We are right at the window where UI2.0 was promised to us at the Launch Event. Let's see if they can deliver that in the next 3 or 4 weeks.
IMO... not giving us a lobby system, i.e. 4v4, 8v8, 12v12 and the ability to drop 4,8 or 12man groups into training grounds for actual unit training are all HUGE mistakes on PGIs part. We could have put our own faction related drops together for months now and at least be fighting Against Our Enemies!
I bought an Overlord and Saber Package...AFTER the Launch Event, but other than the Tbolt and BatMaster, haven't piloted the other two much. I drop with my unit one or two nights a week as my schedule permits, but don't have the same desire to play like I did back in the mid-summer. The game has long since become boring and stagnant. The Phoenix Mechs were fun for about two weeks...now...Meh.
No new game mode(s) is also another HUGE fail on PGIs part. Even something as simple as just changing the base and cap locations on existing maps seems to be too much effort for PGI to deal with to mix things up a bit.
I really want this game to succeed, but launch was a total snooze-fest and there is very little to no relief on the near horizon. I just don't know if the game can stay on life support long enough to get the content it really needs.. The communication has certainly gotten better on PGIs part, and I applaud them for that, but they need to deliver on content, not just new mechs... and FAST!
I love this franchise but if not for all the great folks in my unit, I don't know how much I'd be playing right now.
Edited by Ingvay, 18 November 2013 - 02:41 PM.