Project Update - Dec 2/2013 - Feedback
Posted 11 December 2013 - 09:32 AM
someone has filled this forum with haterade. I can not believe all of the complaining that goes on. Do I think everything is perfect? no, do I care? yup. Do I have a choice whether to spend money and or time on this game? yup. That is the bottom line here. We are all making the choice to play, people come here and beat on the developers for what we do not have, I'm kinda digging what we do have, I still play regularly, in a thriving community. I'm just glad that the percentage of people that play Vs the amount of people on the forums is a wholly different number, I come here once a month ish, and every time I get p.o'd at some of the posts. If some people put half the effort into playing that they do complaining, they might enjoy the game.
Keep it coming PGI, the more the merrier, don't let up now or this thread may come to life and chase you around lol
Posted 11 December 2013 - 10:53 AM
Reno Blade, on 11 December 2013 - 05:28 AM, said:
I have to wonder.... are you just not counting MA, MA2LW, MAPW as Mechwarrior games?
Cause I would rate those as worse than 4.
(and would fully understand if you simply didn't count those.... not sure I do either)
Posted 11 December 2013 - 10:56 AM
Shar Wolf, on 11 December 2013 - 10:53 AM, said:
I have to wonder.... are you just not counting MA, MA2LW, MAPW as Mechwarrior games?
Cause I would rate those as worse than 4.
(and would fully understand if you simply didn't count those.... not sure I do either)
I believe most people that grew up on the MechWarrior franchise would say those MA titles are not
MechWarrior games.
Posted 11 December 2013 - 11:37 AM
Shar Wolf, on 11 December 2013 - 10:53 AM, said:
I have to wonder.... are you just not counting MA, MA2LW, MAPW as Mechwarrior games?
Cause I would rate those as worse than 4.
(and would fully understand if you simply didn't count those.... not sure I do either)
Aye. Not a MW game for me

Posted 11 December 2013 - 11:48 AM
lpmagic, on 11 December 2013 - 09:32 AM, said:
PGI has filled this forum with haterade. I can not believe all of the complaining that goes on. Do I think everything is perfect? no, do I care? yup. Do I have a choice whether to spend money and or time on this game? yup. That is the bottom line here. We are all making the choice to play, people come here and beat on the developers for what we do not have, I'm kinda digging what we do have, I still play regularly, in a thriving community. I'm just glad that the percentage of people that play Vs the amount of people on the forums is a wholly different number, I come here once a month ish, and every time I get p.o'd at some of the posts. If some people put half the effort into playing that they do complaining, they might enjoy the game.
Keep it coming PGI, the more the merrier, don't let up now or this thread may come to life and chase you around lol
Posted 11 December 2013 - 01:43 PM
please get updates out, stop waiting to have a polished product...this game (as much as anyone might claim) is still a early beta (its missing all its core content that you plan on having and will be well into next year, still testing)...and has been exactly the same for that last year, granted new mechs, items, maps and a "modified" game type. You haven't really given anything to retain players, nothing that constructs a value. Do away with the PTS, integrate it, so we can test/play and give feed back right then and there, with out having to hunt down, plan around and wait for "you." Do that as fast as possible, you really should give something to the community as a way of saying "thank you for all the support" and "we're sorry," Private match making and a option for stock mechs is a really good start, if not you can go the easy way and give some MC and/or C-Bills, it has to be meaningful not a lose change offering...
On a personal note I feel that picking 3049/3050 for the Clan Invasion was biting off more then you can chew, the simple truth that you have broken your opening promise to "us" the community, the fans and your customers ...We wanted a MechWarrior, a BattleTech game, not a parody of it. We want to help you, look at some people in the community to help with working on all aspects of the game (its diverse, people have skills that can help you do everything you may need), and not just opening forum threads for every ones feedback.
Please get back to the original goal that you set out for making this game, the inspiration that you set out in making the video that started everything...MechWarrior Reboot, to reawaken the MechWarrior/BattleTech franchise...
