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Marauder Contest - All Entry Voting! - Closed

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#101 Jetfire


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 04:40 PM

View Postblazingsky, on 14 November 2013 - 04:31 PM, said:

I definitely prefer Shimmering Sword's version over the others.

It is a really tough call, especially considering how incredible a lot of them are in detail, but if Shimmering swords design was redrawn by Marcobra with some of his attention to detail I think that Alex himself couldn't improve upon it.

#102 Moses Lanknau


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 04:49 PM

View PostFherot, on 14 November 2013 - 03:57 PM, said:

Original marauder wasn't an original design, it was just used under license as you know from an 80's unrealistic American rehash of Macross into Robotech. The original Marauder for battletech in my opinion was/is terrible. It is silly looking, gangly, and almost comical. Designed for a giant green haired alien guy.

I think battletech is big and important enough to have original designs for its universe. Its time to move on from the low-funded Battledroids.

There's lots of quality designs in this thread that are much better than the original zentraedi officer's pod for mechwarrior online.

in what terms better? unrealistic? hell ... mechs are at all unrealistc ... who would design a 12m tall tank if he could make one 1,5m tall one for the same 75tons weight, with same waepons and capabilities? practical design is for me not the right aspect ratio of any topic of mechs in battlech/mechwarrior, its all about fuucking orirginal fiction from the 80's, where even the jumpship designs with back mounted ion-drives to stay on parkingpositions at nadir points, and thier in contradiction back mounted solar sails, to collect energy from solar winds, doesnt make any realistícal/physical sense, even not with the knowledge of the 80's. so any try to turn battletech/mechwarrior into somthing beleveable/realistic let it lose its _charme_ to me, its not anymore original, and thats whahts all about!

Edited by CSR Moses Lanknau, 14 November 2013 - 04:52 PM.

#103 Moses Lanknau


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 05:03 PM

View PostJetfire, on 14 November 2013 - 04:35 PM, said:

Even if you dropped the cash for the lisc yourself and donated it to PGI... the classic battletech designs still need tweaking to fit the style of the game. To be honest a lot of the original designs were seriously ham handed. Giving the community a chance to voice there opinion visually and then letting Alex do a proffessional concept of it is a good crossroads. If there is anything about this game to love so far it is the mechs, arguments on scaling and hitboxes aside.

the style of the game needs to fit battletech, you want to say, never forget the origins, other wise you will get forgotten!

and no, i havent droped any cash yet, the game it selve is far away from my expectations, as a battletech/mechwarrior fan, it lacks anything that was propagated within the first 'ingame footage', not only original unseens, it even not uses the capabilities of ce3, just its limmits, it has not even has any way to drop only with your best friends fight out scenarios ... its is still alpha to me, just a techdemo with many flaws, it not even holds it self against mw4, or mw3 or mw2, it its right to be no yor fathers mechwarrior, it is less.

Edited by CSR Moses Lanknau, 14 November 2013 - 05:04 PM.

#104 ThunderHart


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 06:14 PM

Great work !!

#105 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 06:20 PM

View PostZephiris2, on 14 November 2013 - 06:09 AM, said:

i did not enter my own concept in the end, it is still work in progress... but! the contest motivated me to take out my mechpencils and back drawing on real paper again... also my wacom got dusted off and reconnected to play around with stuff...

i discovered the contest only 2 or 3 days from closing, so i just thought i'd give it a try, even though i knew from the beginning that i would not finish in time... in the end real life got the upper hand of my time and i did not finish my concept... i am going to finish it either way, since this contest really got something inside me moving again...

i will be posting my finished concept somewhere around here when it is finished (ok, definition of finished for me does not really exist, but you get the idea) ... :wub:


good for you! i'm in the same boat, i don't draw mecha usually and {or draw that much at all} and yes time is forever against us. still you should always enter and express your ideas if you can, hell i've put up some pencil sketchs and they've been recieved thuslly. however i've learned the L knees which kinda appeared on the reseen did just get alteration from me but macarbe did the same to a greater exstent and the cockpit princibles btween my own ideas and resident crows are simillar, that's why they got my first votes. it's made me incredibly happy that i've been able to think along the lines of the best artists here. if only i actually drew mecha more than say just starting last week and didn't have family and jobs to look after, i may have been entered a full colour job. /egotistical slobbering

but really that's nothing, the important thing achieved is telling PGI what are our expectations? well now we know we're all sharing simillar expectations and it's for some damn good refreshed designs!

Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 14 November 2013 - 06:23 PM.

