Blood Scorpion
Posted 21 November 2013 - 08:10 AM
Only time travell or time and place travell and the creation of a new society some where else -after they are finished they attack - with superjump capability and stealth systems.
hard to say how the IS would look in 3201... i really hope that those Jadechicken will not be able to celebrate a 100 years Operation Revival.
nova cats in 3201 shouldn't be a problem eighter, and Clan Wolf in Excile is more IS rather than Clan.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 08:46 AM
Marack Drock, on 21 November 2013 - 07:42 AM, said:
To my reading(and Play testing) there is no Cloaking in AeroTech. Putting that aside, You are not a Clan with a mere 20 Mechs. I'd start off in the Periphery, around Nueva Castile or Jarnfolk. Jarnfolk have a better rep as far as fighting skills go. Get a power base, some industry, and take your time growing. If WoB can do it so should you be able.
Or you could go the Clan Wolverine route instead, as they were known to have questioned the will of Kerensky.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 09:44 AM
There is only a single instance of 'superjump' technology and that was not made until around the Jihad era (~3067-ish). There is no 'cloaking' technology as far as Interstellar ships are concerned. The only true cloaking is the Void Signature System, used in the Raptor II. Again, a Jihad era technology.
Regardless, you need to extensively rethink your years and take a generous reading of the entire battletech lore timeline. But if you take the Fanon route, then none of this matters. However this thread would need to be moved out of the Clans section.
Also, WoB means Word of Blake, you disgusting amalgamation of DNA.
Speak of the Master and he shall appear...
Posted 21 November 2013 - 10:13 AM
Marack Drock, on 21 November 2013 - 08:58 AM, said:
what does WoB mean?
You will have a hard time, getting around using tech that was not in the universe. You should have been there when CatLab(?) introduced a Jumpdrive that had double capacity! Yup 60 light years instead of 30! The outrage was epic!
Word of Blake
Posted 21 November 2013 - 10:21 AM
pbiggz, on 20 November 2013 - 03:18 PM, said:
Slow down! There hasn't even been a formal batchall yet!
This is either a trial of grievance, refusal, or annihilation, but nobody touches anyone until a proper batchall.
Marack Drock, on 20 November 2013 - 02:46 PM, said:
Actually i had not challenged anyone (yet), rather making an example.
I neither see nothing that can be just Refused nor i can start a Trial of Annihilation by miself. Only one is left..
Well, i am usually one who loves to use the correct words for Clan rituals and i often search them in the novels. I do not remember atm where i could find a formal declaration of a Trial of Grievance (found only kind of "I challenge you to a duel").
So i will try to catch the spirit of the words rather than the word themselves. Btw, the Wolf Clan is know for their distaste for formalities which annoys so much the Falcons, quiaff?

So i, MechWarrior CyclonerM, previously Bondsman of Clan Wolf, have earned my rights and privilege as a warrior, defeating a warrior in honorable combat. I have also defeated an experienced warrior answering his open challenge in honorable duels. Every child of Kerensky in these forums knows my standing here and my rights: so i hereby challenge you, Marack Drock of Clan Blood Scorpion, to a Trial of Grievance for your direct crusade against my Clan. I will show how you are wrong in your disrispect of our view about the will of Kerensky. As the challenged, you have the right to choose how you wish to fight and which class of BattleMechs you want to fight in. I will choose the place of the Circle of Equals once we have dropped in a map. This will be done according to the way of the Clans as laid down by the Founder Nicholas Kerensky. In this solemn matter, let no one interfere.
What is your bid?
EDIT: i see you are online, i can fight right now if you are quick enough (i will have to go soon)
Word of Blake
Edited by CyclonerM, 23 November 2013 - 07:48 AM.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 10:37 AM
Marack Drock, on 21 November 2013 - 10:34 AM, said:
What is your timezone? Mine is GMT+1.
Edited by CyclonerM, 21 November 2013 - 10:37 AM.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 10:51 AM
Marack Drock, on 21 November 2013 - 10:46 AM, said:
No problem, you may want to postpone it to 4 pm GMT+1? Should be around 21:00-22:00 in your timezone.
Oh, and mediums are perfect.
Joseph Mallan, on 21 November 2013 - 10:51 AM, said:

