IU just want to say something here for a pilot who has been playing mechwarrior online since early closed beta. The best mechs i've seen in this game, by far, are in this order: Battlemasters, BlackJacks, Jaegers, and Jenners/firestarters.
You may be thinking i'm crazy but honestly here's why:
For Newbs, these platforms are easy to get geared up nicely, and sort of cheaply. I have spent 12 million on ONE shadowhawk trying to figure out good combos because of sad, SAD hardpoints. The aim of the game is to last as LONG as POSSIBLE with all weapons to deal most damage to help YOUR TEAM WIN!
Blackjacks are small medium mechs that pack a punch, and at high speeds. It is so much fun and so easy to get really good at the 1-x by placing an xl275 on it later and just running 8 meds. The blackjacks arms, where the majority of hardpoints are, are really hard to take off unless you shut down.
Battlemasters follow the name of the game and the mech, they are the BATTLE MASTERS! These guys become insanely awesome when you find comfortable builds, with the Phoenix variants i have mastered each and racked up seriously awesome support, brawler, and plain fun builds. Such as 4 large and 3SRM6 w/artemis that goes 64-72. I mean, Just buying the Battlemaster that comes with 6 meds and a ppc and an srm 2 or what not is by far coming as a premade. It's like buying a champion! It comes perfect. Also, the other battlemaster from phoenix works amazingly well with 3-AC2s and 4 medium lasers, and an xl275. Silly, YES, but effective, you bet your bucks on it.
Jaegers- These guys are plain scary. They are thin medium mechs, and the dbAC20 Jaeger far outweighs the Cat because it can stick those ACs on it's arms. Also, like the blackjack, it can have some really fun builds. 2AC20s and 2 med pulses works great for some, and if you really like kills, run 2LB10xacs, 2 machine guns, and 4 med lasers on the 3rd jaeger. You will not believe how easy it is to take kills, and understand the sheer firepower of the almighty Jaegers. Like it has been said, we've got the moves like Jaeger.
And Jenners and Firestarters are ramping up in awesomeness. I just plain reccomend them for not only their iconic awesomeness. but the fact that they have many easy to build builds and effective armor. Second to these are ravens, but be warned, its really hard to get used to mr. mcslowgo raven. You'll know him when you see him. And DO NOT GET HUGINN.
The problem with shadowhawks and victors, They are BIG targets, (mind this: shadowhawks arent as bad as Kintaros, or locuts
) Also, the hardpoints on shadowhawks are a big problem, there is only on shadowhawk that has good hardpoints, the others are hard to find good builds with unless you know your playstyle. beforehand. The things is they have a sort-of hunch and a problematic arm slots. Where sometimes 80% of the firepower can be eliminated like the centurion.
Edited by Xenithos, 22 May 2014 - 02:17 PM.