Posted 11 December 2013 - 04:44 PM
lpmagic, on 11 December 2013 - 09:32 AM, said:
someone has filled this forum with haterade. I can not believe all of the complaining that goes on. Do I think everything is perfect? no, do I care? yup. Do I have a choice whether to spend money and or time on this game? yup. That is the bottom line here. We are all making the choice to play, people come here and beat on the developers for what we do not have, I'm kinda digging what we do have, I still play regularly, in a thriving community. I'm just glad that the percentage of people that play Vs the amount of people on the forums is a wholly different number, I come here once a month ish, and every time I get p.o'd at some of the posts. If some people put half the effort into playing that they do complaining, they might enjoy the game.
Keep it coming PGI, the more the merrier, don't let up now or this thread may come to life and chase you around lol
The issue is they have repeatedly set expectations that they don't come ANYWHERE CLOSE TO MEETING, people are upset for good reasons. I don't come on the forums bashing PGI often, but I have my limits. When you are told over and over again that the game will have this feature and that feature by certain times you expect them to be at least delivered in some way shape for form on or around that time frame.
Community warfare is integral part to making a Battletech MMO game a success and it was promised to be starting to delivered JANUARY 2013 and they haven't even started working on it yet! U.I. 2.0 has been talked about forever! And it still is months away?
Here is a PC Gamer article about CW from DECEMBER 7, 2011 which basically gives us the same level of information about it that we currently have:
I can be patient with a company developing a game I know I will enjoy, what upsets me is that they say they are going to do something and never live up to it. Defend them if you wish but people are upset for a good reason, if you choose to attack people for being upset with PGI maybe you should understand a little about what you are talking about.
Posted 11 December 2013 - 04:50 PM
Please, no. I would like to be able to read over a list of things, at my own rate, in bits and pieces without needing to listen. Stop getting so hung up on this. Updates can be easy. Did you so something cool today? Nice, make a three sentence post about it.
Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:20 PM
To put it bluntly, MWO should be by far the most popular game in the genre. MWO should crush War Thunder by the simple virtue of it's name and pedigree. It's also what's staving off it's death right now (if I'm wrong, prove me, show us just how many people play it).
food for thought. MWO vs. WT.
War Thunder went into Open Beta Nov 1, 2012. For all intents and purposes, they're the same age.
War Thunder just went over 5,000,000 accounts with over 30,000 playing simultaneously at any one time.
War Thunder is entering OPEN BETA for it's first real expansion - ground combat.
War Thunder radically redoes it's UI in March 2013. Reaches 1 million ACTIVE accounts.
War Thunder had proper factions implemented as of April 2013.
War Thunder also has full VOIP implementation as of April 2013.
War Thunder had a big graphical overhaul in June 2013.
War Thunder has a proper ranking system in July 2013.
War Thunder has at least 9 UNIQUE maps which are FAR larger and FAR more complicated than MWO's.
War Thunder has 9 plane categories with each category having way over10 different chassis in there.
In the meanwhile, MWO has released 3 maps and 2 variants of previous maps, several mech chassis and promissed to redo the UI and a framework for us to work with.
Yes, Gaijin has more funding to work with, that's because people play their game and no, Gaijin doesn't have far more people working for them, their studio is around 60 people.
What's with the discrepency then? MWO's stalled at the starting line and War Thunder's been growing monstrously over the past months.
For the record, I'm not intrested in playing War Thunder, I'm one of the people keeping MWO alive. I might be illogical but I'm not blind.
Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:21 PM
Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:31 PM
BLACKFIRE, on 11 December 2013 - 05:21 PM, said:
Not only that, but if IS and Clan mechs are the same, how do you expect the clans in CW to take the IS by storm, they would just grind to a stalemate at the border. The simpler solution would be a gradual implementation. Let the clans have more powerful weapons and mechs but have only 8 players to their side per match. That would balance out nicely at first. As time goes by and IS fights the clans, people start salvaging clan tech and mechs and the odds become more equal. By then the clans have gained significant turf. At that point the IS should be able to stand it's own against the clans and you can raise the clan drop limit to 10 or 12 per drop since both sides are closer to being in the same category. Instead, we have both sides which are equal with a potential stalemate right out of the gate with CW with the only way to advance the clans being an arbitrary advantage which could cause a community backlash because they then don't really "control" the destiny of the clans. Not to mention, giving turf arbitrarily will make the IS mad because, well, they fought over the turf and then "GOD" gives it to the clans, regardless of weather they won or lost the battles of it.
Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:32 PM
Reno Blade, on 11 December 2013 - 05:28 AM, said:
I wrote 100million for Star citicen.
I waited over 10 years with only the worst MW game: MW4.
Now I played 1 year of decent MWO. It did not get worse, it grew slowly, but for some, thats too slow.
I and you (we all) are part of the growing game. If you wanted to have a finished game, you should not have bought Founders pack and have waited for Launch or later (next year when CW is complete) instead.
Why you/we didn't? Because we love Mechwarrior and want to be part of it.
matey you are right about us all being here because we love it. I have loved this franchise since cresent hawks inception and even before with the tabletop game. I disagree about mw4 being the worst game and I also wonder if you ever bothered looking for others out there like MWLL an amazing game or even some of the mods that came out for mw4. look i'd say most of us are fed up with the fact that an unfinished game went live and scared off most of the newcomers and the fact that this game is getting further and further from MechWarrior every day. I still play every night and I still spend money in hopes it gets better. just wish they'd fix the issues that need fixing and not worry about the {Scrap} that doesn't.
Posted 12 December 2013 - 12:22 AM
Ram71, on 11 December 2013 - 05:32 PM, said:
Yes, I played all MW4merc packs from MekTek and they did a great job. Still the game was further away from BattleTech than any other MW game.
MWLL was awesome, but its best aspect (imho) was the mixed combat (tanks, air, vtol, mechs).
I don't really understand why you are saying MWO is moving further away from Mechwarrior every day? Most complain about slow development.
Adding content (even as small as sales and new skins) is better than doing nothing official and only working on the big stuff behind the scenes, I'd say.
Doing some quick stuff like this does not impact development of the rest.
Posted 12 December 2013 - 02:41 AM
Lysander Voidrunner, on 11 December 2013 - 05:20 PM, said:
To put it bluntly, MWO should be by far the most popular game in the genre. MWO should crush War Thunder by the simple virtue of it's name and pedigree. It's also what's staving off it's death right now (if I'm wrong, prove me, show us just how many people play it).
food for thought. MWO vs. WT.
War Thunder went into Open Beta Nov 1, 2012. For all intents and purposes, they're the same age.
War Thunder just went over 5,000,000 accounts with over 30,000 playing simultaneously at any one time.
War Thunder is entering OPEN BETA for it's first real expansion - ground combat.
War Thunder radically redoes it's UI in March 2013. Reaches 1 million ACTIVE accounts.
War Thunder had proper factions implemented as of April 2013.
War Thunder also has full VOIP implementation as of April 2013.
War Thunder had a big graphical overhaul in June 2013.
War Thunder has a proper ranking system in July 2013.
War Thunder has at least 9 UNIQUE maps which are FAR larger and FAR more complicated than MWO's.
War Thunder has 9 plane categories with each category having way over10 different chassis in there.
In the meanwhile, MWO has released 3 maps and 2 variants of previous maps, several mech chassis and promissed to redo the UI and a framework for us to work with.
Yes, Gaijin has more funding to work with, that's because people play their game and no, Gaijin doesn't have far more people working for them, their studio is around 60 people.
What's with the discrepency then? MWO's stalled at the starting line and War Thunder's been growing monstrously over the past months.
For the record, I'm not intrested in playing War Thunder, I'm one of the people keeping MWO alive. I might be illogical but I'm not blind.
Don't forget, regarding War Thunder:
Even though WT has what I consider a more than adequate UI presently, we're getting another UI update soon to accommodate tanks.
Also, we're getting some new passes on graphics, again, to make the game as pretty on the ground as it has been in the air.
Let's not forget also, the cost of premium planes, the most expensive costing approx. $12 ......
