, who you killed, is shown to exit the game right after the linked point of 3:36. He was first to die, followed by a player on your team.

So he can get max 1 assists, because after he leaves, the slot is gone. Trolloloo.

End scores in 6:40. Wait what, he dealth 77 damage and scores 3 assists.

As far as I last understood it, when they created penalties to leaving and corrected other attributes to leaving (originally, if you left before dieing, it didn't count as being killed on your K/D and people wouldn't gain credit for kill you), the end of match score board will still log assists, but you wont be rewarded for any assists you may have dealt if you leave the match early.

Though I would rather not rummage through years of previous patch notes to find the one patch note that contains this information, it at one time was clearly spelled out that rewards stopped tracking once you left a match. So, even if you shot all twelve opponents, then died and then left the match, as soon as you left the match your score board may say 12 assists, but your rewards handed to you would stop at no assists (if no enemies had died before you left of course).

They may have changed it. I could be incorrect. But last I know that was how the system worked and I've yet to see anything to say otherwise as of this moment. Just to recap, we are talking about rewards, not getting credit for an action. There is a difference, because I believe if you leave early that you don't gain credit for KMDDs on possible assists dealt after you leave, the rewards for assists after you leave, etc.

Edit: Removed portion that was out of context.

Edited by Tesunie, 22 October 2018 - 07:58 AM.

#9117 Tesunie


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Posted 22 October 2018 - 08:33 AM

As support to how I last knew it to operate, a thread from 2013:
The thread doesn't have any official responses that I could see, but a lot of responses echo what has been said here so far.

Similar thread from 2014:
Vlad said it well in the first post from what I can tell.

From 2017:
And the reason for the mechanic, as described and understood by myself and Koniving in this thread so far:

View PostAzureRathalos, on 06 September 2017 - 08:26 AM, said:

From what I've read, this is to prevent someone from farming kill assists and not actually playing the game.

Join a match, wave an ER Large Laser across as many enemies as possible, run in and die, leave game. Switch mechs. Repeat.

Another thread from 2013:

HOWEVER... After much digging...

A thread from 2013:
Now this one would have been nice to have known, and I still couldn't find the original patch notes for it. However, this thread had a post that lead to ANOTHER thread with information:


We are addressing several known issues with farming.

Trial Mech Locking
  • Trial Mechs will now work the same as any BattleMech, they are locked until the match ends. This ends the ability for a macro player to "churn" matches to maximize CB.
Quitting/Disconnecting Early - While Still Alive
  • You will only receive rewards up to the point of disconnection.
  • NOTE: If you are dead, you will receive earned rewards, plus match rewards.
  • Players that fail to provide any input will be kicked from a match Although it does not prevent a macro player from simply putting in inputs, it forces them to LOOK like a bot.
Abusing this system is considered a violation of the TOS/COC.

Now, this post runs counter to everything I knew. The post was way back in 2012, and I believe shortly after the disconnect system was released. I believe what it says is different from the patch notes at the time... but the Archive for Patch Notes ends in November while this post was created in Oct. So the relevant patch notes for rewards when you disconnect early (alive or dead) are... not available...

With that mentioned, I'm going to have to say that the quote right above this is the last thing posted officially on the subject to my knowledge, so I'm going to take it as how it works currently, being the most current post on the matter...

Edit: It still doesn't mean that this is correct, as back in 2012, we had many moderators post conflicting information. I'm just going to presume it is though, with a side note if it could still be incorrect. But without a patchnote to confirm otherwise... Posted Image

Edited by Tesunie, 22 October 2018 - 08:34 AM.

#9118 Koniving

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Posted 22 October 2018 - 08:41 AM

We were talking about losing out on bonuses like kill assists when you leave early. I found the very last official statements on the matter, in which NO CHANGES WERE MADE to how that works. No fix, no change, no "You get what you earned AFTER you leave." Nope, it's "You get what you earned until you LEAVE if you died." Emphasis. UNTIL YOU LEAVE. Plus the victory/defeat.

