Zyllos, on 27 November 2013 - 08:00 AM, said:
My view on tonnage limits and lance sizes will hopefully not be a "static" value.
It would be interesting to allow House/Merc/Unit's to have "assets", like assault, vanguard, defense, ect.
Moving these assets around on the CW map modifies the base static values of tonnage and player limit within the game. Assets are destroyed dependent on the outcome of the battle.
Each asset type modifies the values of the battle based on the situation the asset type is assigned to. Each battle situation already has a it's own tonnage limit and 12 mechs fieldable.
For example, a defense asset type would gain a bonus in tonnage when defending to reflect the "heavier" assets and don't need to move from it's objectives. But if the defense asset has to attack for any reason (maybe your forward assets were destroyed but you almost have the city taken, thus you move the defense asset up to finish up), you lose the tonnage limit bonus and you can only field 10 mechs.
The assault type is good for initial planetary attacks, thus there is no modification to the planetary battle situation. All other asset types normally receive some type of penalty for attempting a planetary assault. The assault asset might receive a small penalty in tonnage when doing defense and attack battle situations.
Hell, you might even be able to allow for specific bonuses for House specialties, like a Liao unit asset, Dragon's are always considered 5 tons more/less for (you never know, maybe you want to underfield tonnage to allow for more lights, so a +/- tonnage should allow for that) meeting the requirements to drop.
What the above system is suppose to add variety to each battle so that each one is slightly different. It also adds a bit of strategy. This is what I hope is the ultimate goal.
I love this idea. Something that is dynamic and adds flavor to the game rather than nerfing the experience.
There is a canon based logic behind weight limits and that is the limitation of the drop ships that are being employed. I would love to see something of this nature. I understand that some people want to be able to drop in a group in whatever they want hell, some of the most entertaining matches I have been a part of is 12 man light packs.
However, it is a bit depressing to see that for the most part (at least in most of the 12 mans I am in) most players bring assaults. It's rare to see a heavy or medium.
I like the idea of a dynamic weight system based on game mode and resources. Back when they first introduced 12v12 games I was one of the few that was also for 4v4 games and 8v8 games. Again, something to bring flavor to what has become a fairly static game.
Technoviking, on 27 November 2013 - 08:22 AM, said:
Yes, Well, lets hope things aren't done terribly, and there is a freaking economy along with CW. If CW is one big no time/no repair infinite magic mech Counterstrike fest it is now... then CW is just a color coded ladder league anyway.
but lets assume they do it right for a second.
But lets say the Front is 60 LY away, where an important planet named Xex is being fought over.
You want to be there. Your mechs are on Yep. (also on Wow, Tot, Ubu you have a lot of mechs but they are more than 2 jumps away.)
It costs 10 million to jump there, and you have a dropship that can carry 400 tons.
Do you bring all 4 Assault mechs? A mixture of 8 'mechs? Remember, after all your 'mechs are dead you have to use House supplied stock (trial) 'mechs if the battle is continuing. (in imaginary awesome land)
Maybe they add missions, and your first step is "Recon", or "Secure LZ" and you have to take all the control points in part of time. Assaults wont' do it.
All kinds of ways to make CW not suck, and limits happen by default of role, or availability, or Dropship size...
Again, a great idea.
Edited by 42and19, 27 November 2013 - 08:25 AM.