Tyrant, on 30 November 2011 - 01:12 AM, said:
PC, F2P and PvP only are not hard choices, they are actually very easy ones. PC and PvP only go hand in hand and make complete sense for MW. F2P is to maintain long-term revenue without asking for a regular subscription, and the revenue stream is also potentially higher than box sale only or sub only. LoL is monetized beyond ads, significantly so.
Most of it's monetization is aesthetics, and they are hard choices. Originally the game was meant to be multiplatform. Being locked into only 360 and unable to do a PS3 port forced them into PC only or risk losing money developing for one console rather than both. PvP only, when the majority of Mechwarrior games have focused on singleplayer (I'm aware you and others played primarily for multiplayer, the vast majority who purchased the games however did so for single player. As is the case with almost every game that offers both single and multi player portions.) F2P was an easy choice after the other two were made, I'll agree. But otherwise would have been very unlikely.
A CoF system (or any system) can be judged on the probability of it being worthwhile feature that improves the game based on the pillars of that game and studios situation, and the chance of successful implementation of a system is also a valid question mark on if it should be attempted in the first place.
if we're going to assume a failed implementation, there's no point in discussing anything to begin with. Why not assume the game will suck in general and be done with it?
WoT is the closest thing that is conceptually similar to MWO. An instanced PvP non-standard tactical FPS game.
WoT is a terrible game. Whether or not you want to call the closest, it'll still continue being a
terrible game.
Cone of Fire system is a poor choice for the following reasons:
The system dictates player ability / success.
The players frustration just because the system rolled badly. - I assume you don't see having 100% accuracy after aiming for a while.
Promotes camping / extremely static game-play, if I aim better if i move less, I will move less, find the best spot on a map for my mech config and camp.
A: You use skill to time your shots and increase your relative accuracy by quickly coming to a stop, letting the shot align and firing, then moving again. It may not be 100%, but it should be close to offer a fairly high chance to hit at optimal range (Somewhere between medium and long's max ranges, for a long range weapon for example.)
B: You risk missing while firing on the run in exchange for being harder to hit.
C: Many games use CoF without being arbitrarily "Frustrating" to a majority of users whether or not it's frustrating to
you. Subjective.
D: The overall tactics required to aim accurately utterly prevent poptarting and the like, if you have to expose yourself for more than a split second to get good accuracy.
And for those who consider MW4 play-style bad (your wrong, but everyone has an opinion) and keep harping on about some magical balance because of this randomization in shooting mechanics.
was bad or it would have been far more popular. TT is pretty balanced with it's rolling to hit and rolling to determine hit locations. The armor/damage model is based off that, the CoF abstracts that while retaining player skill. Basically you control the +/- hit modifiers on top of where to aim. If you aim CT with a well focused CoF at med---X---Long range, your probability of hitting CT is high, with a chance to hit LT/RT/H. You aim RT you've got a chance to hit CT,RA,H.
If you take the time to position yourself as a sniper, you may still be able to give accurate fire, but you risk being nailed for it, no poptarting business.
A CoF will change nothing, there will be no magical balance attained. Assuming all weapons are to be viable, you are arbitrarily increasing the amount of shot its takes to down a mech, this is exactly the same as saying increase the time to live on all mech. However on fluke occasions 2 volleys will land in the same hit-box bypassing the designed time to live on a mech. Creating luck based success system, which is frustrating and bad design for a PvP game.
It's only heavily luck based if you try and poptart or shoot while overheating or sprinting around or as you're getting hit by someone else. The CoF should be relatively small if stationary and un-hit for several seconds. It allows close to that accuracy but exposes you to risk in exchange for that. It's better for the game.
Melissia, on 29 November 2011 - 05:35 PM, said:
While tyrant is capable of expressing his opinions and ideas in a fairly constructive manner, by comparison you're just being childish.
The CoF is based on range because of how it works. A long range weapon has a tight cone at medium range, this treats the say 1km of MW4 UAC2 as it's max range, not it's optimal range. This is an important distinction to make. If it's possible to be remotely accurate at maximum range, it falls within reason at half of that, 500m, you would be twice as accurate with a weapon rated at 1km.
Edited by Haeso, 30 November 2011 - 02:20 AM.