Fox With A Shotgun, on 13 April 2016 - 03:18 PM, said:
ACH are annoying because they have obscene firepower and durability. LCT? If you see a LCT in a higher tier match, they're the people that shed the training wheels of lights for a big gun strapped on a rocket engine. Experience almost always trumps cheese mechs.
It's funny because the training wheels don't remotely prepare you for the fragility you will experience if you make a mistake in a Locust. Practiced Locust pilots train to make few mistakes and correct for them fast. Reflexes are a must.
Don't get me wrong, the Cheetah firepower and hitboxes are favorable, but it's kind of a newbie-magnet because it's the clans' first remotely fast light and has ECM. The only thing it has over the Firestarter though is the ECM, so those are kind of better in my eyes. Clan lasers still seem weak versus Locusts. Rant about laser burn duration, blah, blah. Anyone who's read one of these from me has read them all.
Anyway, ECM's attraction in the lower tiers is kind of a crutch imho. If you can't avoid missiles without it, you're going to need it forever. New people get hit by LRMs and hate them, but they don't realize that they have every opportunity to get away from the missile rain just by positioning. Easier for faster 'Mechs, I know, but still something to consider even for assaults.
The thing that makes the LCT really dangerous in the right hands is the mobility coupled to the ability to hit way above your weight. I've had matches where I've done 50 times my tonnage in damage. Usually it's more like 12, but hey. You just have to strike like lightning and vanish like fog, and before you know it you've cut half their dudes down. ACH can't do that the same way because it's way slower. Even Firestarters aren't as good for sudden assassinations as the LCT.