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Golden Mechs...make Me Feel Better About This....

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#101 Goose of Prey


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 07:40 PM


Any team-mate puts a ding in my solid gold Timberwolf and they will be reported. Every Time. Great Plan. Punish us by getting your accounts locked.

This is how PGI can really fail.

I've been TKed a few times. First time was by two guys using racial slurs and just decided to jump someone. Saw them in a match about a month or two later. I let it pass, but came close to lighting them both up. No ban.

Second time was last week when I did a lance switch. Fool shot me three times, at range, trying to leg me. He failed to notice my 3 uac/5 Jager build and was face slapped to death. His lance mates finished me off but I cored one of them. No ban, (reported by another player, I think)

A few other minor incidents, I even TK'd that guy who was raging about the clan packs. I think I got him before he TK'd, not sure. Never the less, I do not believe anyone has gotten the ban hammer.


If PGI notices that "golden mech boys" are getting TK'd, because of the gold skins, they will be forced to ban. Not just suspend, but BAN, and let everyone know why. Can't set an example if you don't do it publicly. Can't have investors feel that PGI doesn't care. "I bought a $260 dollar skin and all I got was TK'd" That's just bad for business.

After all, you got to "save the whales", man.

The double standard will be noted.

First it will be the Founders. "Hey you didn't ban the guy that TK'd me." "PGI has always craped on us founders." Then the MC and Overlord purchasers, "Hey what about that time I got TK'd, is my money not green enough for you?". On and on it will go.

Then you will have the "hey a golden mech boy TK'd me last week and I reported him. Just saw him in a match wtf?".

This has all the potential for an epic internet community meltdown. 47% against 1% and even a "Forbes" article to go with it. We will finally have community, clan, Class Warfare.

BTW I really hope this doesn't happen. I've got some serious cash tied up in this game. If PGI delivers on a good UI.2 and makes improvements in the overall game then I'm getting the $240 pack.

Still betting on the majority to keep cool, and PGI to react fairly, in an evenhanded, timely manner is a bit much.

Best of luck "golden mech boys" (and ladies) you're going to need it.


#102 Tyberion


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 07:48 PM

View PostGoose of Prey, on 08 January 2014 - 07:40 PM, said:

This is how PGI can really fail.

I've been TKed a few times. First time was by two guys using racial slurs and just decided to jump someone. Saw them in a match about a month or two later. I let it pass, but came close to lighting them both up. No ban.

Second time was last week when I did a lance switch. Fool shot me three times, at range, trying to leg me. He failed to notice my 3 uac/5 Jager build and was face slapped to death. His lance mates finished me off but I cored one of them. No ban, (reported by another player, I think)

A few other minor incidents, I even TK'd that guy who was raging about the clan packs. I think I got him before he TK'd, not sure. Never the less, I do not believe anyone has gotten the ban hammer.


If PGI notices that "golden mech boys" are getting TK'd, because of the gold skins, they will be forced to ban. Not just suspend, but BAN, and let everyone know why. Can't set an example if you don't do it publicly. Can't have investors feel that PGI doesn't care. "I bought a $260 dollar skin and all I got was TK'd" That's just bad for business.

After all, you got to "save the whales", man.

The double standard will be noted.

First it will be the Founders. "Hey you didn't ban the guy that TK'd me." "PGI has always craped on us founders." Then the MC and Overlord purchasers, "Hey what about that time I got TK'd, is my money not green enough for you?". On and on it will go.

Then you will have the "hey a golden mech boy TK'd me last week and I reported him. Just saw him in a match wtf?".

This has all the potential for an epic internet community meltdown. 47% against 1% and even a "Forbes" article to go with it. We will finally have community, clan, Class Warfare.

BTW I really hope this doesn't happen. I've got some serious cash tied up in this game. If PGI delivers on a good UI.2 and makes improvements in the overall game then I'm getting the $240 pack.

