This feeling hasn't changed the slightest. I still remain enthusiastic about MWO, read the blogs and updates, though I have no desire to play at all until 1PV matches are added.
I think they will include something though I don't know, though if my "demographic" has been forgotten, maybe it's time I forget too?
Edit: I should clarify, as people are making assumptions. I don't know or even care if 3PV makes the gameplay unbalanced or not. I don't want it, even if it's totally fair.
Second, when I say "I" don't want it, I mean that in the way it was described on NGNG, that we wouldn't have to worry about 3PV or the community being divided or what ever, as there are plenty of players to make a 1PV pool. Is this still the case?
Long live 3PV, if it help/is wanted, yet let me have my 1PV matches.
Edited by Thomas Covenant, 29 October 2013 - 01:45 PM.