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Project Update - Dec 2/2013 - Feedback

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#541 Blurry


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 03:18 AM

any news on the new video ask the devs?
I would very much like to see what they have to say now!

#542 Nimura Nekogami


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 06:15 AM

View PostGamgan, on 17 December 2013 - 06:49 AM, said:

After getting some sense knocked into me by my unit, and hearing some very strong arguments, I have seen the light, well some of it.

Its a small company and they are listening to what the players want and working towards it.

They are invested in the game in the long run, no one hit wonder play for a few months then toss aside. Lot of stuff coming out over a long term and keeping the game alive.

Its free, if you want to invest in a company you want to see continue to grow, thats your call, but the base game is free with almost all mechs and toys available by just grinding and saving up the cbills.

To much complaining and hate on these forums, to many entitled people who instead of giving productive positive criticism instead choose to complain and insult people who are giving us something for free.

I enjoy this game and if I get burned out, Ill take a break for a few months, play something else, then comeback. It will be here for a while and there is nothing keeping you from taking breaks to keep the game fresh.

Draconis Combine sucks btw.

Davion scum.......HOW DARE YOU MOCKING US! ;) May you die in honer even you dont understand the concept. :D

To relate to the complaint thing:
Im complaing because i supported PGI. Im not a raging F2P kiddi. I get the feeling they dont value their own community.
But you are correct. Its F2P. :D

And from my piont it stays this way as long as they start delivering the things they talked endlessly without working on it. :)

You should also think about the costs they have. Losing paying customers is always bad. Its not in the interrest of PGI to say: "play other games and spend your money on other stuff".
They need a stable cummunity that is willing to buy stuff. If this cumminity is getting smaler the chances that they need to shutdown the service for this is growing.

I dont feel valued from PGI. I still drop sometimes with my mates but we all stopped purchasing.
No hate. -_-

#543 Sandpit


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 08:08 AM

For those saying "We're moving forward to CW"

We've been moving forward to CW for nearly 2 years now. It's time to move BEYOND CW.

#544 Duke Bacon of House Bacon


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 11:46 AM

Just a word of encouragement. You guys are doing a fantastic job of creating a game world true to our BT/MW visions of youth. Forget all the hair splitting negative complainers who couldn't begin to do what you are doing for the fans. Many thanks, - the Lances of Bacon. :ph34r:

#545 Chronojam


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 11:51 AM

View PostDuke Bacon of House Bacon, on 19 December 2013 - 11:46 AM, said:

Just a word of encouragement. You guys are doing a fantastic job of creating a game world true to our BT/MW visions of youth. Forget all the hair splitting negative complainers who couldn't begin to do what you are doing for the fans. Many thanks, - the Lances of Bacon. :ph34r:

It's easy to make sure you're the only team who can do it for the fans when you threaten legal action towards any other group who tries.

#546 Mordynak


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 06:21 PM

View PostChronojam, on 19 December 2013 - 11:51 AM, said:

It's easy to make sure you're the only team who can do it for the fans when you threaten legal action towards any other group who tries.

You are an ***** of the highest calibur...

Edited by Mordynak, 19 December 2013 - 06:21 PM.

#547 Nekki Basara


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 06:43 PM

View PostMordynak, on 19 December 2013 - 06:21 PM, said:

You are an ***** of the highest calibur...
How is he a whatever that is for pointing out that MekTek and MWLL were given polite notice implying legal action?

#548 Victor Morson


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 07:05 PM

View PostGamgan, on 17 December 2013 - 06:49 AM, said:

Its a small company and they are listening to what the players want and working towards it.

So you are saying is what we want is huge expensive Clan packs before actual game content or like, 5 minutes of actual work on the XML? Maybe listening to overwhelming polls on stuff like Ghost Heat and remove it?

I had no idea we wanted this. I'm glad they are working towards what we want with $500 Clan mech packages and cockpit glass, because I was worried for a minute they might actually go against our wishes and deliver the rest of the game.

View PostMordynak, on 19 December 2013 - 06:21 PM, said:

You are an ***** of the highest calibur...

For stating a long known fact?

