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Ui Feedback

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#421 DrXitomatl


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:55 AM

View PostMister D, on 05 February 2014 - 09:42 AM, said:

I hate to say it, but it reminds me of the lame interfaces that most console games use.

First time I heard the sound effects, I thought I was using a PlayStation.

Agreed, this has me worried that perhaps what they are really doing with our dollars is working on a console port. The whole interface is set up in a way that works pretty well for handheld controllers.

They do own the licensing rights for it, but I would guess it would be coming to XBox One (if anything), since Microsoft are the actual owners of the MechWarrior franchise.

Edit: I know I'm speculating on thin evidence, and it's not that I think this is what is happening, but it's a possibility I hadn't considered until using UI 2.0. Again, I do not believe this is the case, just a possibility I hadn't thought of before. I now know, after doing a couple of searches, that this issue has been raised by many flamers in the past who hurled this accusation around every time something changed with the game that they didn't like. That is not my intention.

Edited by WM Xitomatl, 05 February 2014 - 02:54 PM.

#422 SteelTantrum


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:21 AM

Ok well this is my second go as the forum even spat me out mid post....
The latest UI is awful, its clunky and over complex. It shows you information you don't need and omits the stuff you do, its impossible to find modules but thats ok cos it's also impossible to equip them anyway. The log in freezes repeatedly and on the one occasion I did see the mech lab I didn't know where to start. I can't see what weapons are loaded on my mechs without several clicks and a screen filled with items is far too confusing. I have tried around 15 times to log in and have got on once with various 'freezes' and 'not responding', so unfortunately to give any further meaningful feedback I have to be able to get on the game....surely that is a priority hotfix.

#423 Pz_DC


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:23 AM

1) Where did You hide mech hardpoints info?...

2) Why mech's data window closes when i roll mouse out of it? Cant it be opened and closed by clicking somewhere?

3) Why there are no button to compare different mech\variants tech data? Still, my best items at comp table is a pan and papier to list, compare and calculate game's data...

4) Mech bay navigaton is just awhul, as well as whole navigation - less windows, more buttons, some pop-up windows (like weapon stats, owned mech status etc uncritical data) and it will be much more better. What i want to see - it was old UI with new data where all needed info show only when i mouseover-click buttons with no multilevel menus.

5) Why mech cant be spinned in mech lab as it was before? Why i cant turn camera up and down,
in and out?

6) Why the hell there is still no in-game chat, and NO BUTTON TO STOP SEARCHING?!

7) Why there are no options to configure crosshair? (color, thickness, size etc)

8) Why there are no options to configure in-match data windows (mech stats, minimap etc) transparency?

9) Game fonts need to be a bit bigger (or better scale with resolution increase) and need more spce between letters.

As it says in my country - "we was aimed to do better, but result is as allways".

P.S. sorry but im unable to check this text orthography.

EDIT#1 07/02/2014:

5) I was talking about main menu - so huge mech figure and cant be moved... in mech lab spinning is fine, but still up-down and in-out camera directions need to be added. And there need to be some sort of fix in mech lab becouse in some racurses scaling and centering of mech is broken (like cocpit when you try to add-remove this garbage - figures etc).

9)Font that need to be changed - in aftermatch result window, killing info (maybe just add some layout under it?..) Owned\enemy mech weapons info, target distance (same as killing info - need some sort of layout under it), some of mech lab fonts.

Edited by MGA121285, 06 February 2014 - 12:12 PM.

#424 SteelTantrum


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:27 AM

I can't even log on and play and I have spent money on this game...that hurts :)

#425 Nils


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:28 AM

"Posted ImageJabilo, on 04 February 2014 - 02:10 PM, said:

For the love of god please introduce a filter for mechs with modules equipped.

It seems you have removed the ability to have four "ready upped" mechs which was the only way I could manage where my modules were (I have over 40 variants).

Edit: I will add bugs / feedback items as I experience them.
  • The beeping. Please remove the beeping or provide an option in settings to remove the beeping. I do not want to be too negative, but this was bought up multiple times in at least two of the test client feedback threads.

  • Please allow rotating of the selected mech when in the main front screen (home screen). This is the point where the mech appears largest and is the ideal place to admire camo options. I actually love being able to see the mech this large, so kudos for that.

  • Filters. Trial mechs and champion mechs are showing on the top line after I set the filter to "owned mechs". Unbelievably annoying.

  • When hovering the mouse over a mech in mechlab, there is a delay before mech stats appear. Incredibly annoying when you want to compare variant quirks quickly. Please remove delay or better yet allow delay to be customised in settings (with zero delay an option).

  • When configuring a mech there does not seems to be a button to actually apply changes. Am I supposed to press "check out" to do this? If so this is unintuitive.

