I decided to show you guys some real paint schemes. These are the kind that get your enemy to know and fear you. As you can see by my Cicada, it uses standard 9th Sword of the Dragon, 2nd Battalion, Alpha "Archangels" Company Parade Colors with a bold Tartan pattern attached for added eliteness. Nothing screams in charge like the gold officers braiding. The enlisted use white in lieu of gold.
I thought this was kind of boring and didn't strut my stuff enough for my enemies to run in fear, so I spiced it up a bit in the next paint job.
![Posted Image](http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h62/Sealawyer/Jager_zpse63a4d0d.png)
Something that really puts the fear of god in you when you see it!!! This is my ultimate paint job. It screams of bold sea greens and lavender purples. And of course the red of the Dragon spills fear all over the battlefield.
Sadly, my founders and phoenix mechs have a distinct lack of tartan pattern to it. So I could only use the colors.
So, now you know, when you see these fear inducing colors charging at you from across the battlefield, you can try to run, but ultimately your death is at hand.