Voip Is Sorely Needed.
Posted 06 December 2013 - 04:15 AM
Let's hope you are able to turn it off, though.
Posted 06 December 2013 - 04:20 AM
Joseph Mallan, on 06 December 2013 - 04:08 AM, said:
Also, We won Yesterday without VOiP Mud. So maybe it isn't as big a deal. Heck We won and I handicapped the team by bringing out my Sara. I am really lousy in a Jenner!

I thought you did good though I wasn't paying a lot of attention. That match was a workout.
Posted 06 December 2013 - 04:24 AM
Joseph Mallan, on 06 December 2013 - 04:15 AM, said:

VOiP would allow you to tell our team mates where the enemy is, that doesn't mean they owe you any loyalty or allegiance. I have rarely seen PUGs respond to text so I just see VOiP getting ignored quicker.

I look at it as the pugs worth having will catch on much faster and it will for the first time allow pugs to concentrate fire as quickly as teams do. Not saying it will work every time but it will work sometimes. Those are the matches I enjoy, just like the one we were in together. Everyone did his part without comms and we defeated a comm heavy team. Joyus!
Posted 06 December 2013 - 04:37 AM
Did you think that maybe we had a better Comm heavy team and that's why we won???

Posted 06 December 2013 - 04:52 AM
Joseph Mallan, on 06 December 2013 - 04:37 AM, said:
Did you think that maybe we had a better Comm heavy team and that's why we won???

