Posted 04 January 2014 - 02:50 PM
I was lucky enough to start in closed beta where there weren't TOO many really good players. They were definitely out there though, and they helped me out quite a bit with weapon ranges, locks, where to aim, etc.
I think I had played almost 30 games before I got my first kill, I was that clueless. That said, my first kill felt so damned good.
It was frustrating to get to the point where I felt I was contributing to the team, but it's a video game... I've been gaming since I was 6 (Intellivision what.). With practice, you can get good at anything, and I was determined to kick *** at this POS.
One guy got me to hop on Teamspeak and mentored me at about the 100 game mark and he helped me with builds, cbill management, and all of the micro stuff that seems overwhelming to newbs. I think this is a key point which has been brought up numerous times. It's the social aspect of the game that keeps me playing; my unit (Devil Dogs) has some awesome guys and girls in it. These are people who I'd like to hang out with in person.
It sucks that you're quitting, but you're just scratching at the surface of what makes this game fun to play. Don't rely on PGI to make you have fun. Take some initiative, get social, and see how the "other half" lives.
As I've said for months (not altogether correctly) it can only get better.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 03:23 PM
I sucked for six months and didn't realize how bad I was doing until I saw my stats with a 0.20 K/D ratio. It did not matter because there are a thousand things to enjoy in this game that make it a thrill to play. That doesn't mean MWO is anywhere near perfect, but if people don't have the patience to get though their introduction to the game, then they most likely don't have the temperament to appreciate all of the fine details and strategy that go into creating a work of massive stompy destruction (or a competent ½ Mech scout). I'm not that smart of a guy, so I can assure new players that this is not rocket science, but the game does require you to think.
And what is the purpose of starting this thread in the New Player Help area of forums? Is it an attempt to dissuade other newbies from jumping in? If that's you're idea of new player help then this game doesn't need it.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 03:56 PM
babadude71, on 04 January 2014 - 07:15 AM, said:
As the game is at the moment it is certainly no fun for a new player, to have to constantly die to learn anything is just pointless and it defies all reasoning behind playing a game to have fun and enjoy ones self.
Regardless of whats coming and bugs and other game issues, for a new players experience it is just awfull, as a whole this game feels as though it should still be in beta testing and not classed as a viable product to be sold. I have given suggestions only to be trolled and de-railed.
I will install the game next year perhaps if it is still up and running, but i think i can find better use for the space it's taking up on my hard drive.
Thanks again for the lesson in how not to make a new player feel welcome into a game.
Competitive FPS games are just not for everyone...There are however a great many (the majority of todays games) easy mode 'fun' for all games. Not to be a ***** but you make a post like this then your asking for it imo.
And what is the purpose of starting this thread in the New Player Help area of forums? Is it an attempt to dissuade other newbies from jumping in?
Edited by xMEPHISTOx, 04 January 2014 - 03:58 PM.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 04:22 PM
Posted 04 January 2014 - 04:40 PM
I'm a new player to and I am having a great time! I am from the generation that had manuals with their games, read the manual as the game is installing and have a clue about what to do. Maybe the OP should have read a new players guide or 2 instead of whining.
I havnt played for long but <300dmg and 1kill in any of my Jenner variants and I consider it a sub par game . Just bought a 3D and lucky to get over 200 and survive in it but I havnt finished building it yet, and it's still fun.
As for the Cod references, MW1 was incredible. Single player veteran is where it's at and anyone that finished it Inc the bonus mission has my respect. That required more skill than any game I've played since.
My advice to people leaving is: don't rattle the cage because you dislike something enough to quit. Just leave quietly.
Edited by xNitr0x, 04 January 2014 - 04:42 PM.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 05:54 PM
We all know the new player experience is bAaaaaaad...
All you founders / pheonixc pack buyers haven't really seen how difficult it is get a mech setup correctly..
I played my kid's account during the good economy + cadet bonus but pre-champion trial era... This was before elo too so it was really really baaaad...
What they have now is champion trial / bad economy / cadet bonus / lolwut elo / lolwut mm / lolwut tonnage matching...
The old timers play because we love the Ip... Not everybody is as invested as us to get through the hazing that is the new player experience..
Posted 04 January 2014 - 05:57 PM
Mycrus, on 04 January 2014 - 05:54 PM, said:
..............yeah because we totally only ever used those mechs, and we totally went and launched our premium time and "hero" bonuses to get craptons of Cbills so we never had to earn anything ever.

Nice strawman there.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 06:17 PM
Shar Wolf, on 04 January 2014 - 05:57 PM, said:
..............yeah because we totally only ever used those mechs, and we totally went and launched our premium time and "hero" bonuses to get craptons of Cbills so we never had to earn anything ever.

