Ovion, on 20 May 2017 - 05:09 PM, said:
If your rear armour is 2/3/2 your front armour can take a better hit, and you can twist enough to keep your rear clear.
You're using over 26% of your skill points, to gain less than 20 total structure (a mere 1-2 per location) and 10-15 armour (0.5 to 1.5 per location).
Try something like this:LCT-1E
With a supporting skill tree of this
You'll dance more effectively, be faster, have data at hand, FAR better heat management the SPL's will burn in 1/3 of a second, and in pursuit of getting reduced fall damage, you still get 1-2 total bonus structure + armour per location.
Between the website skill tree's values being incorrect for a LCT-1E (I was using it as a path outline) I can see how you would come to that conclusion, however:
1. An XL190 and Ferro with your skill tree has worse heat than the one I have outlined, except for having 5 more total Heat Cap, which I said would happen if you filled out the entire Operations tree's Heat related nodes. Which is completely irrelevant because my build generates 1.17 less heat per shot thanks to -9.75% Heat Gen. And dissipates it faster thanks to the extra DHS.
2. The LCT-1E gets 2.6% Armor and 4.1% Internal Structure per node. Now I'm not using the full Survival tree because I played with the nodes to see just how many it would take to gain a full point of Armor/Structure, which due to the low Armor/IS values you're working with, taking all of the nodes proved to be a waste because 8/10 Armor Hardening provided the same benefit as 9/10 did except for 1 additional point of armor for the CT and Legs, and so on while 10/10 gained nothing. That resulted in my specific build getting:
4 Armor and 3 Structure per Torso Section (RT, LT and CT).
4 Armor and 2 Structure per Leg.
4 Structure in the Head (Because Armor is at 2).
My build also has max armor for every relevant section: Both ST's, the CT and Legs, so not sure where you're getting 'max out armor' from--Arms and Head do not need it.
3. Using minimal rear armor has been, in my experience, a very bad habit to get into with the LCT and generally not a good idea as even a single PPC hit to either rear ST will instantly kill you, and HSR likes to do things like give your opponents rear section hits, especially on the CT, when such shots were not actually possible from the angles they were taken... To say nothing of the fact it's not your target's fire you should be concerned about, but their friends nearby.
4. Our builds 'dance' the same as far as actual movement goes. Save for the 5% less Turning Speed, which is relatively moot, yours only twists its torso faster and has a slightly higher Top Speed. Same Accel/Decel and same target gathering for a meager 7% loss of Sensor range. 1 node less on Radar Dep which I won't lose sleep over because 40% is more than sufficient to allow an extra Consumable, which would be a UAV in this case.
I used the 'wasted' points in Survival to invalidate the Operations tree while still improving the Mech's Heat Efficiency and making it noticeably more durable. I didn't feel Duration for SPLs was worth it, given the fact you spent 3 nodes to take your SPLs from an already low .50sec Duration to .444sec Duration (Not even close to 1/3rd of a second), versus getting Cooldown for 2.25% for an nearly identical rate of fire increase while heading toward other useful nodes, which Duration doesn't really allow... And I have 8 Cooldown nodes, versus your 3 Duration and 4 Cooldown, which makes the actual rate of fire(DPS) 9.14(Yours) versus 11.34(Mine)... But if you want to stick with Duration for the, in my opinion useless for SPLs, decrease in pew time that's your prerogative.
My build is more durable, runs cooler, has 1 more Consumable and fires faster with a longer range than the one you suggested while possessing the same agility, target gathering and fall damage for a loss of 20% Radar Dep, 7% Sensor Range and, as far as I'm concerned, pointless Hill Climb. Sure there's the 10KPH loss from using an XL180 versus an XL190 but, as I said, once Light Ferro Fibrous shows up it'll likely go right back to an XL190 so... Yeah. Excited for that.