The endless marketing sprees would be understandable if there was, actually, a game worth buying beneath the marketing. Critical community warfare aspects have been neglected from this game. Horrible game mechanics have been adopted despite warnings from the community, and the developers have, more than once, insulted and belittled their customer base.
If it is PGI/IGP's goal to make money off of their investment into the MechWarrior IP - I propose a different strategy than the current marketing bonanza.
Project Kerenski.
Rather than buying a few golden mechs and every top-tier mech package sure to be delivered over the next two years - I offer up $2,000 of my own toward the rights to use the MechWarrior name and the models of 'mechs in this game for a mod within the Real Virtuality game engine (ARMA 2 / ARMA 3). Rights to, potentially, monetize the MechWarrior trade mark and the models (as playable content only - no merchandising of figurines) would, ideally, be included.
Now, I do not expect that my contribution, alone, would be enough to leverage such rights. I am saying that I, personally, am willing to spend $2,000 to allow another group to use the MechWarrior name - and to simplify development by using existing (and well done) assets.
Are there others willing to make similar (if smaller/larger) contributions to such a cause?
Are there others in the community with the talents and the desire to bring such a project to life?
Edit... too much exposure to other cultures influenced a mispelling of Kerensky. I call a trial of grievance upon myself. I'm not quite sure how that will work, but I suspect it will be entertaining.
Edited by Aim64C, 14 December 2013 - 09:31 AM.