Deathsani, on 29 October 2013 - 02:44 PM, said:
I know what fun is for me, I know why this game appeals to me intellectually. I like variety. I like finding a series of solutions to each situation and there is something that destroys this fun. Interestingly enough this problem is rather widespread and is in every multiplayer game that ever existed.
What you describe as "the trollish min/maxer" is merely the person who is doing exactly what you suggest that you like to do... only they are doing it better than you.
You suggest that you like finding a series of solutions... solutions to what? Presumably, when building mechs, the "problem" that is being solved is how to make an optimum configuration.
If you aren't building mechs with some goal, then you aren't actually solving any problems. You're basically just playing legos like a young child.
It's the task of optimizing a configuration for a mech which entails "solving a problem". That's the point at which it stops being a random combination of mech parts, and starts to become an engineering problem.