The new UI looks nice, but is a royal PITA to use. There are so many minor inconveniences that add up to make what could have been a positive change into a negative one. I realize many of these have been posted already but I wanted to add my $.02. *warning incoming wall of text*
1) Can’t alt+tab to desktop. This is annoying when I’m playing and need to look something up. Unless I launch the applications I want to use before hand, I can not tab to desktop to launch them (Windows 7 operating system).
2) No longer have my selectable 4 mech list on my home page. This was a feature of the old UI that my son and I loved. We’d put either the 4 mechs we were working on or our 4 favorite mechs on the home page and not have to hunt for them to select them each time.
3) Select Mech Function has many problems.
A) First, the default is all mechs including trial mechs. Too many are displayed and there is no organizational theme. This is not a useful default. My preferred default would be configurable. I’d prefer it to be the 4 mech list from the old home page, but even displaying the trial mechs would be better.
B ) Next, do not show trial mechs in with mechs I own. Keep them in their own tab.
C) Allow us to sort the mechs with in the tabs as we see fit, again I can not determine what organizational method is used.
D) The configure button at the bottom is a nuisance. Double clicking on the Icon is much more intuitive and efficient.
E) A toggle between icon display and list display would be nice.
F) The display that pops up when you mouse hover over a mech lack’s a hard point listing and display and a mounted weapon location feature. It includes useless graphs and images instead.
4) Mech Lab issues.
A) Loadout Screen - When leaving the Loadout screen there is no save button. I finally figured out there is a check out button, but that is extremely non-intuitive when you are making zero cost changes. I would prefer to be able to click on the section of the mech to call up the information about it. I would also like to have a place to hover over to show all hard points of a specific type like the last interface had. Being able to click on the item and have it placed in the highlighted mech section would be a huge step in the war against carpal tunnel syndrome. There is A LOT of almost full screen drag and drop action here.
B ) Modules Screen – Again the default is the overwhelming display of all items. A list of owned or at least a customizable list would be preferred. Is it even necessary to display the ones marked “Invalid”?
C) Weapon Groups – Kudos for adding this. However since there are keystroke instruction boxes below the weapons display, my natural inclination was to look there for the save button as well. I had to ask in a match to find out that the save button was in the upper left (as opposed to the lower left for the mech lab’s checkout/save button).
D) Rename Mech function – Thank you for adding this. I have not used it is a nice feature to have.
5) Skills Tab – Again the default is all. Would prefer owned or customizable. Also lack of owned tab. Display does not show your progress in the piloting tiers like the old UI did (i.e. 4/8 if you had 4 unlocked skills). Or if it does, I can not find it. Again, doubleclicking on a mech is preferred to the miniature mech tree button.
6) Pilot Trees – Modules: again the default is the overwhelming all. When buying a module that has 2 levels, the display resets to the top after the first purchase forcing unnecessary scrolling to find it again to buy the second level.
7) When launching you have to select the type of match every time. There is no "remember my previous selection function". Also, with now 3 types of matches it would be very convenient to have the ability to select the 1 type you don't want to play (i.e. my son and I like assault and skirmish and would like to randomly just have those 2 for options)
As you can see, none of these are major issues, just a LOT of small "quality of life" issues that add up to a high level of discomfort on top of the natural discomfort caused by change itself.
**Edit** Forgot to mention how cumbersome it is to launch in groups. It would be preferrable for the play button to switch function to ready when in group and then a launch button be added for group leader. The group interface is painfully cumbersome.
Edited by Dakross, 05 February 2014 - 08:39 AM.