And.. the New Player Experience.... 10 in depth tutorials, that teach the entire core game, and give rewards for completing them. Some missions even require you doing the tutorials. I did them, and was 100% prepared for the game, where all I had to do was learn to aim.
And... the November Event where they GAVE OUT premium currency. You won X amount of missions, you got PREMIUM currency.
Oh, and they have bundled packs and have for quite some time. I spent the money I had aside for Phoenix, and spent it on WT instead. Their top tier pack war normally $80, was on sale for 25% off, nabbed it for $60, got 2 premium campaigns, 5 premium planes, 90 days Premium account, and 10,000 in premium currency.
I get a very stable game, with a very good UI, no crashes, no getting stuck on a cactus.
Their MM is a great bit better than ours, yet does need additional tweaking, but the new tiering system is being done to fix that. There are some Flight Model, and Damage Model issues, like we have, but they don't stretch out nearly as far as we have here.
Read their forums. Vast difference in public posts' attitude. Mostly because the community isn't polarized like we here at MWO, as the large part of the userbase there is quite content, which is a reflection on Gaijin.
It's baffling how in 2013, an IP like MWO can end up like this. WT doesn't even have an IP, it's simply WW2.
Edited by Ensaine, 12 December 2013 - 02:42 AM.
Posted 12 December 2013 - 04:48 AM
Let's go point by point.
- "War Thunder went into Open Beta Nov 1, 2012. For all intents and purposes, they're the same age."
Sure, they didn't do any premature launch, but that launch line is pretty blurred for all F2P MMO games.
- "War Thunder just went over 5,000,000 accounts with over 30,000 playing simultaneously at any one time."
Not sure about accounts, but at 4 AM at GMT+4, when daily bonuses reset (and when I play) online peaks at 13-15k players. Sure, it's higher at Russian prime time, but it seems to me that it has a lot more audience in Russia, given its lineage.
- "War Thunder is entering OPEN BETA for it's first real expansion - ground combat."
Which includes tanks, that have like whole 1 ballistic weapon compared to our battlemechs, and is just adding a new unit type to existing game on existing maps. Good effort? Sure, considering how hard Gaijin is trying to steal players from World of Tanks. True Expansion? Please. Did you see tank physics? Or the amount of whine about how unrealistic they are?
- "War Thunder radically redoes it's UI in March 2013. Reaches 1 million ACTIVE accounts."
War Thunder has a minimalistic UI with basically text on buttons. It also has some icons for crew training and aircraft upgrades right now, but those are getting removed in favor of text-on-buttons in 1.37 (good thing we get to keep icons we have for upgrades). What exactly is so great about that UI? The fact that it turns green from gray in new patch? Please. It just gets the job done, but so does MWO's.
- "War Thunder had proper factions implemented as of April 2013."
I'm surprised to even see this. Isn't that because nations in WW2 had distinct vehicles to manufacture? Or would you like to be unable to buy Cat K2 because it's a Kuritan mech? I'm glad that MWO has no faction restrictions for mechs. I swear I am.
- "War Thunder also has full VOIP implementation as of April 2013."
Which is never used. Because noobs even in Arcade just roll out their fighters and manage to lose games with one enemy tank left (which they can kamikaze into to win), while 2 enemy bombers roll over your 15+ tanks and grab a win for their team. I've been playing WT for 4 months, I've NEVER heard anyone use VOIP.
- "War Thunder had a big graphical overhaul in June 2013."
This might be subjective, but even with DX-11 on 1.37 dev server, WT doesn't look nearly as pretty as MWO. Sure, it kicks *** performance-wise, but If you have a proper rig, MWO is still a treat to look at, while WT is just "hey nice shadows, but I still have hexagonal barrels for most of my guns on most of my planes".
- "War Thunder has a proper ranking system in July 2013."