  • I have no doubt this has been pointed out a million times but in the "select mech" screen you can not see the load outs of the mechs without clicking configure mech for every mech one at a time "AAAAARRRRGH".
  • MORE filters. You need to be able to filter by engine equipped, last dropped in, modules equipped etc. Managing a lot of mechs is still too difficult, it actually feels like punishment.

  • When configuring modules you need to be able to sort or filter by AVAILABLE modules (i.e. modules owned and currently not equipped on other mechs).

  • In the mech load out screen, why does my monitor have two thirds of the space taken up by hundreds of huge identical engine icons. The mech and loadout is relegated to a tiny area on the right and my C Bill and "cart" status reside in Lilliputian insignificance in the bottom left.

  • Mech configuration is generally painful. Clicking between screens endlessly, unable to see a mech overview and having to manually switch between sections to accomplish basic tasks such as adjusting armour. In terms of usability it is a huge step backwards.
  • I would like to praise how beautiful the mechs look. Credit where it is due this is great.
  • I also like the way alt tabing takes you to a full screen window so you can browse etc. with the game maximised behind your other windows. Clicking on the game takes you back to full screen mode seamlessly. This is actually a great way to do it, so please do not change this.
I look forward to improvements over the coming weeks. Please let this be the first step on a long journey of UI improvement, because right now you have a long way to go.

My concern is that almost all the above points were made multiple times in the test server feedback threads and not implemented.

I am actually really pleased to see UI 2.0 and would like to say thanks for your hard work. If I did not care about the game I would not bother to make such a long post.

Good luck and don't let me down."

This post summed up most the points I was going to say, so no need for me to type them all out. I bolded the ones I felt were of particular interest to me. Here are a few extra I have to say:
  • I can't believe there are now MORE clicks to get from changing a loadout to launch.
  • There needs to be LESS menu changing! If your going to have layers and layers of menus, then please make 'ESC' back out of the current window

#426 Funky Bacon


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:32 AM

(thread I posted this in got jettisoned so I'm re-posting here. =/ )

I made a thingy. Not the best maybe, but it's something.

Posted Image

Hope ya can see where I'm going with this,

I though a small overview of your currently equipped items would work well where if you click on one of the sections, either via the paperdoll or mini-overview, to bring up a larger, easier to read window of that section which also (on the right) brings up only the equipment that you can fit in that section. lasers, missiles heatsinks etc. But if your currently selected section cannon contain certain equipment, it will not be shown in the list.

The visuals also changed a bit to make it easier to separate each individual item that is equipped on your mech. As well as a triangle that will remove the item if clicked on.

also I gave the now much smaller drop down menu some of the old categories from the old UI to better filter out stuff such as weapons, ammo, heatsinks & equipment, and upgrades.
The new drop down menu also does not have the over sized icons anymore and have a brief info of the equipment. Clicking an items bring up more details about the item selected as well as an icon for that item.

"Checkout" button changed to "Equip / Buy".

another thing not present in the picture would be to also to bring up an info window to the left of the big highlighted section window so you can compared an equipped item with a highlighted item in the drop down window.

#427 ApolloKaras


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:33 AM

Some of this feedback I know was left during the last few tests, and I doubt I could add anything more than what was already added.

1) Allow an inventory of items owned & equipped. All of these items are available at all times in the mech lab, modules included.

2) Allow the saving of loadouts. This will give ample time to tweak the UI, and players wont have to fumble through it. :)

#428 stjobe


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:37 AM

View PostFunky Bacon, on 05 February 2014 - 10:32 AM, said:

I made a thingy. Not the best maybe, but it's something.

Posted Image

Take notes, PGI. This is what you should aim for.

Edited by stjobe, 05 February 2014 - 10:40 AM.

#429 smokefield


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:49 AM

my personal opinion is that this new interface was launched before it was completed and checked for functionality. A lot of things are just..off, missing or bad implemented. I think they released it because they said they will do it on 4 and they couldn't miss this deadline, not after the last forum rage over clans and the resto of the stuff.

Why they didn't implemented from the start a smurfy like mechlab, why there are so many things overlooked or missing or bad implemented...if you think - the only things we got its a new mech and some new modules, the rest is just another interface (yeah yeah..its THE GATEWAY to better things i know).

I wish that even in this form they would have checked it better, and thought it better. I have played with it since the patch was up, i have played it in publeic tests a little so I can speak from experience and not from what others say...they need to tweak it a lot to become a good mechlab...but if they plan to change it again for a smurfy like one...is it worth it ? to invest again so much time and stuff in improving something that you will change again ..i wonder...

#430 Vailjin


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:50 AM

For over a year I have played and loved MWO. But, with it now taking me so long to poor through 46 mechs when I forget which one I ran last to look for 1 module or 1 engine because their is no front end telling you, this is ********. I can't even play now because looking for this crap is completely insane. You've just lost a player until you fix this. And that's pissing me off, I don't even have anything else to do as I gave up everything for this game, and you've just made it entirely inconvenient to play. Thanks PGI.

