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The Etiquette Of "gg"

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#201 Grey Black


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 01:12 PM

View Postwanderer, on 26 February 2014 - 09:33 AM, said:

"Sorry for the stomp, clearly you shouldn't have been here."

"I see the matchmaker forgot to use lube again. My condolences."

"Don't stress too much, ELO is a lie and matches are essentially random."

"Spend some time in the training grounds before getting into another match."

First, I think the second one has to catch on for end of game rolls. Second, you forgot, "All hail the Almighty RNGsus! May ELOhim reign mightily! "

#202 DarthPeanut


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 01:28 PM

I say it if it was in fact a good game, if it was not I do not say anything typically.

#203 JigglyMoobs


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 01:40 PM

View PostNaduk, on 20 February 2014 - 03:58 PM, said:

its not about if the game was the best you ever had or even if you won or lost

its about being a good sportsman
at the end of every sporting match here is Australia, both teams will shake each others hands and commend each other on their efforts , even if you hate the other teams guts or just one guy you still shake their hand

GG or good game, is the summary of this type of action
i cannot shake your hand after every match, but i can say thank you for showing up and being my opponent
for with out you the opponent there would be no game for me to play

it has nothing to do with how the game plays out either
i have been on as many stompped teams as anyone else
but even some of those were amazing games, my team getting stomped was either putting up one hell of a defense against a massive onslaught or we made a crazy banzai charge into the enemy when they did not expect it
you know the games im talking about, where even tho it was you who got stomped 12-0 it was an amazing game

but GG is not just for amazing games
when you say GG on a defeat, you say "i have lost, i acknowledge my defeat and your superior skill or tactics this day, next we meet you shall be tested"
on a victory GG says "i have attained glory this day, tho it would not have been possible with out my opponent, honor to the fallen"

so you see , it is a respect thing
much in the same way o7 has been catching on
(the "o" is a head and the "7" is an arm, thus the salute emoticon was born)
"we who are about to die salute you"

Couldn't have said it better. On the flip side, when someone whines about GG, what he's really saying is:

"My team never had the skills, the brains or the wherewithal to stand out and fight your team. My actions as an individual on my team were feeble and futile. We were patently inferior as a team and powerless as individuals. That is why you won and why I did not or should not have even tried."

Well, if that's the case, not only have that person lost, he fighting spirit has been broken. That's why I always say gg or gg wp, win or lose. On winning I use it to signal respect and the respectful assumption that my opponents genuinely tried and have the gumption to fight me another day on equal footing. On losing I'm telling the other team that they won fairly but I'll be back to fight again. ;)

#204 xTrident


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 01:54 PM

View PostSandpit, on 26 February 2014 - 01:01 PM, said:


This entire conversation is NO different than buying into any other stereotype. I'm sure there's a few less than "nice" players out there that DO use it in a derogatory manner. That doesn't mean you, myself, or anyone else should give in and give up using it as it is really intended in the form of being a good sport. When you do that you're doing nothing more than letting those types of people dictate to you the meaning and use of something like that and I, for one, absolutely and positively refuse to let people like that dictate ANY portion of my life.

Exactly right, it's not. That's life though, and I think you'd be foolish to at very the least not be aware. Which is more where I'm coming from. I think some of my earlier comments were taken way out of context and taken to extremes. I also think your "few" in a few less than "nice" players is a vast under exaggeration of how many jerks there are out there. As far as dictating your life, that's a bit extreme as we're talking about random strangers giving a different meaning to two words in a game... Hardly dictating any portion of my or anyone's life. (unless this is something that really gets someone upset with) It's unrealistic to simply ignore the bad and just focus on the good, especially with this kind of exposure and interaction.

I've simply given up caring about most of what's said in any game because of the amount of negativity. You'd drive yourself crazy caring about all of it.

Edited by xTrident, 26 February 2014 - 03:13 PM.

#205 Sandpit


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 01:56 PM

View PostxTrident, on 26 February 2014 - 01:54 PM, said:

Exactly right, it's not. That's life though, and I think you'd be foolish to at very the least not be aware. Which is more where I'm coming from. I think some of my earlier comments were taken way out of context and taken to extremes. I also think your "few" in a few less than "nice" players is a vast under exaggeration of how many jerks there are out there. As far as dictating your life, that's a bit extreme as we're talking about random strangers giving a different meaning two words in a game... Hardly dictating any portion of my or anyone's life. (unless this is something that really gets someone upset with) It's unrealistic to simply ignore the bad and just focus on the good when, especially with this kind of exposure and interaction.

I've simply given up caring most of what's said in any game because of the amount of negativity. You'd drive yourself crazy caring about all of it.

