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When Clans arrive, will you change?

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Poll: WIll you join the Clans? (1098 member(s) have cast votes)

Will you join the Clans?

  1. Voted Yes (511 votes [46.54%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 46.54%

  2. Voted No (396 votes [36.07%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 36.07%

  3. Voted Depends (please say what it depends on) (191 votes [17.40%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 17.40%

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#21 Munro


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 04:26 PM

If I can purchase/salvage a clan mech (i.e. Thor or MadCat) AND stay where ever I end up starting at launch I will. At the moment I don't know 100% where my house/merc allegiance will be. I'd like to keep my XP (looking at a year or more of cumulative XP) but also get my hands on clan gear. I figure that's what most dedicated players (to their house) will want to do. Keeping things fair I would expect the devs to allow everyone the opportunity to collect clan gear to some extent.

#22 Vahn


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 04:48 PM

With all I've come to know of the Battletech universe, Clan tech was almost, if not always, superior to Inner Sphere. If this is the case and Mechwarrior Online is trying to stay as close to the Battletech universe as it can, I don't see them being able to 'balance' Clan tech in a way that wouldn't ruin that idea. Short of using Inner Sphere tech as a 'just because I can', you'd be at a significant disadvantage due to the technological difference alone.

As I recall, the only reason the Inner Sphere held their own against the Clan invasion was that the Inner Sphere didn't bother with 'Clan honor' and all that. Unless the 'Clan' team was limited in gameplay ways (having to stick to gameplay versions of Clan duels and honor) or they decide that all Clan and Inner Sphere tech is fundamentally equal (balancing it all out), I just can't see a situation that would result in the game being anything other than using Inner Sphere tech until you got the superior Clan tech.

Personally, I'd like to see the Clans show up in a non-playable way. They'd have a better time preserving the universe the game is in.

#23 Bolo Nike


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 05:02 PM

Honestly i play the CD version of MW4 Mercs so I just want my pay and a chance at clan tech. Particularly the Daishi and Stormcrow. Also one of my father's old designs for a Masakari would be fun to build if Double Heat Sinks were available. I just want Clan stuff (its better) and money so there's my answer.

#24 dal10


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 05:07 PM

i think that the only way to get into the clans should be a form of a lottery. just letting people go into the clans will result in a ton of people saying "oh look they have better stuff, i will join them" and the clans will outnumber the IS 3-1 which should just not be allowed. let the devs promote a few merc groups and IS units into the clans. then let them roflstomp with the better equipment for a while. only problem is all the raddick, hazen, pryde, osis, kerensky bloodnamed wannabes will be whining about how they are not in the clans.

#25 Iwaslost


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 05:09 PM

If I can keep my IS mechs yeah. I like the Raven more than any Clan stuff.

#26 Xmador


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 05:13 PM

Marik for life. I will however, enjoy using their salvaged tech when it becomes available.

#27 TyGeR STD


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 05:24 PM

Depends if I can get my Timber Wolf from where I'm at, if not, I'm going to the clans to get it. Its my fav mech, why not play what I like.

#28 NeoThoR


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:05 PM


Merc 4 life!

Karaian Empire FOR LIFE!

#29 Jack Gallows


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:07 PM

Staying IS.

Defeating Clan opponents due to better tactics and strategy is going to be gratifying. Taking their equipment after will be even more so.

#30 Dragon Cat


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:16 PM

100% yes I've always been a fan of Clan Nova Cat, one of my first novels was the Nova Cats and the Shadow Cat and Nova Cat are two awesome designs

#31 Chasraz


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:18 PM

I am staying IS .... Clan is nice for tech but I can just grab the salvage for that :)

#32 Jordan Kell


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:22 PM

All about the C-bills Yo. So NO

#33 Gorthok


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:27 PM

I probably will be staying with my Merc Corp, but if i did switch, it would be to Clan Ghost Bear. I find their caste system and love of family very refreshing amongst the rest of the clans. Also, They turn Warden and live in the IS in the end! :)

#34 Xperimentor


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:28 PM

I would pick up a couple of clan mechs and a few weapons, but remain IS most likely. As it is almost inevitable that the clan tech will get nerfed, as clan has had something obviously overpowered in each game so far; which makes sense as they were 1 player games, but now balance is suddenly required. There is some clan tech I'd love to get my hands on, but hybrid builds with IS tech I find to be the best. Untill they reveal how the clans and their tech will interact/exchange with the IS, I will stay in the middle ground doing work for pay for both sides, for a price of course.

#35 deathrollheng


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:29 PM

Nope once a pirate always a pirate.

#36 Woska


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:31 PM

It will depend one two things.

How the character is progressing in the Inner Sphere side of things. If things are going very well, I'll probably stick with it.

Also, it would be nice to be able to play both. And I know, it's a free to play game, so a separate clan account doesn't have to cost anything. But I'd like to be able to do it on one account personally.

#37 veretax


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:37 PM

I say depends, because it honestly is going to depend on mechanics involved, between now and then. I traditionally favor the Inner Sphere, but that doesn't mean I would not consider the Clan Route at some point. Variety could be a good thing.

#38 Z3R0115


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:38 PM

I'm split mostly, because I do love davion, but I'm a clanner at heart, Honor is a big deal to me, and though all the years nothing has given me more pleasure than decimating my opponents in a mad cat/timber wolf.

Clan wolf will tear you apart :)

#39 MacabreDerek


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:44 PM

I am really struggling to find a 'home' as it were. The things I look for in a group of players/star/lance-mates are something that is commonly told and asked for, but so rarely delivered. I have a hard time finding groups I gel with, and with either bad experiences on clan or IS forces, I have become horribly indecisive. The thing I value most is my time, and so I hate the idea of spending it with people I dislike to sour a game I love to play (Has happened once too often).

Suffice it to say, when the Clans arrive, I'll see who stays IS and who goes Clan, and see which group is becoming the crowd I wish to spend my time gaming with.

#40 Splatterbug


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 06:48 PM


Rather than give a synopsis of why it rarely works, and why.. I will say that this mode of gameplay might be able to do it if it is able to truly enforce the balance on a per-battle basis. It's once work arounds, or strategic persistence/salvage, and other high-level details arise that game balance can get bad.

Balance can be enforced via a proper player/BV/etc.. ratio per fight, but more importantly by possibly never MIXING IS/Clan in the first place. It can also be enforced by true mechanics enforced RoE. Some battles are just designated Clan vs Clan... and you can only use your clan stuff... and you are forced to p lay different.

But mixing the two sides gets tricky. Allowing outcomdes of these potentially biased mixing radiate across persistence of any game layers beyond "this battle as a simulation of pewpew" gets even more hazardous.

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