Remember - if you're like me and you're a legendary founder and an overlord package backer there is an important lesson in this:
We are to blame for not having Community Warfare or UI2.0 or any of the other features we really wanted in by now.
Why do I blame myself and fellow 'OverGolds'?
Because they told us in June 2012 that we would have all the features in game by open beta except community warfare, and that would follow within 90 days.
(Link here)
We were gullible enough to believe them and give them $120 for a game sight unseen. From this they learned a $5 million lesson that Mechwarrior fans are gullible optimists that believe anything. Even after going to open beta with nothing in, people kept giving them money.
By 90 days after open beta they failed to deliver on CW, they failed to deliver on the 1:1 timeline, they failed to deliver on role warfare, they failed to deliver on pilot levels, they failed to deliver on skill trees, they failed to deliver on information warfare, they failed to deliver on UI2.0, they failed to deliver on DX11.
But then in March 2013 150 days after open beta they announced that community warfare would be released in 3 phases up until late summer. (
video link here of Bryan saying it would be all 3 phases in up to launch/late summer.)
Up until June they still hadn't delivered anything from the list above, but hey they released phoenix and us overgolds bought it to reward their lack of progress. They told us it would come with a ~30% loyalty point boost and some medallions that would boost it a further 2%.
As of August they stabbed us in the
back eyes over 3pv after having literally promised
We should have paid attention at that point because PGI had clearly declared that they were going to change their position no matter what they had outright promised in the past if it suited them financially to do so. But gullible people like me who cancelled our phoenix packs bought them again when they took 3pv out of 12 mans as a 'good will gesture'.
Fast forward to 3 months after launch which is now 435 days after open beta they failed to deliver on CW, they failed to deliver on the 1:1 timeline, they failed to deliver on role warfare, they failed to deliver on pilot levels, they failed to deliver on skill trees, they failed to deliver on information warfare, they failed to deliver on UI2.0, they failed to deliver on DX11,
they failed to deliver on loyalty points actually being in game, they failed to deliver on the phoenix badges.
Notice how they correctly interpreted our weakness and gullibility to mean that they don't have to deliver any of the content they promised to make or promised not to make?
We who have bought legendary founders packs and overlord packages are to blame for the state of the game. If you want them to actually implement the features you want, stop giving them money so they realize the have to follow through on past promises to get money. We tried the carrot, now we have to resort to the stick of starvation.
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Remember: Giving them lots of money for nothing is the reason we still have none of the above (ok we do have the island we're on). We tried giving them money, now it's time to try holding out. If they die as a company it's not like they'll be really moving much slower than they are now.