By dictating I mean that when you allow someone else to make changes to you and your lifestyle because they don't like it, you're allowing them to dictate terms of your life to you. I refuse to let someone tell me I can't or shouldn't say GG at the end of a match because their sensitivities are too soft to acknowledge it's nothing more than being a good sport.

#206 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 02:02 PM

View PostxTrident, on 26 February 2014 - 12:55 PM, said:

This whole idea of paranoia is ridiculous.

I say once more:
Just because it was a "Stomp" from one perspective does not mean it was not a good game.

I have had many games where it felt like my side was losing until the 12-0 or 12-2 popped up.

According to you I should not say "GG" then - because someone might take it offensively.

That sounds pretty damn paranoid to me.

#207 xTrident


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 02:36 PM

View PostShar Wolf, on 26 February 2014 - 02:02 PM, said:

I say once more:
Just because it was a "Stomp" from one perspective does not mean it was not a good game.

I have had many games where it felt like my side was losing until the 12-0 or 12-2 popped up.

According to you I should not say "GG" then - because someone might take it offensively.

That sounds pretty damn paranoid to me.

I stand behind thinking it's ridiculous. And where did I say you shouldn't say it? I never said you shouldn't say it, I said I'd rather not see it, and I'd rather not type it to the losing team. You can say it all you want. As far as being paranoid goes, we'll have to agree to disagree because I find it far from being paranoid.

Many games you thought you were losing only to see it wound up a steam roll based on the ending kills... But that's why I mentioned 80% of my team not having a good game. If you thought you were losing then someone on the other team must have felt okay... The 20% or so. And again, don't take what I'm saying out of context. I'm talking about a team getting slaughtered, no question to it. There's no, "I thought were winning until the end." kind of thing. Just a beat down... No, I stand by my opinion that the losing team of a game like that isn't going to want sunshine blown up their ass by the winning team saying how close it was.

View PostSandpit, on 26 February 2014 - 01:56 PM, said:

By dictating I mean that when you allow someone else to make changes to you and your lifestyle because they don't like it, you're allowing them to dictate terms of your life to you. I refuse to let someone tell me I can't or shouldn't say GG at the end of a match because their sensitivities are too soft to acknowledge it's nothing more than being a good sport.

Even if I share the same feelings? Granted, not as strongly, but I certainly see where they're coming from. As I said, aware.

#208 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 02:43 PM

View PostxTrident, on 26 February 2014 - 02:36 PM, said:

I stand behind thinking it's ridiculous.

And here you and I part:

Me: If they think for any reason I am trying to be offensive about it I can tell you now - I am not
You: But you might be! You might offend them!

#209 xTrident


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 03:10 PM

View PostShar Wolf, on 26 February 2014 - 02:43 PM, said:

And here you and I part:

Me: If they think for any reason I am trying to be offensive about it I can tell you now - I am not
You: But you might be! You might offend them!

Maybe without the exclamation points. And Shar, if I ever see you in game and you steam roll me and the team and you say GG I won't take it offensively... But how many randoms know you?

Also consider, how many people in just thread have said similar things as me? Not only about offending other players but also possibly feeling that way after a poor match? It's much easier to simply not type anything.

But calling anyone paranoid because they refrain from using what typically stands for something good within a game where they don't really know anyone... No way, too strong a word. It's a courtesy refraining from saying anything just as you always saying GG is a courtesy.

Either way, you get it. All I wanted to do was give my perspective. I'm not trying to change anyone, so that shouldn't be pitched to me.

Edited by xTrident, 26 February 2014 - 03:11 PM.

#210 King Arthur IV


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 03:55 PM

can you imagine a tennis match or a soccer match where the losing side just storms off the court?

then we would have a post about what kind of a message it send if not saying gg.

too all the haters, you guys really need to accept what gg is meant for or come up with a phrase that is acceptable to you.

#211 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 04:00 PM

View PostxTrident, on 26 February 2014 - 03:10 PM, said:

But how many randoms know you?

Just so long as you are aware that that line works both ways.

As for others feeling similar?
I very much understand that it is not (usually) much fun losing - but you really have to keep in mind - the other side usually has no idea what it look or felt like to you.

If they say GG (without any open mockery) take it as such.
If for no other reason than to irritate those who mean it viciously. ;)

Edit: It is much better (In my opinion at least) to assume good than to assume evil (even if a very mild evil)
It not only has a very real impact on your own physical and psychological health, but it does effect the people around you as well.

Edited Edit: as for the !, the more you defend your point, the more it becomes an exclamation, whether you mean it to be one or not.

Edited by Shar Wolf, 26 February 2014 - 04:06 PM.