#106 Grimmenstein


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 06:31 PM

SUBMISSION #2:\_by Bishop Steiner_

#107 MoonUnitBeta


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 08:29 PM

View PostCSR Moses Lanknau, on 14 November 2013 - 03:48 PM, said:

the mwo makers should just ask for ******* price (have they ever asked?) to the responsible rightholders of the unseens, than open up a kickstarter campain(or somthing like that) to get the ******* bucks together it needs, they just have to want it!
I literally wrote about 5000 words in response to this... but I erased it to attempt to condense it.

There's some thing that money can't buy, and Mastercard isn't going to help here. I am highly doubting that HG would consider selling the art, and would much rather keep the monopoly over the design and grief the other company/companies to try to work around their rights; then sue any company for infringing them if the line is crossed, and then reap the profits. In their eyes, it's safer money, and they get to keep the rights to the design.

Setting up a Kickstarter doesn't guarantee that a flood of cash is going to pour in from all corners of the Earth. I am implying this because that is literally what would need to happen if PGI were to have a hope at acquiring sufficient funds to make HG begin to consider the transfer - governments have probably banded together and spent less money on projects than it would take to interest HG. There is not a large enough fan base to support spending millions of dollars on a design that can be more easily dealt with by simply figuring out a working and compelling design, and one that could generate the same amount of or more profit; which, by the way, I hope that the "foul compromises" you mentioned were not directed to any of the contestant's entries found herein. To insult them like that steps you into less respectful grounds in my books, so I hope that you might reconsider that remark; you might not like the design and I understand that, but there is no need to be disrespectful here.

I will quote what I had mentioned in my previous post about modesty and compromises, because the subject on the Marauder's controversial design requires those two things to be present in regards to getting the mech (not the artwork, the actual Battletech mech) into the present playable game. Sheer aggressive force and wasteful use of money is destructive and risks disbanding the majority of the fan base if too many resources are spent wrongly, and adversely affecting the life of the game (read: PGI going bankrupt/Cancelling MWO).


. . . whenever you are switching from old to new, you’ll always have those who hold dear to the old and those who embrace the new. Finding that fine line to keep both sides happy can be tricky, but I hope that this contest helps ease that search, and I’d be very grateful if you took the time to consider this

I will also quote The Fifth Element. ". . . How your entire empire of destruction comes crashing down. All because of one little cherry."

Following your aggressive course disregarding the value of money, the Marauder could just be that one little cherry... I stand proudly behind this contest in hopes of paving a new path for the Marauder to walk down, and back into the realm of Mechwarrior. The same mech, but different look. And I feel that's a decent compromise that is not too hard to settle with. I will read your response to this, but I will not comment further because it's stepping out of my own guidelines for the thread, and this should be discussed elsewhere.


Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 14 November 2013 - 08:31 PM.

#108 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 08:56 PM

View PostMoonUnitBeta, on 14 November 2013 - 08:29 PM, said:



you are a better man than I.

Nothing cooler than being the douchenozzle who sticks his nose in unsolicited just to try to pizz in everyone's cheerios because he can't have things jsut the way HE wants it.

#109 First Day Reviews


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 08:59 PM

Well said moon! Great Contest regardless of haters :P

#110 Karyudo ds


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 09:31 PM

View PostFherot, on 14 November 2013 - 03:57 PM, said:

Original marauder wasn't an original design, it was just used under license as you know from an 80's unrealistic American rehash of Macross into Robotech. The original Marauder for battletech in my opinion was/is terrible. It is silly looking, gangly, and almost comical. Designed for a giant green haired alien guy.

Well actually I think it was licensed from Macross...Tatsunoko was to blame for Robotech but this isn't the thread for semantics :P

I would agree and disagree. The Glaug, like a number of the designs looked great. Specifically when drawn well (the TRO art wasn't that bad really). Whereas in the series when quality started to fail it fell victim to looking absolutely terrible fast, possibly one of the worst in the show. Watching them run was painful, I was thankful they mostly flew!

I do agree though, that design wasn't the Marauder really, it was an alien mech design for a series that still churns out releases today so I'd rather it be left there. If nothing else it should serve as a reminder of how bad an idea it is to license things like that. HG can't even use it in original animation anymore (though they can merchandise the {Scrap} out of it!) so while they try to squat on Trademarks it's otherwise dead weight for them too.

Edited by Karyudo ds, 14 November 2013 - 09:32 PM.

#111 Jonathan Paine


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 10:07 PM

I like several of the designs, but kept my votes to the ones that do not look too much like the unseen marauder. Thanks for doing this MoonUnitBeta and all contestants!

#112 JTAlweezy


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 11:12 PM

SUBMISSION #18:\_by Marcobra____ <--i think this should be it hands down.
SUBMISSION #24:\_"GONE MARAUDING" by ResidentCrow___ <<---this is a cool one though.