Say what??? WT doesn't have player ranking AT ALL. You're being thrown with 15 absolutely random people every time. Yes, the aircraft are "balanced" by era (which is getting simplified in 1.37 from 20 tiers to 5), but don't even get me started on poostorm on the forums, about how many aircraft are placed in wrong eras and balanced against wrong opponents, ranging from 4 x 20mm Cannon premium Mustang buyers complaining that it's not pay 2 win enough for their money, to poor Me-262s being thrown against MiGs and Sabres and being owned with no chances to win. I happen to speak Russian as a second language. Trust me, Russian whine is like no whine you've ever seen.
- "War Thunder has at least 9 UNIQUE maps which are FAR larger and FAR more complicated than MWO's."
Once again, this is a silly argument. Should I start explaining why aircraft maps CAN NOT be more detailed than ground combat maps? Or why they're larger? Or that Earth in 1940s had far less complicated landscapes than alien worlds in 3050s? On a side note, weather in WT is nice, and very rare night maps are really good. Now that random time and weather would be really nice to get in MWO, along with floodlights on mechs.
- "War Thunder has 9 plane categories with each category having way over10 different chassis in there."
Please, enlighten us, what 9 categories are you talking about? Because I recall fighters, bombers and attackers (or do you count naval fighters and torpedo carriers among different categories?). Once again, should I even mention how my beloved bombers have no chances of survival in arcade, because of negligible efficiency of their gunners, or how they still have not much to do in historical, so much that Gaijin is addressing this just now in upcoming 1.37?
- "Even though WT has what I consider a more than adequate UI presently, we're getting another UI update soon to accommodate tanks."
See above
- "Also, we're getting some new passes on graphics, again, to make the game as pretty on the ground as it has been in the air."
See above.
- "Let's not forget also, the cost of premium planes, the most expensive costing approx. $12 ......"
Ah yes, those premium planes that have many cannons and lowered ranks like that premium Typhoon, or those captured planes allowing you to fly P-47 as German. All of them being either P2W or useless, so much that 1.37 is overhauling the entire leveling system to make you "research" a plane by flying another plane and earning research points before you can even buy it, which suddenly makes premium planes a lot more viable for farming research points in 1.37, since half of them were pointless in 1.35.
- "And.. the New Player Experience.... 10 in depth tutorials, that teach the entire core game, and give rewards for completing them. Some missions even require you doing the tutorials. I did them, and was 100% prepared for the game, where all I had to do was learn to aim."
Learn to aim with a mouse, while instructor is flying your plane, with an aim indicator that makes it sooooooo easy for casual crowd to aim and hit. So much that youtube is ripe with commercials of aimbots for WT that abuse that aim marker. Except the aim marker is sometimes a horrible liar, making it impossible to hit with weapons like German MG/FF, because the marker only takes into account one of your weapons. I call a double fail experience-wise, but a pure win commerce-wise. Now housewives know how to fly WW2 planes. Yeah. On an irrelevant side note, Gaijin is pushing some more realistic engine thermodynamic models in 1.37. And players are now required to manually open radiators to keep their engines cool, because autopilot just keeps radiators closed. Amount of whine about this?: Godzillastic.
- "And... the November Event where they GAVE OUT premium currency. You won X amount of missions, you got PREMIUM currency."
Which is worth a lot on low levels, but ain't worth jack blast beyond 10. You got 400 eagles from the event, now you can get half the lions you need for that overpriced overtiered F4U-Ic Corsair with a repair cost so high you could buy buy a tier 5 plane (smth like 34k for RB?). Generous eh?. NGNG is doing giveaways of 1-day premium time codes during their drops. That, I think, is no less generous.
- "Oh, and they have bundled packs and have for quite some time. I spent the money I had aside for Phoenix, and spent it on WT instead. Their top tier pack war normally $80, was on sale for 25% off, nabbed it for $60, got 2 premium campaigns, 5 premium planes, 90 days Premium account, and 10,000 in premium currency."
Not a bad value, but what are you gonna do with those campaigns? Premuim planes, ok. I hear that premium Zero us quite a cheat in HB. Not in arcade though, all Zeros are fodder in arcade. Also, good luck flying that XP-38G with tier 11 opposition, potentially facing off against tier 13 planes. Good thing you at least got those eagles. Take an advice, spend those on crew slots and training. Frankly, I've been playing MWO for a year and WT for about 4 months, I've invested a lot of cash in both, and it's my firm belief that premium planes in WT aren't nearly as much bang for a buck as premium mechs in MWO.