If you speak of her as a master, one might thinks that you belong to her

Edited by CyclonerM, 21 November 2013 - 10:53 AM.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 10:54 AM
Marack Drock, on 21 November 2013 - 10:53 AM, said:
Aff. just shoot me a pm here or find me in the NGNG TS server (Clan Wolf channel at the bottom).
Edited by CyclonerM, 21 November 2013 - 10:54 AM.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 11:53 AM
Marack Drock, on 20 November 2013 - 05:46 PM, said:
Cloud Cobra
Wolf (Rebuilding forces)
Jade Falcon (almost destroyed)
Diamond Shark
Goliath Scorpion
Star Adder
Stone Lion
Wolf in Exile (Smaller and not near the threat)
Hell's Horses (which will be almost gone)
These will be the only rivals. Oh and for all you Wolves out there as I did state the Scorpions do not seek to conquer but to enlighten. The Inner Sphere on the other hand must be taught a lesson. Also I may add that you Wolves did take place in the Clan Wars and Vlad did threaten Victor with restarting them (very honorable in our standards and we respect Ward but we will not stand with Kerensky).
Well I have read the Era Report: 3145 and I can tell you that you don't need to worry about the Wolf in Exiles...since they pretty much assimilated themselves into the Steiner way of life.
Marack Drock, on 20 November 2013 - 07:09 PM, said:

Karl Streiger, on 21 November 2013 - 08:10 AM, said:
Only time travell or time and place travell and the creation of a new society some where else -after they are finished they attack - with superjump capability and stealth systems.
hard to say how the IS would look in 3201... i really hope that those Jadechicken will not be able to celebrate a 100 years Operation Revival.
nova cats in 3201 shouldn't be a problem eighter, and Clan Wolf in Excile is more IS rather than Clan.
Of course the Nova Cats wont be a problem. They dead. The Draconis Combine went on an annihalation of all Nova Cats in 3143.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 11:56 AM
Posted 21 November 2013 - 12:02 PM

Thought this map would you help you out to know the state of the Inner Sphere at the farthest point in time so far.
Edited by DerangedShadow, 21 November 2013 - 12:02 PM.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 12:07 PM

Posted 21 November 2013 - 12:12 PM
Posted 21 November 2013 - 12:17 PM
DerangedShadow, on 21 November 2013 - 11:53 AM, said:
Well I have read the Era Report: 3145 and I can tell you that you don't need to worry about the Wolf in Exiles...since they pretty much assimilated themselves into the Steiner way of life.

Of course the Nova Cats wont be a problem. They dead. The Draconis Combine went on an annihalation of all Nova Cats in 3143.
I wouldn't think the Combine could match the Cats Naval might... 7 Aegis is a extremely powerful force.
DerangedShadow, on 21 November 2013 - 12:12 PM, said:
Not sure if I wannabe sad or happy about this!

Posted 21 November 2013 - 12:24 PM
Joseph Mallan, on 21 November 2013 - 12:17 PM, said:
What happened with the Cats is that they rebelled against the Coordinator with the hope of gaining territory for themselves under their own flag by following the "rightful" leader. They failed because they were unable to match the might of the Dragon, who basically ignored Devlin Stone and was conitnually building up a force. The only Cats left are dubbed the Spirit Cats, who do not see themselves as Nova Cats, and are off with the Sea Foxes holding a few planets in the Marik zone.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 12:48 PM
If you are looking for any lore related information. Sarna.net is the place to go
Joseph Mallan, on 21 November 2013 - 12:17 PM, said:

The reason they merged with the periphery nations is that they wanted to survive the Reaving War that was going on in the Clan Homeworlds. They were a weak clan compared to the others and saw how it worked for the Ghost Bears so they wanted to emulate them, just like what the Snow Ravens did with the Outworlds Alliance to create the Raven Alliance. This move into the Periphery came after they merged with the remnants of the Ice Hellions.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 01:07 PM
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