#113 Foster Bondroff


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 11:26 PM

View PostCSR Moses Lanknau, on 14 November 2013 - 01:45 PM, said:

i want the maroder EXACTLY Like describeded in "Decision at Thunder Rift", nothing else!

i dont understand where is the point of redesignig classic acredited material ... just give hmg/whoever 10million or whatever it nneds to get the unseens licensed for mwo, buy it free - thats way of capitlasm, accept this or be communist! - since this is is the last and for ever evolving mechwarrior(in your lifetime) ... it shouldnt be any problem to bind any given license direct to the titile of 'MWO' itselve, its even better this way, fur us, you are dammned to succes! ... forget abourt your cochones, they r cut away anway by courts long ago, those decided that the unseens arent your original properties, think praktical, think wise, think for us, we are your customers not your ******* ego!

thats exactly i want to spend 100$ for, not for ****** mc's to be uber or stupid colors!

so get the **** licesend! damn! give us a battletech worthy mechwarrior!

I think you are addressing the wrong people here. This is an unofficial contest of very very dedicaded Battletech and Mechwarrior fans and artists.

I am sure that most if not all participants and voters in here want the Marauder as it is described in Thunder Rift. Hell my first book was Mercenary Star and than the two other GDL books. Yes the art was included in the book, but for me the Marauder took form from imagination when reading the lines. Yeah i was a lucky one, cause the original art went along the lines of my imagination. But so do works presented here.

To me the Marauder is "the mech" not a mech, but "the mech". But although i really like the original design, this doesn't mean another design cannot be a Marauder.

I can only appeal to you go through the designs shown here open minded, with the lines from Thunder Rift before your eyes and imagine which of the art comes close or hits that imagination. If none does, so be it.

But than i appeal to you a second time, aim your anger at the right people and not at the great folks that organised this contest and attributed to it. They deserve the greatest respect for their efforts and dedication.

#114 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 01:16 AM

View PostIqfishLP, on 14 November 2013 - 03:51 PM, said:

I love to have participated in this contest by donating to the price money.

I regret nothing!

Hey, what happened to your design! It was awesome.

By which I mean it was about as good as the design I made.

I don't remember what occassion I made this for. I suspect to create some kind of uber mech that would look like a Marauder. (Google Translate Plünderer). :P

#115 Peiper


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 01:21 AM

View PostFoster Bondroff, on 14 November 2013 - 11:26 PM, said:

I think you are addressing the wrong people here. This is an unofficial contest of very very dedicaded Battletech and Mechwarrior fans and artists.

I am sure that most if not all participants and voters in here want the Marauder as it is described in Thunder Rift.

To me the Marauder is "the mech" not a mech, but "the mech". But although i really like the original design, this doesn't mean another design cannot be a Marauder.

I can only appeal to you go through the designs shown here open minded, with the lines from Thunder Rift before your eyes and imagine which of the art comes close or hits that imagination. If none does, so be it.

Agreed Foster,
I don't see how arguing over licensing or whether the original Marauder was the ubermech of all time. The point of the contest is to design a new marauder, that fits with both the style of MWO and gives honor to the older marauder. Though my favorite versions of the marauder are losing the contest, I have told everyone about the contest because it's full of some VERY creative takes on what is undeniably a challenging contest. How exactly do you make a new marauder that honors the old marauder without just copying the old marauder? And how do you change it so that it both doesn't look like another mech and still looks like a marauder without being a marauder? Mindboggling!

Edited by Peiper, 15 November 2013 - 01:24 AM.

#116 Sunzu Sonoma


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 01:32 AM

Awww awesome! :P

subission #28 would be a cool artwork for the nova as well

#117 B E E L Z E B U B


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 01:45 AM

i love the idea of the cockpit gaurds from submission 24.

but i like the heavy tank look that submission 25 gave us.

i guess my favorite would be to combine the two.

thanks to everyone who participated what a cool thread, wish we had more of these :P

#118 Jarvis Lancaster


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 02:36 AM

#24 residentcrow
#4 dadrick
#18 marcobra
#2 bishop steiner
#12 plexi

i knew the competition would be intense, but wow.

#119 ResidentCrow


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 02:49 AM

View PostPeiper, on 15 November 2013 - 01:21 AM, said:

Though my favorite versions of the marauder are losing the contest, I have told everyone about the contest because it's full of some VERY creative takes on what is undeniably a challenging contest. How exactly do you make a new marauder that honors the old marauder without just copying the old marauder? And how do you change it so that it both doesn't look like another mech and still looks like a marauder without being a marauder? Mindboggling!

For me this was a huge part of what made this contest fun. When I first realized what I had to do for the design my mind went pretty blank, and so I decided I had to participate. Trying to work my mind around that challenge was a lot of fun.

#120 Reno Blade


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 03:00 AM

Do we get a next round with top 10 and then top 3, or is the winner of this vote the end winner?

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