Nathan Bloodguard, on 12 December 2013 - 11:08 AM, said:
I am currently working on getting the OP (Original Poster) to post a link leading us to confirmation of his 'findings' on the interaction of tag and Artemis missiles, along with BAP and its interaction with missiles/ECM/sensor ranges. Eventually I will give up and contact a moderator for clarification on this matter. The link he has currently posted is useful, but I have at least found two known errors in the Artemis and TAG sections of it, so I wonder what else is wrong...
If you want to disprove what I'm saying, feel free to make comparison videos to do so.
I am not going to go spend time trying to find static targets to demonstrate this stuff on (or waste a whole sync drop) just to disprove theories that "TAG and Artemis don't work together" and "TAG doesn't speed lock time" when I clearly, clearly see that it does, have been told that it does, and every bit of information out there (Except Tsuani's "lost post") states that it does.
Feel free to just try it yourself and watch the missiles. They notably shift. Remember, missiles work like this:
Firiing ------- X ---------- X ----------- X ----------- X ------- Target
Those four Xs are the four points along the missile arc path that it will "update" the angle, and when it does so, it makes a dramatic sweep in / sweep out based on targets. If you have a flight in the air and then TAG someone halfway through, you can
literally see the missiles swarm in tighter.
I don't know what more I can tell anyone who chooses to not believe that these items do what they're supposed to do.
Burke IV, on 12 December 2013 - 09:34 AM, said:
Isnt narc virtually obselete as it is? The only proper use for it is on a spotter mech for a missile boat that has no artemis, because artys effect always over rides narc. Wheres the manual PGI? Im sure i read that artemis always cancels narc.
NARC is just awful, for a ton of reasons:
- 4 tons plus ammo
- Low ammo per ton
- Dumbfire with a poor velocity
- Can get disabled early when being LRM'ed
- Short range
- Supposedly does not stack with Artemis in the last Artemis update. I do not have confirmation on this personally because NARCs already lost me by point 3.
Effectively while it stacks with TAG, it's just a super, super crappy TAG. It's way too heavy and offers almost no benefits. The Living Legends NARCs were edited to have tracking up to 800m and a range up to 1000m and last much longer by comparison; so NARCs CAN be done right, but my God, they are awful in MW:O.
They badly need a buff but until then there's definitely better things you can do with that 5 tons minimum of space, esp. since a TAG has all the benefits for a single ton.
Burke IV, on 12 December 2013 - 01:55 PM, said:
Another question, does BAP stack with target info gathering module ?
Edited by Victor Morson, 12 December 2013 - 02:09 PM.