Still betting on the majority to keep cool, and PGI to react fairly, in an evenhanded, timely manner is a bit much.

Best of luck "golden mech boys" (and ladies) you're going to need it.

Good thing a Gold Timberwolf is just as deadly as a non-gold one (More so if you get the sun glare working for you ;) )

#103 Shaunbomb


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 07:52 PM

View PostTyberion, on 08 January 2014 - 07:28 PM, said:

The Founder's Pack, Project Phoenix and now the Clan Collection. These packs are an annual affair, not an everyday occurrence. There is still plenty to buy for those unable or unwilling to spend big, Mechs, camo, cockpit items, premium time etc. But of course you don't have to buy anything and you can still enjoy this game. Don't want Gold Mechs? Don't buy them, but you're not going to convince anyone else not to buy because of your tin-foil hat theories about what they do or do not do with the money.

Also, for the record the most ridiculous sounding people are people that can't spell ridiculous.

Good call on the ridiculous. I am ashamed.

I heavily disagree on your whole tin foil hat thing that you seem to think is so clever. It's very clear that all the money that has been made by MWO has gone only into producing more premium items for people to buy. I have seen no real improvement to the game since the beta worth noting.

While that last statement may be a matter of opinion it doesn't change the fact that not much content has been added period. The game spent over a year in beta in which people were buying premium content and play testing and you think that during that time and still even to this day it's acceptable that all they've really added is a couple of mechs and a couple of maps? The problem here is your standards as a consumer. This whole game and everything in it isn't worth $20.00 let alone $500 (for one tiny insignificant piece).

Companies need to be treated like children. If you tell them it's ok to do something they'll keep doing it and push the limits of what you will accept. $30.00 for a hero assault is already a crazy high price as is but seeing as how much some people like MW (myself included) it can become a justified purchase if you really want to see the game take off and expand. THE GAME HAS NOT EXPANDED. YOU PAY PEOPLE TO WORK AND IF THEY AREN'T WORKING YOU DON'T PAY THEM! So the devs saw people paying $30.00 for mechs and $5.00 for a different colour and they thought maybe people would pay $500.00 for limited edition gold mech with signed digital art (WTF IS SIGNED DIGITAL ART, ********, THAT'S WHAT) and it looks like they were right. Who wants to bet it'll be a long *** time before we get a new game mode or some actual content/progressive objectives that exist outside of the battles? Why? Because why do actual work when you can get people to pay you for nothing!!

Bottom line is this game gets mediocre ratings on game review websites accross the board because it's incredibly shallow. Have the Devs done anything to remedy this?? No. Why would they? Adding meaningful content to a game is hard especially when you can add a gold skin to a paper doll and make $500.00 a pop. People who accept this are ruining the game industry and you can tell me i'm a bad speller all day long but ultimately whether or not I spell ridiculous properly has no bearing on the fact that this game will be shallow forever (unfortunately)

Edited by Shaunbomb, 08 January 2014 - 07:55 PM.

#104 Goose of Prey


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 08:06 PM


Good thing a Gold Timberwolf is just as deadly as a non-gold one (More so if you get the sun glare working for you ;)
True, but it would suck needing to spread that armor evenly over the front and the back for the golden boy.

IF they let us, sound like they might not allow reconfiguring armor values. 18 RCT and 14 R/L RT if 3050 numbers are used. Should survive an alpha strike. Unless it's another Timber Wolf. :D

Edited by Goose of Prey, 08 January 2014 - 08:07 PM.

#105 CoffiNail


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 08:09 PM

I love this show.
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#106 Tyberion


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 08:11 PM

View PostShaunbomb, on 08 January 2014 - 07:52 PM, said:

People who accept this are ruining the game industry and you can tell me i'm a bad speller all day long but ultimately whether or not I spell ridiculous properly has no bearing on the FACT that this game will be shallow forever (unfortunately)

Do you just ignore the news as it comes in do you really not know?

UI 2.0 in 26 days. It's a thing. Bring with it: Tier 1 Weapons Modules.