#549 Theevenger


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Posted 20 December 2013 - 07:42 PM

Video format for communication is not a good idea; I do not have to want to watch a video to find out what's going on. Written communication is far more effective for information dumps like this. Reading posts is very convenient; watching a video is not. If you have a video, I have to watch for as long as it takes for you to speak; I cannot skim ahead to what I want to know; I cannot easily quote what you say in a discussion, either to explain something you said to someone else or to hold you accountable.

#550 Hawk819


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Posted 22 December 2013 - 11:55 AM

How about a Marshlands map or a Swamp Map??

#551 Monkey Lover


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Posted 22 December 2013 - 09:09 PM

New map is great but I want more :D swamp map with lots of water sounds good

#552 PraetorGix


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Posted 24 December 2013 - 10:31 AM

I've been wanting an "attack the base" mode for ages now. And also a Solaris mode? That's the way a-ha a-ha I like it!

#553 Galil Nain


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Posted 25 December 2013 - 05:14 PM

Firstly, PC is currently out of action as a result of damage during moving home, so I can't comment on anything in-game from the last 3 weeks. This also means that my forum-browsing has been relegated to my smaller tablet screen. Consequently, I can't be bothered to trawl through 28 pages of comments, so if any (or all) of my points have already been raised, sorry in advance!

Now that's out of the way...


Community Messaging:
We are currently changing some of the avenues for community information updates and plan to get this stuff out ASAP. One of the changes is to the Ask the Devs format of Q and A.

Current plans are to shift the regular forum updates to a video format which will hopefully be a little less time consuming as the current method of communication. Our first video is targeted for mid-December if everything works out as planned. Stay tuned for updates around that time.

Video may be quicker to create (is it? I don't know), but it's certainly not always quicker to consume. It also has significant drawbacks.

Firstly, the deaf/hearing-impaired are sc***ed over. This, however, can be mitigated with transcription.

Secondly, and perhaps more worryingly, it is easier to sidestep/evade a question without it being noticed in a video/audio interview compared to a written Q&A. Would I come across as overly cynical if I were to suggest that maybe this is the real reason for the change in format?


UI 2.0:
We are currently working toward a release candidate of UI 2.0 which is to bring the functionality of the current UI with the improved flow and experience as well as the new store interface. A large part of the dev studio is involved in this process and the hard work of all involved is now showing a better polished version of the UI as each milestone is put up on the Public Test Server. The upcoming Public Test Server build of UI 2.0 will include the updated Pilot Tree screens, Mech Efficiency screen, the XP>GXP conversion tool and the preview version of how Artemis will be working in MechLab.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the community for the feedback so far on UI 2.0 and with each new build, we have been implementing a lot of the community’s feedback into UI 2.0. With each release we put on the Pubic Test Server, we gather both detail metrics from the servers as well as valuable feedback in the feedback thread. It is this information that allows us to make sure we are hitting key points in the delivery of UI 2.0 to make sure we’re on target for its live release.

Our target is to launch UI 2.0 as soon as possible and iron out the kinks over the next few months. I can tell you this, it will be buggy (not game-breaking) and we’ll be addressing both internal requirements and your feedback on a week by week basis. This means we’ll be splitting the UI2.0 team to have some people working on nothing but bug fixes, and the other group will be working on core feature items and updates. The bug team is the team that will be doing to a weekly cycle and we’ll be able to track updates a lot faster as we push the fixes into the normal patch process.

Since one of the most complained-about changes in UI2.0 so far is an overly click-happy mechlab, can we have the promised much load out import/export API as soon as possible so that the community can start putting their own together?


Community Warfare:
The first set of features for Community Warfare have been broken down and reviewed by engineering. The systems engineers have a roadmap and schedule in which they will start addressing the needs of all new systems required by Community Warfare and are working on the core layout for faction/unit gameplay. What this sums up is… engineering has done all project management breakdowns and specs for the upcoming feature and code clean-up and preparation is being worked on in a special new branch build (much like PTS). Some of the core new features, like database sharding for improved load handling, have been completed and are in that branch now.