- "Their MM is a great bit better than ours, yet does need additional tweaking, but the new tiering system is being done to fix that. There are some Flight Model, and Damage Model issues, like we have, but they don't stretch out nearly as far as we have here."
Once again there is no MM in WT, just a rank balancer that tries to place you within 2 ranks of the rest of players within a game. Here's a shout-out to all guys in tier 8 P-47s facing off against FW-190s with 4 x 20mm Cannon + Minengeschoss ammo and UFO Yak-3s and Spitfire IX's. Also, damage models don't mean much in a world of 37mm Cobras and 45mm Yaks. I wish every player that got 1-shotted by those got $10 for every time that happens. And yeah, flight model. No. You should look at how much whine there is about flight models on the forums. Actually, there's a dev topic that describes how many planes have only relatively accurate settings. Now, that's a whole lot.
- "Read their forums. Vast difference in public posts' attitude. Mostly because the community isn't polarized like we here at MWO, as the large part of the userbase there is quite content, which is a reflection on Gaijin."
Really? I disagree. There's just as much whine about just as many things, with people simultaneously screaming NERF X and BUFF X in adjacent topics, also multiplied by the fact that those planes really existed, and everyone thinks they know better than Gaijin how it all was in 1940s. Actually, Gaijin follows public opinion a bit too much IMO. Game designers should know better than asking their audience about how their game should work. Isn't that why they get professional education? - "It's baffling how in 2013, an IP like MWO can end up like this. WT doesn't even have an IP, it's simply WW2."
The reason MWO is getting so much flak fire is exactly because it's an IP, which wasn't designed to be a realistic game, just an abstract tabletop.
Posted 12 December 2013 - 07:00 AM
Posted 12 December 2013 - 08:11 AM
The big product piece they wanted to get out this year was UI 2.0, and that is not even happening. One year of development, and not even a new UI. On top of that DX11 and possibly CW Phase 1 but those got thrown on the back burner.
I will continue to use Meteor Entertainment and Hawken as my measuring stick for a mech F2P. Game play aside, this developer has shown how to listen to the community and make a game that delivers on all fronts. They revamped the UI at least twice over one year, redone their mech trees, re-balanced the different classes, added new mechs, new cosmetics, new maps, new game modes, Oculus Rift support, and they are still in beta. Go check it out not for the game play but to see how a proper game is made.
I have spent around 4-5 hundred on this game since I started playing in closed beta. So it is not like I didn't at one point believe in them. I look at other games coming out within the next year and see only a bleak chance for MWO to survive in any meaningful way.
Anmaril, on 12 December 2013 - 07:00 AM, said:
Oh god, that might take PGI several years to implement. Lets focus on getting a chassis into the game first.
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:14 AM
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:57 AM
Reno Blade, on 11 December 2013 - 04:55 AM, said:
You might not notice guys, but the only effect your constant complaining has is the negative influence on players reading the forum. You are ruining other peoples moods, reducing the fun of reading and posting in the forum. It's as if you enjoy to torment others more than you enjoy playing the game itself.
Please try to reduce your seriousness and relax a bit.
We all have very high hopes and big dreams for this game, so it is understandable to be disappointed when progress is very slow and reality is different than expected.
HOWEVER! Let us not forget that this is still a fantastic game, even with its many shortcomings. I play it literally every single day and have for over a year. No other game has kept my interest this long. For me, this game has transcended to a hobby in and of itself. It is the most fun game I have ever played. I want new players to get into this game the way I have, and filling our forums with trash talk about the game and the developers is not going to help attract new players. Granted, PGI isn't helping that cause much themselves and people wouldn't be trashing them if they were living up to the expectations that they set up for themselves. I get that, but let's try to be balanced about things.
I wish things were coming along a lot faster, and I don't understand why some things go so slowly, but guess what? I'm having a ton of fun in the mean time and it seems that the game will only improve with time.
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