DaZur, on 18 November 2013 - 07:08 AM, said:
The MW:O playerbase is nowhere near as saturated as other more mainstream F2P offerings... The reality is, MW:O is a niche genre and as such, the playerbase pool is relatively shallow compared to similar offerings.
What a lot of player like yourself experience is nothing out of the norm if you think it through...
Example Players: "Bob" and "Tom"
-Bob and Tom have similar Elo rankings.
-Bob & Tom both reside in North America
-Bob & Tom both play between 8PM & 12AM
-Bob & Tom both are grinding with their go-to mechs... so they tend to re-launch immediately upon returning to their mech bay.
Taking the above into consideration, Tom and Bob are an example of a perfect storm... A statistical rut where their Elo and play-styles predicate a perceptually disproportionate odds of playing / seeing each other.
Truth is... It's not nearly as uncommon as one would think.

But if the game is so niche, and everybody on all sides know it's niche, then why is it okay that all we have so far for our niche game is mid 90s shooter gameplay, with about the same netcode?
Why didn't they make a rich niche game for their rich niche audience? Could it be because of their hubris, and because they knew everybody would grab deal mechs, mechs, mechs, MECHS!!!! to a point?
I'm not saying they realized they don't have to do any work to make a huge profit in the short term, but they really did realize how to make a huge profit in the short term.
Now 'short term' is done and over with.
Your move, PGI.
Edited by Vassago Rain, 18 November 2013 - 07:37 AM.