About the only time I don't is if I forget, or if people were obviously sync dropping, etc.
To me, maybe because of my background playing sports in leagues from childhood up, it is just good sportsmanship. You play a soccer, football or baseball match, you shake hands with the other team after. It's called winning (or losing) with grace.
If I lose, I GG because I am acknowledging the other team played well (do I throw in an occasional "NGG" or "GG other team" if my team was particularly atrocious? Yes). I also GG if I win to basically say "hey dudes, next time. Good effort though".
One of the things I really dislike about this internet generation, which makes me guess that many gamers never played in team or league activities (not Gaming Leagues, but Sports) is the automatic assumption a person is being a douche if the "GG" after a win. To my psyche, it would be a bigger act of douchery to NOT offer the post game handshake as it were. When I am the loser, and someone "GG"s me, I have to option of a simple GG back, or to say "Not really, but y'all played well" or the like. But the [redacted] I hear often make me think there are some people who have very little experience with IRL etiquette, as behavior people think is fine in game apparently, would get their face punched IRL.
If a person first assumption is that the other person has to be a [redacted] if they "GG" as a winner, more often then not it is a reflection of our own personality we are projecting on others, and really, should call one's OWN sportmanship and conduct in question. There are certainly plenty of people, online especially, who are [redacted]. Too often though, it's the one pointing the finger.
Edited by Egomane, 03 February 2014 - 06:20 AM.
Bad language, even in shortened form, is still bad language