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#3261 Nuclear Weapon


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:01 PM

Hello, I'm Nuke and this is:

The story of the company killed by their sales department.
It's happening!!


#3262 Psydotek


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:03 PM

That Stormcrow looks nice but I'm not spending any more money when I feel that I have yet to get any value out of the dollars i've already spent. I have other games to play.

#3263 Goregrimm


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:04 PM

I want a MadCat. They can keep the rest. No money from me unless they restructure these packages.

#3264 Suko


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:05 PM

I was supposed to be excited about the clan mechs, right? Instead I'm just incredibly pi$$ed off.

#3265 CyBerkut


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:07 PM

View PostSidekick, on 14 December 2013 - 02:46 PM, said:

And this, my friend, is the essence of Stockholm syndrome.

Actually, it's more like Abused Spouse syndrome.

#3266 Jack Gallows


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:08 PM

View PostCyBerkut, on 14 December 2013 - 03:07 PM, said:

Actually, it's more like Abused Spouse syndrome.

I just named my newest Atlas "Chris Brown"

Cause a 'mechwarrior doesn't say anything against PGI with two black eyes.

#3267 Sarsaparilla Kid


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:09 PM

Holy smokes...well, without wanting to read all 165 pages, I'll just chip in my 2 cents, possibly echoed by others. PGI...please make smaller, custom mech packages rather than this expensive all-or-nothing tier pricing! I am a Timber Wolf fan, but not so much of a fan of the lighter mechs you are offering in the packages, but I'm not paying $210 just for a Timber Wolf.

#3268 Tolkien


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:10 PM

View PostRoadbeer, on 14 December 2013 - 03:01 PM, said:

[Citation Needed]

I'm with you that they are recockulously behind schedule, and keep pushing that bar further and further away, but technically, we've never been sold anything we haven't received in full. (except the in-game badge for Phoenix Pack, which I think it was stated was going to be along with EVERYTHING else in the elusive UI 2.0)

I agree we have received all the stuff we were promised except for the stuff we haven't. In addition to the in game badge and loyalty points being unimplemented, I'd like to bring up their changing the advertised 'exclusive' phoenix pattern to a 'hot rod pattern' like 2-3 days before release? Not necessarily a legal bait and switch but still sleazy:
Posted Image

Most of the items they are obligated to release get released but they have dilated their delivery schedule by like 400%? Getting a project done ahead of schedule is golden, getting it done on schedule is great, getting it done within 30 days of schedule is expected.... missing by 90 days... then 90 more... then 90 more.... then 90 more... then 70 more? Pffffft. That would cost many professionals their jobs.

#3269 Mexicutioner46


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:11 PM

Since, half my posts are being deleted "as spam," I shall say this. These empty promises of content, the spamming of mechs over said content, the blatant editing of posts, "removing spam and content that doesn't further your ponzi scheme," and deleting pictures that depict PGI in bad light, have decayed my trust in this company and game. I had high hopes, and continued to defend PGI for the longest time, they are independent, they need funds to create content, etc, etc.

If you really want to learn how to run a company, don't ignore your player base. You can learn something from Cloud Imperium. They have but a small amount of content, and I already have more faith in them than two years worth of time with PGI.

Posted Image

This is currently my hangar. That's over $400 of money that I invested into a game with promise. The $110, and $60 I have put into this game cannot be recovered. I understand that. I see it as a failed experiment. One that I hoped wouldn't be destroyed by incompetent management, but alas, it has.

I bid you adieu, and expect that this post will be "edited" to the liking of PGI.

#3270 Gargoth


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:11 PM

View PostTolkien, on 14 December 2013 - 12:22 PM, said:

Remember - if you're like me and you're a legendary founder and an overlord package backer there is an important lesson in this:

We are to blame for not having Community Warfare or UI2.0 or any of the other features we really wanted in by now.

Why do I blame myself and fellow 'OverGolds'?

Because they told us in June 2012 that we would have all the features in game by open beta except community warfare, and that would follow within 90 days. (Link here)

We were gullible enough to believe them and give them $120 for a game sight unseen. From this they learned a $5 million lesson that Mechwarrior fans are gullible optimists that believe anything. Even after going to open beta with nothing in, people kept giving them money.

By 90 days after open beta they failed to deliver on CW, they failed to deliver on the 1:1 timeline, they failed to deliver on role warfare, they failed to deliver on pilot levels, they failed to deliver on skill trees, they failed to deliver on information warfare, they failed to deliver on UI2.0, they failed to deliver on DX11.

But then in March 2013 150 days after open beta they announced that community warfare would be released in 3 phases up until late summer. (video link here of Bryan saying it would be all 3 phases in up to launch/late summer.)

Up until June they still hadn't delivered anything from the list above, but hey they released phoenix and us overgolds bought it to reward their lack of progress. They told us it would come with a ~30% loyalty point boost and some medallions that would boost it a further 2%.

As of August they stabbed us in the back eyes over 3pv after having literally promised
Posted Image

We should have paid attention at that point because PGI had clearly declared that they were going to change their position no matter what they had outright promised in the past if it suited them financially to do so. But gullible people like me who cancelled our phoenix packs bought them again when they took 3pv out of 12 mans as a 'good will gesture'.

Fast forward to 3 months after launch which is now 435 days after open beta they failed to deliver on CW, they failed to deliver on the 1:1 timeline, they failed to deliver on role warfare, they failed to deliver on pilot levels, they failed to deliver on skill trees, they failed to deliver on information warfare, they failed to deliver on UI2.0, they failed to deliver on DX11, they failed to deliver on loyalty points actually being in game, they failed to deliver on the phoenix badges.