Clans, the very thing we are supposed to be arguing about: June.

New Game Modes ( Attack & Defend) : May-Aug.

And that holiest of holies: CW.

After you learn how to spell 'ridiculous' look up the meaning of the word 'fact'.

#107 Shaunbomb


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 08:16 PM

I want to give an example that I know i'm going to be hated for but w/e. I played WoW for a number of years and had fun the whole time I played it. I payed 15$ per month to play that game and at the end of every year I had given blizzard $180.00 and after two i had given them $360.00.

During the first two years, the amount of content that they added was rediculous. A total PVP overhaul with the inclusion of battlegrounds. New Class abilities, new armour sets, new mounts, new quests, new factions with rewards, improvements to UI, improvements to balancing, patches, hotfixes, new dungeons, new zones etc. This trend never ended the whole time i played it i could look forward to content patches every couple of months that would add hundreds of hours of gameplay as well as tweak current gameplay to be better.

Guildwars was a F2P MMO with a minimal upfront cost that made all it's money by selling cosmetic items and bank slots at a few dollars a piece. It made enough money to warrant a sequel which is now also finding success using the same formula.

If any of you pay $500.00 for one of those mechs you will have recieved a tiny fraction of a percentage of what I got from Blizzard for the same contribution. The only thing you will have gained is the "hope" that you're money is going towards developing future content. Thats pretty risky IMO.

Now I can hear some of you thinking that the reason this formula worked for those other MMO's was because they had bigger player bases and you know what? YOU'RE RIGHT! The reason they had bigger player bases though was because of the way the games generated revenue and because of the expansive amount of content. Games don't hit the ground running with player bases of 12 million!!! they get there because they're good and I desperately want this game to be good.

someone posted a while back about long term viability VS. short term profit. Amen to that

I really really want this game to be good and that's why i'm concerned. Like i've said before, i'm not going to TK anybody for making a cash purchase. I just want people to think about how their purchasing decisions are going to affect the game in the long wrong. How many people on the fence are going to come over to a mech warrior MMO when they here it's pushing $500.00 micro-transactions?

#108 Shaunbomb


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 08:26 PM

View PostTyberion, on 08 January 2014 - 08:11 PM, said:

Do you just ignore the news as it comes in do you really not know?

UI 2.0 in 26 days. It's a thing. Bring with it: Tier 1 Weapons Modules.

Clans, the very thing we are supposed to be arguing about: June.

New Game Modes ( Attack & Defend) : May-Aug.

And that holiest of holies: CW.

After you learn how to spell 'ridiculous' look up the meaning of the word 'fact'.

You can jerk off to minimal content releases with gargantuan timelines all you want but if they are going to have $500.00 micro transactions they better be releasing a fully tested and balanced game mode daily.

You might be paying to get your $500.00 mech but from the sounds of it PGI is sucking your {Richard Cameron} for free.

And with that, im out

Edited by Shaunbomb, 08 January 2014 - 08:30 PM.

#109 Mista Whizzard


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 08:28 PM

View PostTyberion, on 08 January 2014 - 08:11 PM, said:

Do you just ignore the news as it comes in do you really not know?

UI 2.0 in 26 days. It's a thing. Bring with it: Tier 1 Weapons Modules.

Clans, the very thing we are supposed to be arguing about: June.

New Game Modes ( Attack & Defend) : May-Aug.

And that holiest of holies: CW.

After you learn how to spell 'ridiculous' look up the meaning of the word 'fact'.

I'm quoting you, quoting a "promised" timeline from PGI? Have you lost your mind?

Do you know how many times we have been promised a timeline? It's a thing, you know, that dates back 2 years. And the result has always been the same. Egg on the white knights face.

You guys must love the white stuff.

Edited by Mista Whizzard, 08 January 2014 - 08:31 PM.