We will update as each feature of Community Warfare enters development so you will know what order to expect things to start appearing. Right now all development is heavily, under the hood.

Can I suggest that as each completed cient-side code module be incorporated into the next scheduled patches. It may mean we end up with sizable chunks of dormant code for weeks (months?) before they have a use, but would reduce the likelihood of huge patches. This could be a popular decision amongst those with download caps imposed on them by their ISPs.


Another feature that will be updated is the Match Maker. A full analysis has been performed on the current system and fixes/updates are now planned. This is not a trivial update and may be included with the release of Phase 1 Community Warfare. Tonnage limits, grouping, Elo calculations are all reliant on these changes and we will fill you in with more detail, as these tasks move into production.

It is stated that Tonnage limits, grouping & Elo calculations are RELIANT ON the matchmaker changes, which implies that they are not PART OF these changes. Therefore, it is necessary, I feel, to ask what those changes might entail...?


A new game mode is being added. Skirmish will be released mid-December which is essentially Team Death Match. The inclusion of this mode is the first game mode specific step toward Community Warfare and the game modes that will be required for planetary control and community conflicts. It’s also a way for us to gather metrics on what may eventually turn into a Solaris game mode further down the line.

Am I the only one who feels that there will be a not-insignificant number of players who will try out the skirmish mode looking for assault-minus-capping only to find that in a mode where EVERYONE is looking to win by kills, being on the winning side becomes noticeably more difficult and simply returns to assault mode with the intention of using it as a form of skirmish easy-mode?


The Attack/Defend Mode is in progress and we have some functioning turrets that will be fortifying Forward Operating Bases in the mode and the game mode is being investigated for any retrofit issues with the older maps. This game mode in particular will have to take into consideration special rules or functionality for Community Warfare and how defensive positions operate and are possibly upgraded. This will be the first game mode to see a potential “respawn” system. We will update when we prep this mode to go live.

Sounds good. Looking forward to it, but not holding my breath!


All BattleMechs are going through micro-tuning in terms of their hit boxes, quirks and abilities. We have just completed the first draft of upcoming new modules and pilot talents that will allow us to further refine the roles that the various BattleMechs partake in. We are also looking at chassis/role specific module slots being added to BattleMechs so that they do not occupy general module slots which can be considered as generic modules. As an example, players who equip a specialized Scouting module may receive higher XP/CB gains when performing scouting actions and players who equip a specialized Brawler module may receive higher XP/CB gains when performing support actions etc. Our plan is to start ramping up generation of these new modules and talents as soon as possible.

Design has started to focus on Clan Tech. It is at this time that we must stress once again that we will not be bringing Clan Tech into the game as it was originally written. Game balance is going to take precedence over any values/behaviors found previously in other MechWarrior/BattleTech titles. Yes, there will be growing pains but we will make sure that Clan Tech does have a unique flavor when compared to InnerSphere Tech but not to the extent of everything just being over powered out of the gate.

Currently on the hot-seat is a discussion as to how Clan BattleMechs will be customized. We will update everyone once the final call has been made and who knows, maybe one of the planned BattleMechs will be announced soon™!

Also good news, although with some of the decisions taken so far to balance IS tech, I'm somewhat skeptical as to how clan tech will turn out.


Map Gameplay Elements:
New layouts have been done for spawn locations and base/resource collector locations across all maps. The motivational drive was to keep the spawn locations fair and at the same time have players able to enter combat sooner. This is more evident on the larger maps.

Enter combat sooner? Am I the only one to notice that the primary objective on BOTH current game modes is capture, not kill? Does this announcement not basically redefine both the current game modes as Skirmish-with-a-possibly-somewhat-easier-alternative-win-condition?


Player Experience:
The art team has proven technically that {LT-MOB-25}-pit glass is now functional. This means a little more immersive effect when you’re sitting in the cockpit of your BattleMech. I’ve seen the effect and it’s very cool and non-intrusive so expect to see this coming soon with the next few new BattleMechs appearing on the battlefield. Previously released BattleMechs will be retrofitted over the coming months with their own glass treatments.