Nice strawman there.
But you can not deny that we got a very good start in our mwo career...
Posted 04 January 2014 - 06:17 PM
Posted 04 January 2014 - 06:21 PM
Joseph Mallan, on 04 January 2014 - 08:37 AM, said:

competitive arena? Go back to CoD 7th grader let the real players have there game back.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 06:23 PM
Mycrus, on 04 January 2014 - 06:17 PM, said:
My start came months before the PP was offered - and my rate of income has not changed much, even after the Nerf.
Only thing that has had any impact on my Cbill income is the use of Heros and Premium time:
The Hero's I only use to Mastery (and haven't yet short of Yenlo) because of OCD on the master everything I can part of me (which the x2 bonus leaves me playing the remainder of them at best once a day at most)
Premium time I have not activated because my play time is to erratic.
So much for the head start eh?
Remember: Exceptions to every rule.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 07:38 PM
Mycrus, on 04 January 2014 - 05:54 PM, said:
We all know the new player experience is bAaaaaaad...
All you founders / pheonixc pack buyers haven't really seen how difficult it is get a mech setup correctly..
I played my kid's account during the good economy + cadet bonus but pre-champion trial era... This was before elo too so it was really really baaaad...
What they have now is champion trial / bad economy / cadet bonus / lolwut elo / lolwut mm / lolwut tonnage matching...
I have 3 other accounts all free to play so yeah I have been through it all, and compared to Tanks it is so much easier to get in a proper mech as opposed to getting to a tier 10 tank.
However you are correct in the area of it being hard for a new player who is learning to build mechs and such stuff that takes some bt/mw knowledge. Particularly hard for those who have not had the opportunity to have played the previous bt/mw games.
I will concede that we should not (as a community) bash a relatively new player. But op could have done it (*****&moan) in a better, more diplomatic way to avoid it as well.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 07:57 PM
babadude71, on 04 January 2014 - 07:15 AM, said:
As the game is at the moment it is certainly no fun for a new player, to have to constantly die to learn anything is just pointless and it defies all reasoning behind playing a game to have fun and enjoy ones self.
Regardless of whats coming and bugs and other game issues, for a new players experience it is just awfull, as a whole this game feels as though it should still be in beta testing and not classed as a viable product to be sold. I have given suggestions only to be trolled and de-railed.
I will install the game next year perhaps if it is still up and running, but i think i can find better use for the space it's taking up on my hard drive.
Thanks again for the lesson in how not to make a new player feel welcome into a game.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 08:09 PM
Gremlich Johns, on 04 January 2014 - 12:53 PM, said:
Point taken.
Mycrus, on 04 January 2014 - 06:17 PM, said:
Sure we can, just as you run around claiming the sky is falling in every thread.
Difference is, we have a point. I mean are you trying to say the new player experience was good back then? Better C-bill generation perhaps, but the tutorial didn't exist (not that it's a huge thing) and there wasn't as much on the forums.
Point remains, new players now have access to a movement tutorial, and the rest they can learn like anyone else.
Will they make mistakes, like selling mechs/engines etc? Yes, but that's on them. They can learn the hard way or the easy way (google). Seriously there is something to the entitlement gripes, as younger gamers really do want things handed to them, and that includes wins.
Now I am baffled as to why, especially after they said the movement tutorial achieved orders of magnitude improvements in new player retention, they haven't improved the tutorial.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 08:14 PM

Posted 04 January 2014 - 09:03 PM
Crohnic, on 04 January 2014 - 03:23 PM, said:
I somehow think that this age of information made people lazy, or impatient. Didn't have any tutorials to rely on, had to learn most things myself. The first tutorial made by a player came out weeks after i joined if i recall correctly. Watched mwo clips on youtube before installing to see how it was like, looked at the options menu to see what did what before i ran out in my first mech, then went back to youtube to learn how others fought besides watching after my mech got shot down.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 09:07 PM
Joseph Mallan, on 04 January 2014 - 08:37 AM, said:

Personally i feel it shouldn't be said to/directed at new players. We don't even know if they can handle it. Could be discouraging too, them being new.
That being said, i've been guilty of such remarks myself.
Posted 05 January 2014 - 01:25 AM
My guess is that he found it incredibly difficult while pugging, and ran into some jerkholes in chat to boot. He brings up legitimate concerns, and it'd be nice if, instead of being bashed, those concerns could just be addressed -- and fixed. The game isn't user- or newbie-friendly and the player base seems quite ready to jump on the negative. Not only does it become a grind, it becomes an actively unpleasant one on many an occasion.
I view these (original) posts as a call for help and a wakeup call for PGI. Some of the systems built into the game are plain old terrible. Fix them.
For those who think the OP is an attention ***** and posted to that effect, well... thanks for giving him some attention, I guess?
Posted 05 January 2014 - 01:32 AM
sneakolai, on 05 January 2014 - 01:25 AM, said:
My guess is that he found it incredibly difficult while pugging, and ran into some jerkholes in chat to boot. He brings up legitimate concerns, and it'd be nice if, instead of being bashed, those concerns could just be addressed -- and fixed. The game isn't user- or newbie-friendly and the player base seems quite ready to jump on the negative. Not only does it become a grind, it becomes an actively unpleasant one on many an occasion.
I view these (original) posts as a call for help and a wakeup call for PGI. Some of the systems built into the game are plain old terrible. Fix them.
For those who think the OP is an attention ***** and posted to that effect, well... thanks for giving him some attention, I guess?
When the game was beta, I was one of the loudest hecklers when a goodbye thread comes out...
We are now "launched" old players are retiring or taking long breathers... This game can't afford to have its community insult new players that leave...
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