Notice how they correctly interpreted our weakness and gullibility to mean that they don't have to deliver any of the content they promised to make or promised not to make?

We who have bought legendary founders packs and overlord packages are to blame for the state of the game. If you want them to actually implement the features you want, stop giving them money so they realize the have to follow through on past promises to get money. We tried the carrot, now we have to resort to the stick of starvation.

Due to spam abuse. This image has been removed. Please provide feedback in written form.

Remember: Giving them lots of money for nothing is the reason we still have none of the above (ok we do have the island we're on). We tried giving them money, now it's time to try holding out. If they die as a company it's not like they'll be really moving much slower than they are now.

Not much else to say there.
So formally, i am apologizing to the rest of you players.
Should have seen this coming but nope, i did not.

#3271 Chronojam


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:11 PM

View Postmint frog, on 14 December 2013 - 08:05 AM, said:

Yeah you're right. If people don't want to pay these ridiculous prices, they can wait until December of 2014 and buy their Timberwolf for C-bills.

They're not even done releasing all the Phoenix Pack mechs. The mech release schedule for these Clan mechs puts us into 2015.

*As long as you don't want the MC-only Prime variant

#3272 Mike Getsome


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:11 PM

And you know what's funny? Three of my favorite universes.

Firefly killed by Fox.
Tiberian killed by EA with cancer called c&c4.
Battletech is finally killed by PGI/IGP.

Thanks, Obama!

Edited by Mike Getsome, 14 December 2013 - 03:12 PM.

#3273 Roadbeer


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:12 PM

View PostTolkien, on 14 December 2013 - 03:10 PM, said:

I agree we have received all the stuff we were promised except for the stuff we haven't. In addition to the in game badge and loyalty points being unimplemented, I'd like to bring up their changing the advertised 'exclusive' phoenix pattern to a 'hot rod pattern' like 2-3 days before release? Not necessarily a legal bait and switch but still sleazy:
Posted Image

Most of the items they are obligated to release get released but they have dilated their delivery schedule by like 400%? Getting a project done ahead of schedule is golden, getting it done on schedule is great, getting it done within 30 days of schedule is expected.... missing by 90 days... then 90 more... then 90 more.... then 90 more... then 70 more? Pffffft. That would cost many professionals their jobs.

LOL, forgot about that bit... yeah, wasn't a shining moment.

#3274 Joe Kid


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:12 PM

I am sorry PGI/IGP,

No more!!!!!

No Dx11
No UI 2.0
No Balance
No Role Warfare
No Brawling (SRM still a problem)
No Collision

Fix this and you will have a Gold Clan, Legendary, Overlord!!!!

#3275 Kunae


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:13 PM

View PostRoadbeer, on 14 December 2013 - 03:01 PM, said:

[Citation Needed]

I'm with you that they are recockulously behind schedule, and keep pushing that bar further and further away, but technically, we've never been sold anything we haven't received in full. (except the in-game badge for Phoenix Pack, which I think it was stated was going to be along with EVERYTHING else in the elusive UI 2.0)

Come now, bud. You know as well as I that what he's talking about is true. People put faith in what PGI said they were going to do, and bought into and/or upped the level of their founders buys. There was a level of optimism, and excitement, in May/June of last year, and people thought they were helping something to fruition that they liked, from the promises that PGI was making.

Then the blatant idiocy started happening around a month before OB, and PGI pretty much stopped giving a flying wombat. It's been downhill ever since.

#3276 Chronojam


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:13 PM

View PostHelmer, on 14 December 2013 - 08:12 AM, said:

I wonder how much salvage I get from destroying a Gold 'mech.


If you're hoping this promotion will salvage the stale gameplay, think again.

#3277 JDH4mm3r


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:14 PM


here we go...the PC gamer review is in!

#3278 WOLF138


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:14 PM

Man I hope I am wrong but it really does seem to me like an effort to get money and then just let the game die. With all due respect touting this package before us while still not implementing CW, UI, and factions is at best sketchy and at worst just plain insulting. I do apprecate the whole dev team for takeing on the batteltech universe and generally have been happy with what has been released so far. However I think this package was very poorly timed. As I and many other players have stated this really does seem like a last ditch effort to grab money before everyone jumps ship. Even if I am wrong about this (and god I hope I do) it just seems like a bad time to release that content. Even if CW was to roll out as expected you were going to roll out the experience incremently over a long time. As much as i look foreward to the clan invasion as part of a CW experience I really hoped there would be a Minimum of two or three months where the inner shpere houses could duke it out in a fully implemented CW before the clans arrive. With the way everything shown at the "launch" event has been pushed back again and again i dont see that there is any way full CW will see the light of day before these mechs are injected into the game. I really do not have any faith that I will ever see the proposed vision of full starmap let alone phase one. Please prove me wrong PGI because these thoughts make me feel a little dead inside.

#3279 Kunae


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:17 PM

View PostJDH4mm3r, on 14 December 2013 - 03:14 PM, said:


here we go...the PC gamer review is in!

That's pcgamesn.com, not PC-Gamer.

#3280 Pezzer


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:17 PM

Way too expensive, and I don't like the Madcat art. Give us a {Scrap}-ton of MC or something to make these packages worth it. an example would be that the 90-dollar package gets 20 bucks in MC, the 120 gets 40 bucks, etc.

Because there's no way in hell that I'm going to throw 240 bucks at an arguably failing game unless they give me a LOT of incentive. Especially since I'm STILL not happy with my Overlord purchase. 2/3 of those months went down the drain and were completely wasted because I can't pause my premium and have no interest in playing a game that still needs polishing.

I honestly still feel like this game is in beta. Mostly because we have only 2 game modes on like, what, is it 8 unique non-Night maps now? Talk about lack of variety.

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