#110 Tyberion


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 08:35 PM

View PostShaunbomb, on 08 January 2014 - 08:16 PM, said:

I want to give an example that I know i'm going to be hated for but w/e. I played WoW for a number of years and had fun the whole time I played it. I payed 15$ per month to play that game and at the end of every year I had given blizzard $180.00 and after two i had given them $360.00.

During the first two years, the amount of content that they added was rediculous. A total PVP overhaul with the inclusion of battlegrounds. New Class abilities, new armour sets, new mounts, new quests, new factions with rewards, improvements to UI, improvements to balancing, patches, hotfixes, new dungeons, new zones etc. This trend never ended the whole time i played it i could look forward to content patches every couple of months that would add hundreds of hours of gameplay as well as tweak current gameplay to be better.

Guildwars was a F2P MMO with a minimal upfront cost that made all it's money by selling cosmetic items and bank slots at a few dollars a piece. It made enough money to warrant a sequel which is now also finding success using the same formula.

If any of you pay $500.00 for one of those mechs you will have recieved a tiny fraction of a percentage of what I got from Blizzard for the same contribution. The only thing you will have gained is the "hope" that you're money is going towards developing future content. Thats pretty risky IMO.

Now I can hear some of you thinking that the reason this formula worked for those other MMO's was because they had bigger player bases and you know what? YOU'RE RIGHT! The reason they had bigger player bases though was because of the way the games generated revenue and because of the expansive amount of content. Games don't hit the ground running with player bases of 12 million!!! they get there because they're good and I desperately want this game to be good.

someone posted a while back about long term viability VS. short term profit. Amen to that

I really really want this game to be good and that's why i'm concerned. Like i've said before, i'm not going to TK anybody for making a cash purchase. I just want people to think about how their purchasing decisions are going to affect the game in the long wrong. How many people on the fence are going to come over to a mech warrior MMO when they here it's pushing $500.00 micro-transactions?

Dude you need to lighten up.

The WoW comparison doesn't translate 1:1. You can play MWO FOREVER with one mech if you are so inclined.
I played WoW and never had ANY fun what's so ever. I have more fun in one PUG match of MWO than I ever had playing WoW (anecdotal but true)

You seem really worried about what PGI will do with this money and what good sales will mean....it will mean that these annual packages they put together are well received and they do another one next year (yes please!)

Also keep in mind you get the whole Clan Package included with the Gold Mech.

They can get away with charging a premium this time around because it's Clans. Every second word on these forums for the past 2 years has been 'Clans'.

View PostMista Whizzard, on 08 January 2014 - 08:28 PM, said:

I'm quoting you, quoting a "promised" timeline from PGI? Have you lost your mind?

Do you know how many times we have been promised a timeline? It's a thing, you know, that dates back 2 years. And the result has always been the same. Egg on the white knights face.

You guys must love the white stuff.

I'll be quoting you again on the 4th. ;)

#111 Mista Whizzard


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 08:44 PM

View PostTyberion, on 08 January 2014 - 08:35 PM, said:

Dude you need to lighten up.

The WoW comparison doesn't translate 1:1. You can play MWO FOREVER with one mech if you are so inclined.
I played WoW and never had ANY fun what's so ever. I have more fun in one PUG match of MWO than I ever had playing WoW (anecdotal but true)

You seem really worried about what PGI will do with this money and what good sales will mean....it will mean that these annual packages they put together are well received and they do another one next year (yes please!)

Also keep in mind you get the whole Clan Package included with the Gold Mech.

They can get away with charging a premium this time around because it's Clans. Every second word on these forums for the past 2 years has been 'Clans'.

I'll be quoting you again on the 4th. ;)

I'd love ya to, cos that would mean they ******* finished something. *EDIT* that will mean they delivered something that they PROMISED.

You gotta understand, I don't hate the game, and I do want it to succeed. But I do hate the way the community is being constantly treated poorly by the devs and pubs, and I hate that there are those in the community that defend them for this behavior, which sets a dangerous precedent in this industry.

