Clan Collections - Feedback
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:56 PM
As one forum member correctly posted before me: For 500 $ you can buy a used car.
I like this game but I hope PGI fails with this offer. The german word for this offer is "Unverschämtheit".
Its just a video game. Nobody should pay that much money for a single video game, or even a mech (package).
My opinion.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:56 PM
Let's put this I'm perspective. Once the clan mechs are in, purchase by MC & C-bills will be available too. You can use these few months to begin saving them C-bills.
It's not for everyone, but this company is not working for free too. What potential buyers would like is probably more info, right?
Pls clarify in whatever medium:
- What are the warhorns
- what the gold packages include other than that mech ( all of the other 24 mechs?)
- what are the unique modules
- how will the gold skins work? Are they gonna be a texture for different layers to go on top of, like that Byran Ekman mentioned in an interview?
Lastly, here's a regular player wishing for more sense and clarity of thought admis all the rage... I think deep down we all love this game and want it to come out good that we would play it for years to come, instead of just the yearly COD flick hat we shelf after 6 weeks of play.
Tesunie, on 13 December 2013 - 05:30 PM, said:
It's not "pay to win". It's "pay to get it sooner than anyone else can". There is a difference.
And the gold mech I think is just one of the variants, with gold colored skin... It probably does nothing else besides what a 30% c-bill boost and to let people know you are worthy of being mugged on the side of the street.
I do agree with you on the pricing. A bit steep. I'd only want to buy up the Nova and Puma, but if I want the Puma, I'd have to buy well more than I bargained (or want) for. Now, if each pack was $20 each instead of $30 each... I'd be tempted to spend $40 for the Nova at least. However... not at those prices. Phoenix pack was expensive enough, and I paid $80 for that! ($20 a step, which seemed reasonable for what we got.)
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:57 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:57 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:57 PM
This is microtransactions gone insane. Everyone needs to step up and make this stop...We have Forza and GT 6 charging insane rates for a single car and now we have a 500 USD Mech which essentially gives you a title and skin. For 500 Dollars PG, you can build me a life size Timberwolf and fill it with Swedish Virgins.
With the change left over you can drop a couple of bottles of house red in.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:58 PM
somenothing, on 13 December 2013 - 06:56 PM, said:
Let's put this I'm perspective. Once the clan mechs are in, purchase by MC & C-bills will be available too. You can use these few months to begin saving them C-bills.
It's not for everyone, but this company is not working for free too. What potential buyers would like is probably more info, right?
Pls clarify in whatever medium:
- What are the warhorns
- what the gold packages include other than that mech ( all of the other 24 mechs?)
- what are the unique modules
- how will the gold skins work? Are they gonna be a texture for different layers to go on top of, like that Byran Ekman mentioned in an interview?
Lastly, here's a regular player wishing for more sense and clarity of thought admis all the rage... I think deep down we all love this game and want it to come out good that we would play it for years to come, instead of just the yearly COD flick hat we shelf after 6 weeks of play.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:58 PM
Killgrave, on 13 December 2013 - 06:50 PM, said:
Don't get me wrong, I want Clan Tech as much as the next guy, but I'd also like a game that gives me something to work toward/look forward to. Allowing players to purchase this stuff now (even 6 months from now) is an all around bad move.
Just wait until PGI runs out of Mechs to copy and has to get creative, which at this rate won't be too long and considering the amount of BT/MW drones out there that will buy a **** in a box marked Mechwarrior or Battletech I'm pretty sure it will reach that point. I bet that will be around the time P2W starts to creep in in order to make the uggo's worth something.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:58 PM
Cool, good to see we are going to finally get Clan tech, however a lot of us are upset over the cost of this package and the fact that you as developers have failed to provide us with meaningful gameplay content that has been promised since the game went into open beta. If you want us hardcore players, to buy these packages, you have to pony up the content before the spring. Give us lobbies and make it easier for teams to do sync drops, give us a proper UI 2.0 and Community Warfare, you have until March to get things out and if you fail to do so, you risk justification of the price for the hardcore players.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:58 PM
somenothing, on 13 December 2013 - 06:56 PM, said:
Let's put this I'm perspective. Once the clan mechs are in, purchase by MC & C-bills will be available too. You can use these few months to begin saving them C-bills.
It's not for everyone, but this company is not working for free too. What potential buyers would like is probably more info, right?
Pls clarify in whatever medium:
- What are the warhorns
- what the gold packages include other than that mech ( all of the other 24 mechs?)
- what are the unique modules
- how will the gold skins work? Are they gonna be a texture for different layers to go on top of, like that Byran Ekman mentioned in an interview?
Lastly, here's a regular player wishing for more sense and clarity of thought admis all the rage... I think deep down we all love this game and want it to come out good that we would play it for years to come, instead of just the yearly COD flick hat we shelf after 6 weeks of play.
Let's put it in perspective:
PGI said they'd have CW out by late 2012.
It is now late 2013, and we still have seen neither hair nor hide of any actual product or progress.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:58 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:58 PM
Gauss Nerf....
No CW....
No UI 2.0....
Broken Promises...
Now this!?!!??!
i'd love to buy a package
because my childhood enemy mechs are here
and my dedication to Battletech
but the prices are insane and there is little info on what these deranged clanner mechs can do and how the system will work
i am sure our wallets have run short on the phoenix reseen mechs but this is too much
the player base is slowly thinning and people have left for various reasons as the ones stated above
please PGI do something to boost up the community morale
i am sure the majorty of us are previous MW and battletech players
we have been waiting for such a long time since 2002
and the only thing that has been keeping us busy are the good ol games or homebrew games/mods
so Please give us the neverbefore mechwarrior play experience i am sure our patience is running thin.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:58 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:58 PM
Edited by Airborne Thunder, 13 December 2013 - 07:00 PM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:59 PM
The amount of money grabbing seems to be 10 levels above the worst kind of asia MMO. Oh god.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:59 PM
2. You've gone plaid with these prices. You need to tone it down before everyone simultaneously decides they've reached their spending limit with you. Do you really think that people will still play when they are getting stomped by those willing to shell out ridiculous sums of money for clan mechs that inherently have an unfair advantage? I won't, and i'm willing to bet that my friends who currently play won't either; we will simply move on to another game.
$5 is a fair price for a mech, considering it is just a digital item that can be reproduced effortlessly and is not subject to any supply limitations. I bought into the first 2 tiers of the Phoenix pack as it worked out to $6.66 per mech and, while higher than I would have liked, it was at least tolerable. However, $10 per mech is too steep. Lower the prices back down to the Phoenix pricing at least, or you will make a few quick bucks now at the expense of losing what might have been a long lived game that would have earned you more over time through loyal support.
3. Stop introducing new mechs until you add more game modes. You're flooding the market with mechs, but we still only have 2 game modes, and those 2 are so similar (one just has more nodes) that I don't think you can really call them different game modes, more like variations of a theme. You also still need to iron out hit detection. In short, fix what we already have so you have a solid base to build on. Right now the base game play is so weak that just adding more on top of it (particularly clan weaponry) is just going to collapse the game.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:59 PM
It would allow us to once and for all settle the argument about how much of this monetary support is for PGI's actions and how much is for Battletech.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:59 PM
Homeless Bill, on 13 December 2013 - 04:58 PM, said:
This, pretty much. I've been around, spending all kinds of money. 240 dollars? No content in sight? A year and a half we've taken balancing this game, and it's about to get all broken again. Should have listened to Bill's proposal, would have made this game a lot more interesting.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:59 PM
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