#212 xTrident


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 04:05 PM

View PostKing Arthur IV, on 26 February 2014 - 03:55 PM, said:

can you imagine a tennis match or a soccer match where the losing side just storms off the court?

then we would have a post about what kind of a message it send if not saying gg.

too all the haters, you guys really need to accept what gg is meant for or come up with a phrase that is acceptable to you.

Haters? Seriously? Most of the comments questioning the interpretation or the etiquette when to use GG should be used are just saying how they use it, as am I. As for coming up with a phrase that is acceptable, we've all said we simply don't say anything. Maybe that's the answer you're looking for? But like I said, I'm not trying to change anyone.

#213 King Arthur IV


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 04:09 PM

View PostxTrident, on 26 February 2014 - 04:05 PM, said:

Haters? Seriously? Most of the comments questioning the interpretation or the etiquette when to use GG should be used are just saying how they use it,

you might want to double check all 11 pages, btw i dont think the way "those" people say how they are use it count as the haters.

not saying anything is as good as storming off the court.

Edited by King Arthur IV, 26 February 2014 - 04:10 PM.

#214 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 04:14 PM

View PostxTrident, on 26 February 2014 - 04:05 PM, said:


Another thought:
Telling people not to say "GG" is like telling them not to say Damn - they will simply find another word to say the exact same thing with
IE: Darn or Dag-nabbit, which are, ultimately, the same word as Damn, simply in a more 'socially acceptable' form

In other words, even if you managed to get absolutely everyone to stop using the term "GG" they will find another way to say it - another way to say it 'politely' and another way to be rude.
(quite possibly/probably even the same word for both, just like we have now)

#215 xTrident


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:13 PM

View PostKing Arthur IV, on 26 February 2014 - 04:09 PM, said:

you might want to double check all 11 pages, btw i dont think the way "those" people say how they are use it count as the haters.

not saying anything is as good as storming off the court.

Fair enough, I'll just speak for myself then. So I'll just assume you weren't calling me a hater.

If this were a real life game of tennis or something similar IRL, then the storming off the court would hold more weight for me.

#216 xTrident


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:17 PM

View PostShar Wolf, on 26 February 2014 - 04:14 PM, said:

Another thought:
Telling people not to say "GG" is like telling them not to say Damn - they will simply find another word to say the exact same thing with
IE: Darn or Dag-nabbit, which are, ultimately, the same word as Damn, simply in a more 'socially acceptable' form

In other words, even if you managed to get absolutely everyone to stop using the term "GG" they will find another way to say it - another way to say it 'politely' and another way to be rude.
(quite possibly/probably even the same word for both, just like we have now)

But I'm not proposing something else be said. Hard to interpret what I'm saying when I don't say anything, ya know? Like I said though, I'm not really proposing anything be done as this idea of changing people is not a debate I want.

#217 Illuzian Pryde


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:23 PM

If your team was shit and my team won, I won't say it.
If your team put up a good fight/it was a close and my team won game, I'll say it.
If my team was shit and your team won, I won't say it.
If my team put up a good fight/it was a close and your team won, I'll say it.

But in my cases I won't say anything unless there's been some clearly positive community spirit, because all in all Im there for me, and for me to enjoy the game so I don't get caught up in things that really have no impact on how I enjoy the game(unless I let them).

#218 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:25 PM

View PostxTrident, on 26 February 2014 - 05:17 PM, said:

But I'm not proposing something else be said.

Neither were those who insisted we not "swear" or "cuss"
They only ever said "Don't say those words"
(which is silly, since swearing is the way you use it not the word itself, but that is another topic for another time)

"Don't say GG" = "Don't say Damn"
Those who feel the need to say something will still say something - deny them that particular word and they will find another to fill it's place.

#219 xTrident


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:42 PM

View PostShar Wolf, on 26 February 2014 - 05:25 PM, said:

Neither were those who insisted we not "swear" or "cuss"
They only ever said "Don't say those words"
(which is silly, since swearing is the way you use it not the word itself, but that is another topic for another time)

"Don't say GG" = "Don't say Damn"
Those who feel the need to say something will still say something - deny them that particular word and they will find another to fill it's place.

I understand what you're saying, but I still don't think it goes with what I'm saying. My proposal is - don't say anything at all. Not, "Don't say those words.". But nothing. I just want to stress, though, all I'm trying to do at is explain my point. Not trying to tell anyone what to say.

Edited by xTrident, 26 February 2014 - 05:43 PM.

#220 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:44 PM

View PostxTrident, on 26 February 2014 - 05:42 PM, said:

Not, "Don't say those words.". But nothing.

Problem is: that is very very much not going to happen.

IE: what I am saying is: teach people to be courteous - to stand up for politeness - rather than let only the jackasses do the talking.

Because there is no way in Heaven, Hell, Earth, or beyond to keep the Jackasses from mocking people.

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