Edited by Mista Whizzard, 08 January 2014 - 09:05 PM.

#112 Tyberion


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 09:07 PM

View PostMista Whizzard, on 08 January 2014 - 08:44 PM, said:

I'd love ya to, cos that would mean they ******* finished something.

You gotta understand, I don't hate the game, and I do want it to succeed. But I do hate the way the community is being constantly treated poorly, and I hate that there are those in the community that defend them for it.

How have they treated you poorly? They've let some deadlines slip in the past, do you want it done fast or do you want it done right? I love this game I play it all the time. I don't feel poorly treated. I like the game as it is right now and the fact that there is more to come has me excited NOT angry.

The sheer amount of time spent and fun had already makes a $500 annual purchase seems more than reasonable to me. I know not everyone can or will spend that much, but that's the beauty of it. You don't have to. But you can't tell me that it's not worth the money (to me) or that by supporting the game in getting these packs they roll out once a year that I'm actually hurting it.

The Gold Mechs are not supposed to appeal to everyone, they are for diehards with loose cash. They are supposed to be ***** like a gold Rolex or whatever, I'm getting one because I get a lot of value of out this game and because it seems to make you guys so upset ;)

Edited by Tyberion, 08 January 2014 - 09:09 PM.

#113 FireSlade


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 09:12 PM

View PostShaunbomb, on 08 January 2014 - 08:16 PM, said:

I want to give an example that I know i'm going to be hated for but w/e. I played WoW for a number of years and had fun the whole time I played it. I payed 15$ per month to play that game and at the end of every year I had given blizzard $180.00 and after two i had given them $360.00.
During the first two years, the amount of content that they added was rediculous. A total PVP overhaul with the inclusion of battlegrounds. New Class abilities, new armour sets, new mounts, new quests, new factions with rewards, improvements to UI, improvements to balancing, patches, hotfixes, new dungeons, new zones etc. This trend never ended the whole time i played it i could look forward to content patches every couple of months that would add hundreds of hours of gameplay as well as tweak current gameplay to be better.
Guildwars was a F2P MMO with a minimal upfront cost that made all it's money by selling cosmetic items and bank slots at a few dollars a piece. It made enough money to warrant a sequel which is now also finding success using the same formula.
If any of you pay $500.00 for one of those mechs you will have recieved a tiny fraction of a percentage of what I got from Blizzard for the same contribution. The only thing you will have gained is the "hope" that you're money is going towards developing future content. Thats pretty risky IMO.
Now I can hear some of you thinking that the reason this formula worked for those other MMO's was because they had bigger player bases and you know what? YOU'RE RIGHT! The reason they had bigger player bases though was because of the way the games generated revenue and because of the expansive amount of content. Games don't hit the ground running with player bases of 12 million!!! they get there because they're good and I desperately want this game to be good.
someone posted a while back about long term viability VS. short term profit. Amen to that
I really really want this game to be good and that's why i'm concerned. Like i've said before, i'm not going to TK anybody for making a cash purchase. I just want people to think about how their purchasing decisions are going to affect the game in the long wrong. How many people on the fence are going to come over to a mech warrior MMO when they here it's pushing $500.00 micro-transactions?

I am not really going to disagree with you on WoW and Guildwars offering more content and on time. My thing is that you are comparing apples to lemons. Blizzard was founded in 91-94 and has roughly around 4700 employees give or take. NCSoft was founded in 97 and has roughly 3000 employees. On top of that, both companies required you to buy their game (plus expansions) in the first place with Blizzard charging a monthly fee. PGI was founded in 2000, has 65 employees, probably a few more, and much less assets than the others. On top of that WoW, Guildwars, and Guildwars 2 took several years of production before they let us play. MWO was open to the public long before it even was officially released and is still in development. You do not need to spend a dime to play, nor will you ever need to spend anything.

