PhobiaOne, on 14 December 2013 - 06:22 AM, said:
He isn't the only one that needs to be fired, but starting with him would be a great start! Art team is WONDERFUL. Rest of the team...Meh. Marketing team should be shot.
Bit harsh to say that..I mean for starters, do you know the circumstance of the pricing decision? Do you know for a fact it was Paul who made it, and not something decided by upper management and he was tasked with publishing it?
Secondly "meh" at the coders? Do you know what schedule they have on their hands in order to accommodate changes, demanded by the publisher? I've been in a publisher role before in the game industry, and I know that we (publishers) tend to change our minds a lot about things, especially if we get a "cool" idea about what the game should and should not be doing (believe you me, publishers
can (not "will") get notoriously giddy about throwing in their random ideas that sound awesome to them at the time - in the most classic case of "ooooh I just saw this cool idea that another game had, we should do the same!
") ..this really messes up any prior planning the developers themselves had, and any planning they previously had from us.
Meetings are had where hands are thrown into the air and genuine looks of incomprehension, grumblings are done in the corners, and rant-filled smoke breaks are had all around - but you move on and try to make ends meet. After all, the publisher is paying your salary for the most part.
In the case of the publisher I worked for, it brought a situation from bad to worse, and so the game never made it past open beta unfortunately - and I'd say that half the fault (at least!) was ours.
I'm not saying you should excuse everything, but I do know from first hand experience that the developers tend to do the best they can, with what they have, and despite what you see, they tend to be very talented and passionate people with a dream and care for their game, often rivalling even the most veteran player of their game..many hours of sleep are lost, weekends are lost, vacations are postponed, sanities are tested and so on. I don't mean to make this sound like "oh boo hoo, the devs have it so hard! how dare you!" sort of speech..but really, I'd wager, with a semi-degree of certainty, that things are a lot more complicated than you think.
Having said that, I still agree that the prices are too high
EDIT: Just to make it
totally clear, I am not in any way affiliated with MWO Devs or Publishing, my experience in the game industry is from somewhere else.
Edited by DrHat, 14 December 2013 - 06:45 AM.