I don't think they were better as i had second highest match score. On third party dropping I would say that misses the point. Noobs don't know about ComStar and many just dont want to be bothered. Its about improving the overall gameplay for pugs accepting that many wont do third party for whatever reasons. It will slow down the all stomp all the time metric we have now and bring the newbies up to speed faster because we vets can actually help them.
On the Paul Walker thing I really just dont care about celebrities. This guy was no saint by a long shot. In his late thirtys he was tagging a girl of 16 and its said he was seeing her she she was 15. If you or I did that we would be the anti-christ but his celebrity gets him a pass as a pederast. I may be accused as anti-social but just look at that situation and how they are worshiping the dude . Who could blame me for being anti-social in such a twisted world.
Posted 06 December 2013 - 04:56 AM
with OPEN VOIP in GAME,Just how many CHIEFS will there be and just how many followers?. So, 6 players muted, half of the remaining ones want to be the"LEADER" and the other three say screw this an beetle off and try to follow the 4 man team way off on the other side of the map. VOIP works well for those who are already in a team and Soloists who have joined one of the many neutral game servers and have one or two server mates in the same drop.
Anyone who wants to become part of the larger community can go to any of the listed servers in the FACTION SECTION of these forums and try out several of those servers without commitment and see if they like it.
Posted 06 December 2013 - 05:10 AM
Mudhutwarrior, on 06 December 2013 - 04:52 AM, said:
I don't think they were better as i had second highest match score. On third party dropping I would say that misses the point. Noobs don't know about ComStar and many just dont want to be bothered. Its about improving the overall gameplay for pugs accepting that many wont do third party for whatever reasons. It will slow down the all stomp all the time metric we have now and bring the newbies up to speed faster because we vets can actually help them.
On the Paul Walker thing I really just dont care about celebrities. This guy was no saint by a long shot. In his late thirtys he was tagging a girl of 16 and its said he was seeing her she she was 15. If you or I did that we would be the anti-christ but his celebrity gets him a pass as a pederast. I may be accused as anti-social but just look at that situation and how they are worshiping the dude . Who could blame me for being anti-social in such a twisted world.
WOW, for someone who refused to help spread the word about comstar/NGNG and who tried every trick in the book to get people not to use 3rd party VOIP could you be any more hypocritical? AND you are now trying to use this as an argument to support your position? I just don't have the words to accurately describe how much a waste of oxygen and food you really are.
Besides you announced that you were done and were going to go find a team... guess that didn't pan out to well for you now did it (meaning that you're still here spewing... spew)
Posted 06 December 2013 - 07:27 AM
Randalf Yorgen, on 06 December 2013 - 05:10 AM, said:
WOW, for someone who refused to help spread the word about comstar/NGNG and who tried every trick in the book to get people not to use 3rd party VOIP could you be any more hypocritical? AND you are now trying to use this as an argument to support your position? I just don't have the words to accurately describe how much a waste of oxygen and food you really are.
Besides you announced that you were done and were going to go find a team... guess that didn't pan out to well for you now did it (meaning that you're still here spewing... spew)
You make a lot of assumptions, I never told or stopped anyone fro using voip and actually never told anyone not to. I would enjoy you coming up with an instance where I did.
As far as my joining a team I have had some offers and other discussions of forming one. If its really any of your business.
Of course none of this discussion is about me so when I see you making it about me I know you have already lost any argument you may of had. Your on the Roadbeer train I guess. Thanks
Posted 06 December 2013 - 10:06 AM
Teamspeak (or whatever alternative you use) is great, yes, but it requires extra software, logging onto a server, etc. There are legit reasons why I might not want to bother grouping, and if I'm not going to group, I'm not going to get onto Teamspeak. That doesn't mean I should be limited in how I communicate with the randoms with whom I drop.
Example: sometimes I sit down for a single drop between chores, or while I'm waiting for the wife to go out, whatever. It'd be nice to drop into my quick game and talk to the other randoms. It'd be more than nice: it'd be an equalizer between those who use Teamspeak and those who don't. Maybe that's why folks are voting no: they want their TS/VOIP/teamwork is OP condition to remain.
Look, if you voted no, you have to ask yourself why. Having other options isn't a reason to vote no: you can still use your other options, and you'll be improving things for the players who can't or don't do so. If it's because of the possibility of rude language and abuse, you could always mute, and given that these things work fine in the extremely childish XBox Live environment, the "think of the kids" argument falls pretty flat. If you can come up with a reason why this SHOULDN'T be done, I haven't seen it. All I see is selfishness: "this isn't something that will directly benefit me, so no" is the only motivation I see.
Posted 06 December 2013 - 12:07 PM
Mudhutwarrior, on 06 December 2013 - 04:04 AM, said:
No word on whether third party voip will be allowed but I cannot see how they will stop it.
All you guys fighting this tooth and nail lose. Sorry, its coming so no hard feelings but I suspect the complaint threads will be in the hundreds the day of implementation and the shoe will be on the other foot.
Seriously low and smug post there sir?
As long as it does not interfere with what I already have in any way shape or form it's all good. As long as I am not forced or urged to use it all good:)
But I predict some serious crying when in game voipers realise that most people will be ignoring them. Most will have it turned off:) Or be using what they have already got set up....
And if it puts any more load on the servers expect an almighty ragestorm and some serious consequences:(
I've played many, many games with it-it was rarely-IF EVER used in any of them....but lets hope it works and is positive....
Ferret, voip is not the main reason why teams win/lose mate. Teams lose because they exhibit sheep-like herd behaviour, and think of themselves before the team. Peeps on things like TS leave their ego at the door and play with their friends to win-not randoms.
That's your "edge" right there. They will take a hit for a friend, push when they are supposed to and LISTEN to their friends asking/speaking.
Randoms most likely WILL NOT do this-even when being spoken to.
Edited by kamiko kross, 06 December 2013 - 12:10 PM.
Posted 06 December 2013 - 01:03 PM
Posted 07 December 2013 - 07:02 AM
Im sure we have all been there where either some one has there mic not set to push to talk and is yelling at some one whos not in game (In there house as a example) or when a persons kid starts to cry. You dont want to hear it at all.
Posted 07 December 2013 - 08:14 AM
kamiko kross, on 06 December 2013 - 12:07 PM, said:
As long as it does not interfere with what I already have in any way shape or form it's all good. As long as I am not forced or urged to use it all good:)
But I predict some serious crying when in game voipers realise that most people will be ignoring them. Most will have it turned off:) Or be using what they have already got set up....
And if it puts any more load on the servers expect an almighty ragestorm and some serious consequences:(
I've played many, many games with it-it was rarely-IF EVER used in any of them....but lets hope it works and is positive....
Ferret, voip is not the main reason why teams win/lose mate. Teams lose because they exhibit sheep-like herd behaviour, and think of themselves before the team. Peeps on things like TS leave their ego at the door and play with their friends to win-not randoms.
That's your "edge" right there. They will take a hit for a friend, push when they are supposed to and LISTEN to their friends asking/speaking.
Randoms most likely WILL NOT do this-even when being spoken to.
Seriously low and smug post there sir?
Posted 07 December 2013 - 08:19 AM
Posted 07 December 2013 - 09:06 AM
kamiko kross, on 06 December 2013 - 12:07 PM, said:
But I predict some serious crying when in game voipers realise that most people will be ignoring them. Most will have it turned off:) Or be using what they have already got set up....
ToxinTractor, on 07 December 2013 - 07:02 AM, said:
These. In-game VOIP by itself wouldn't level the playing field for premades and randoms. If a premade is hell-bent on winning*, they will drop in a setup that maximizes that chance. They will synergize their builds. Randoms cannot do that even with VOIP.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not against in-game VOIP. It has it's situational uses, but intelligently designed quick buttons for spotting information or actions accomplish the same thing. People will toggle in-game VOIP off pretty quickly when they have Charles Child or Marcus Microphoneboost screaming distorted gibberish while Tommy Troll plays the troll song through his microphone.
*Side note: Even the evil premades exp their newest mechs, or just play casually. It's not all super coordination with only FOTM builds. 12v12 is for that

Posted 07 December 2013 - 09:10 AM
Me begins to wonder if the reason Me can't have lobbies is because not a whole lot of people would be there,
which is eerie
Edited by M4NTiC0R3X, 07 December 2013 - 09:13 AM.
Posted 09 December 2013 - 05:08 AM
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