Cash grab? I hardly think so. Nothing in life is free and that is even more true when it comes to companies. It costs a fortune to pay for the servers and the bandwidth needed for the entire world to play; Blizzard and NCSoft charged the players to pay for that. Also, how much does it cost to hire a gaming programmer/artist these days? Not cheap I bet. Now do this without requiring any payments and have it be your only game where Blizzard and NCSoft can rely on dozens of other games to help bring in the capital and help with slow times.

But this is what makes a free to play game so great. I get to support a game and franchise that I love and you get to play on my and everyone else that paid into MWOs dime. If you do not like it or feel it lacking you can quit at any time; and in all honesty it probably will not hurt the game since you would probably not pay into the game anymore and instead just cost PGI resources to host a match with you and everyone else saying how all these other games, with different circumstances, is better.

Edited by FireSlade, 08 January 2014 - 09:44 PM.

#114 Mista Whizzard


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 09:14 PM

View PostTyberion, on 08 January 2014 - 09:07 PM, said:

How have they treated you poorly? They've let some deadlines slip in the past, do you want it done fast or do you want it done right? I love this game I play it all the time. I don't feel poorly treated. I like the game as it is right now and the fact that there is more to come has me excited NOT angry.

The sheer amount of time spent and fun had already makes a $500 annual purchase seems more than reasonable to me. I know not everyone can or will spend that much, but that's the beauty of it. You don't have to. But you can't tell me that it's not worth the money (to me) or that by supporting the game in getting these packs they roll out once a year that I'm actually hurting it.

The Gold Mechs are not supposed to appeal to everyone, they are for diehards with loose cash. They are supposed to be ***** like a gold Rolex or whatever, I'm getting one because I get a lot of value of out this game and because it seems to make you guys so upset ;)

I challenge you to put up a poll asking that question.

Within 6 hours i can have you a list of responses based on how people that I know inside my corner of this community feel.

Then you can ask the community at large?

C'mon! Do ya Wanna? Do you really want to know?

Aside the fact, the fact that poll wouldn't see the end of the day it was put up, We'd run out of response options and I personally don't even know where to start.

How have we been treated poorly?

I cant reason with you anymore, I'm out. I look forward to the 4th. We shall see what presents.

Edited by Mista Whizzard, 08 January 2014 - 09:21 PM.

#115 Silence Jin Mang


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 09:21 PM

Um, I`m all for MMO`s and things of that such, as a proud player of EvE, but tell me what did WoW start from, or guild wars? They both started from a single player (and in Warcrafts case also multiplayer) game. A game that cost a lot less money than they do today, along with a fresh community to absorb this new content called video games. Now tell me, what has PGI started with. Well for starters they have an expensive gaming engine and an already thirsty community, on top of the fact that it doesn't take 100k to make a game anymore. It takes ALOT, LIKE ALOT ALOT, more money to make a game these days, and that's just the beginning of the monetary burden they are. You have massive servers to pay for, techs that fix the servers when they crash, security to protect those servers, and boatloads of other costs, JUST FOR THE SERVERS! And to put out new content year round, you need the money to pay those to make it, then the money to get it copyrighted, then the money to implement the content into the actual mechanics. Now I`m going to stop beating a dead horse and say one final thing regarding money, if WoW charges 15 dollars a month and MWO charges 0 dollars a month, and one has a community the size of New York city and the other has one the size of a small city, then tell me why is WoW able to put out content every couple months, and PGI struggles to put out new content every few months? Oh wait, that's right, because WoW has a monthly sub, that you have to pay mind you, and therefore makes TONS of money. Where as PGI gets 0 dollars from most players and those that support it pay roughly about 200+ a year. Idk if you know how to do math, but I`m pretty sure that this game doesn't progress because they are taking our money and running, but the fact they barely have enough to call it even at the end of the day. I`m not sure where you get the concept they take our money and run, if we do get content every month, maybe its not godly different content that changes the whole game, but its still content and STILL costs money. So do you get why WoW can put out game changing content every few months, where as PGI cant? Or do I need to dumb It down?