The point was that was those were the official statements the last time it was ever changed (and officially mentioned), and it was clarified within that time period that the game couldn't attribute the scores properly (at least at the time). No patchnote has ever again addressed the scoring system. You'd think a bullet point like that would go out of its way to say in a bug fix or update "Hey you know that big hurdle we had where you couldn't get your assists after you log out? We fixed it."

No mention of it.

The player name is being shown on the slot, yes. The slot's gonna be the same regardless and this was true back then it could show the player in the slot but when you killed said player after they left, you killed "No pilot", and if you stay in a match you can see when it says you get a kill assist long after you died. Once you left though, you became "No pilot" at the time, and thus the bonus did not go to you.

It could very well be that they fixed it as that would be ideal. But they have never told us that they fixed it. Much like in your religious example, until anybody says they changed something in the bible, nobody knows because its a reference book not something to read from beginning to end. You also have many different versions of it.

Side note: I saw it yesterday, the no player icon is currently " " blank. But it no longer says that you killed blank. So they fixed that part.
I do know that the bare minimum of "You had to attack at least one person" has been removed, found that out last night because I launched without knowing it and idled to the end of the match, flipped back to go launch and the match is already over.
Again its possible they fixed it, but they have NEVER TOLD US they fixed it.
So officially, nothing has changed. We can claim it changed all we want, or we can stick to what facts we were told until then. Since saying its been fixed without any proof, official or otherwise, is basically making **** up.. We can't say it was fixed.

You're welcome to hop on twitter and get us updated officially. But til then, until the 'fact' has been officially updated, I personally can't say they fixed it.

Also: This belief "You still get credit for what you did until you disconnected, but you don't get the results screen if you leave early" (Papriko, December 2015), goes all the way back to the first time they changed the reward system in September 2012...which is also when it was first introduced prior to launch in open beta. (Note kill assists after death got rewarded, but only if you were there to see them through).

And once again, they never officially stated a fix, listed it in a patchnote, etc. But if they do, I can stop regurgitating the same officially stated fact that you don't get them when you leave, because it would no longer be the officially confirmed fact.

Much like Battletechnology, a magazine written by employees of FASA, was canon for almost 30 years and then Catalyst said "Nope, not anymore." And then it wasn't. The same is true here, until PGI says otherwise, I'd be "making **** up" if I say you get your kill assist rewards after leaving. We have no genuine proof of it. We can't get undeniable proof.

#9119 Koniving

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Posted 22 October 2018 - 08:48 AM

View PostTesunie, on 22 October 2018 - 08:33 AM, said:

Now, this post runs counter to everything I knew.

That was clarified as "rewards you earned up until you leave." Unfortunately the only place I know to find that statement is accessible only to certain fat-tailed rodents that I cannot say and I've been a stray from since the launch of the Clans, so yeah.

Best thing to do is either the other guy or you...or someone with a twitter (screw twitter) to knock on Paul's door.
Paul would definitely confirm it is or at least was true.
Chris may or may not be the current guy to ask the question to, though.

Karl Berg is perhaps the best person to ask, however. He's the technical director and the guy that's always aware of the technical issues.

Speaking of... If there's a place to already find the confirmation, it'd be here: https://mwomercs.com...courtesy-phone/

So I'm gonna hunt during loading screens.

Edited by Koniving, 22 October 2018 - 08:50 AM.

#9120 Tesunie


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Posted 22 October 2018 - 08:53 AM

After re-reading the above quote from a moderator/developer/whatever-his-position, This is how I took it to be.

Koniving, myself and people who have been saying you don't earn rewards after leaving for actions (assists) that happened after you left where correct from the patch notes as they where released. (You know, the ones that just don't happen to exist anymore...)

Bryan UPDATED that information later to either how it actually works, or it was changed after the fact.

AKA: We were wrong, but possibly not from player misinformation but from unmentioned changes to the game... (If that makes possible sense.)

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