What does "{LT-MOB-25}-pit glass" even mean? Reflective or transparent glass when viewed from the outside? Glass that can be cracked by ballistic or shrapnel, or distorted by heat from lasers? Methinks more information is needed before any further comment...


The Next Map:
The new map HPG Manifold has gone through some major polishing since you last saw a sneak peak of it and is ready for release.

Great... When?

Oh... and just how is the reduced-gravity environment going to affect much performance, ballistics etc? Or, for that matter, how will an airless environment affect heat-sink performance?

#554 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 28 December 2013 - 01:28 PM

View PostDaekar, on 02 December 2013 - 09:50 PM, said:

Ummm... he did say it wouldn't have gamebreaking bugs. Don't judge yet.

Intentionally releasing a game feature knowing (and telling us) that it will be buggy is what the Alpha and Beta phases of game development are for, NOT the Launch product.

"Don't judge yet" - please

#555 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 28 December 2013 - 01:40 PM

View PostGamgan, on 17 December 2013 - 06:49 AM, said:

To much complaining and hate on these forums, to many entitled people who instead of giving productive positive criticism instead choose to complain and insult people who are giving us something for free.

Too bad your mates missed the closed beta phase when players gave them positive productive and constructive critique (not CRITICISM) and suggestions. And yes, the game is free, but that does not mean you ignore great advice (And some of it really was great advice) I do believe that sometimes the insults go too far, but credit where credit is do and appropriate criticism, too.

Lipstick on a pig does not negate the fact that you've still applied it to a pig.

Edited by Gremlich Johns, 28 December 2013 - 01:52 PM.

#556 Victor Morson


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Posted 28 December 2013 - 02:02 PM

View PostChronojam, on 19 December 2013 - 11:51 AM, said:

It's easy to make sure you're the only team who can do it for the fans when you threaten legal action towards any other group who tries.

Chronojam, carpet bombing the forums with truth.

#557 mania3c


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Posted 28 December 2013 - 02:03 PM

View PostGremlich Johns, on 28 December 2013 - 01:40 PM, said:

Too bad your mates missed the closed beta phase when players gave them positive productive and constructive critique (not CRITICISM) and suggestions. And yes, the game is free, but that does not mean you ignore great advice (And some of it really was great advice) I do believe that sometimes the insults go too far, but credit where credit is do and appropriate criticism, too.

Lipstick on a pig does not negate the fact that you've still applied it to a pig.

but to be fair..most of the suggestions here on forum were completely horrible.. few solid ideas I found on forum were actually implemented into the game..like..jump jet cursor shake to make poptarting a bit more difficult..but honestly.. even veteran players here really don't have much idea how to properly design the game.. I am not saying PGI is perfect..they are human beings after all.. but..well..can you tell me some of these awesome ideas to improve MWO?

#558 Waxjock


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Posted 01 January 2014 - 03:15 AM

Just stop patronizing us! They've been talking CW, UI 2.0, and a LOBBY option for way too long to expect anyone to take their promises of ANY future developments seriously!

These development posts remind me of trying to write a term paper the night before it's due. I used to jam those suckers full of almost as much jargon and nonsense as these updates.

If PGI needs more $$$ to pay off some liabilities, I'm happy to shell out for a new mech or an occasional package, but the least they can do is be honest about the fact that priority #1 is to keep the profit machine going and scale their promises and deadlines appropriately.

The dragons are on the way folks!

#559 elde


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Posted 02 January 2014 - 03:32 PM

Wonder where's the video version of Creative and Technical Updates? Or where's the new Ask the Devs post?

Paul Inouye said:

Our first video is targeted for mid-December if everything works out as planned.

Last Ask the Devs answeres were posted two months ago, 2 Nov 2013. Last Technical Update was posted two months ago, 1 Nov 2013. Last Creative Director Update was posted almost two months ago, 8 Nov 2013. We've been in the dark for long enough, we need to have communication from the devs, or this game is as good as dead.

I'm afraid that it already is, and we're just hanging on to a false glimmer of hope.

#560 Chronojam


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Posted 02 January 2014 - 03:56 PM

That glimmer ran out for a lot of us a long time ago.

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