Now in regards to the community getting laid low and being ignored. I think It is quite the contrary. I think PGI listens to the community too much, as wasn't it the community that cried for a nerf to balance jump snipers? Wasn't it the community that asked for the nerf on boating weapons? Wasn't it the community that cried for the gold mechs to include the Warhawk pack? I don't think it was just something that just popped into Russ`s head. I think they do listen, and yall are just too ignorant, or maybe just dont want to see, that they listen to the community. I don't think they are forcing us to sub to this game for revenue, I don't think they put out a game altering mech for 500 dollars, and I certainly don't think they are greedy to ask for 500 dollars for a gold mech. They aren't even making you buy it. They aren't making you sub to it nor making you have to buy any pack.

The fact is, you guys *****, and *****, oh and did I forget to mention, *****, that this game sucks and PGI doesn't listen, when I`m pretty sure they pretty much kneel when you call. Yall are like a group of spoiled children, you beg for a toy. Your parents buy the toy, and then the kid down the street gets a new toy as well, which is much cooler than yours. So you beg him to let you play with his toy (lets call it a GI Joe) and he says sure, well you play with the GI joe and when he asks for it back, you give it back reluctantly. So you go home and beg mommy and daddy for that same toy, they look at each other and say ok, but in a few weeks. So you complain, but I want it now! And your parents say, sorry but we don't have that kind of money. So you throw your fit and they finally agree, to make you shut up, and go and get you the toy the next day. Well the kid down the street gets a bike the next day, and its way cooler than that GI joe, so you go and beg your parents again. They look at each other and tell you in a few weeks we don't have the money for it. So you throw your fit yet again, but this time they say the same thing, so you throw an even bigger fit screaming and kicking, and so they say in a week to calm you down. You are unhappy with them for the next week, but play with the GI joe in the meantime. A week passes they say, not today sonny, I`ve got work to do, next weekend. So the same thing happens, and repeats until a few weeks later you get the bike when they actually get the money again, where as the kid down the streets parents are rich.

My point is to show that you are a bunch of spoiled kids given all these games that these companies have put out because they had the money saved up from the beginning and can do that, where as when a game (you highly anticipated and want) comes out and the company doesn't have the money to put out as much content you ***** it doesn't make its deadline and sucks. Well look here kids, game content doesn't grow on trees, nor does money, and if I`m wrong please show me where they do grow on trees as I work making games and would love to put out a multi billion dollar game company. But they don't, so grow up and see that its going to take time and MONEY to make this game like WoW or Guildwars. Its not going to happen overnight, and it sure as hell aint goin to happen in under a year. And to drive the nail into the coffin, it took roughly 5 years from start to finish to make Skyrim, and this is from a company that has made games since gaming was just an infant. So now look at what has come from 2.5 years of work for MWO, its a pretty good game for that time with as little money as they have had to work on. So shush with the absurd theories and the absurd expectations, the reality of it sucks, but you should look at it more often, then you wouldn't be disappointed by it as often.

Edited by Silence Jin Mang, 08 January 2014 - 09:24 PM.

#116 Tyberion


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 09:29 PM


What he said ;)

#117 CoffiNail


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 09:44 PM

Also, something I am curious about is the size of the different companies. How many employees does bethedesa have? Blizzard? Is it a rather larger number then 50?

#118 CoffiNail


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 09:47 PM

Googled it... Blizzard has over 1.5k working at their main hq, with roughly over 4k total! No wonder they can pump out content. Bethesda had over 100 working on skyrim... Hume now how many does pgi have?

#119 Silence Jin Mang


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 09:49 PM

Around 500 for Bethesda, and 4700+ for blizzard. Compared to PGI`s what 70 employees (I actually dont know how many employees they have, besides the fact its under 100.)

#120 CoffiNail


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 09:56 PM

Pretty sure, last i heard pgi had roughly 50. I know when MWO started 2 years ago they had just over 40

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