#431 Tenpin


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:56 AM

View PostRawyn, on 05 February 2014 - 09:31 AM, said:

English may not be my primary language, but what about passive form "to be owned by s,o." ?

No, "owned" does not change regardless of having any in inventory or not.

To be owned, future subjunctive, does not exist.
WILL own does. Simple future.

#432 Grevar


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:05 AM

View PostFunky Bacon, on 05 February 2014 - 10:32 AM, said:

(thread I posted this in got jettisoned so I'm re-posting here. =/ )

I made a thingy. Not the best maybe, but it's something.

Posted Image

Hope ya can see where I'm going with this,

I though a small overview of your currently equipped items would work well where if you click on one of the sections, either via the paperdoll or mini-overview, to bring up a larger, easier to read window of that section which also (on the right) brings up only the equipment that you can fit in that section. lasers, missiles heatsinks etc. But if your currently selected section cannon contain certain equipment, it will not be shown in the list.

The visuals also changed a bit to make it easier to separate each individual item that is equipped on your mech. As well as a triangle that will remove the item if clicked on.

also I gave the now much smaller drop down menu some of the old categories from the old UI to better filter out stuff such as weapons, ammo, heatsinks & equipment, and upgrades.
The new drop down menu also does not have the over sized icons anymore and have a brief info of the equipment. Clicking an items bring up more details about the item selected as well as an icon for that item.

"Checkout" button changed to "Equip / Buy".

another thing not present in the picture would be to also to bring up an info window to the left of the big highlighted section window so you can compared an equipped item with a highlighted item in the drop down window.

I'm quit this game. It's lame how PGi work, give promises and then do huge pile of..... They did THIS for YEAR????? this is student one week work. And look than what this guy show to you - he know how to do UI better then you PGI.

#433 Spaismahn


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:06 AM

I have some suggestions (haven't read through the 22 pages so apologies for repeats):

1. Modules need to be much easier to find. Even on the pop-up screen, it doesn't show modules. It would be nice if each mech on the selection grid had little icons on them showing what modules they had installed. Also, maybe a strip all modules button would be nice.

2. The popup display should come up instantly when I click on the mech. Weapon and equipment read outs should have large text and be more prominently displayed.

3. Removing some of the button clicking. The previous interface wasn't as pretty, but it was fairly quick and efficient. Bringing back some of that efficiency would be nice.

#434 mad kat


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:08 AM

In all fairness despite me thinking the new Ui is worse than the origional one the graphics settings and FPS does seem to of improved on my laptop. if a little blurry i can live with but it does play a little smoother. so credit where credit's due that have in fact improved that experience at least on this last mini patch they've just literally done.

#435 Ashnod


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:16 AM

I miss my old mechlab...

#436 Krav


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:24 AM

To quote Zeries in his other (locked) thread:


  • Store tab When you select a mech in store there is zero information just a price..
When you click on a mech it doesn't do anything. It just highlights it. It doesn't display any information that would help you know what you are purchasing. It merely says Chasis name and it's variation. along with an ambiguous letter next to some of them [ H or C or nothing ] There should be a list of information to the side like when you hover over your mech in the mech lab that tells you every single detail of that mech. From min-max engine, it's hard points, all the other information you have already displayed. Other things that would be nice if displayed to help clarify when purchasing a hero mech is that it's paint pattern cannot be changed. other things like clarifying what is a Hero and Champion mech and what bonus's they grant also.

This is kind of a big deal. When choosing whether or not to purchase a mech, I need to know about it. Right there, right then. Hopefully this functionality is on it's way.

#437 Cramalot


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:29 AM

This is literally pathetic.

#438 Attero


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:30 AM

Summary: Its not really better.

Details for changes I really want:
1. No forced full screen
2. Show armour parts for full mech
3. Make social not be a forced overlay make it separate so you can rebuild and change stuff.
4. Modules, make them shown and strippable without clicking 100 times.
... and more but I dont want to bore you with a repetitive text from above...

#439 Creasy Bear


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:31 AM

1) if i get for every engine the same picture - i don´t need a picture anyway. Especially such big pictures.
2) if i search a mech, I need a UI which sort the mechs correctly in their mechgroups (light, medium, heavy,..)
3) the font in the hardpointfield is very tiny! I need a bigger font.
4) if I select a mech, I want the information about the hardpoints immediatly together with the the picture of the mech, and not in a seperate hardpointfield, which I have to click once again.
5) I don´t need this touch tone on every button. They make me nervous!
6) I like to choose the elements of my mech by clicking on the different parts of the mech picture. Thats not possible at the moment.
7) It is very difficult to read the little font, when you have to read a white font on a light blue/green yellow backround.
8) I dont need pictures of all my 35 mechs on one screen. Thats to much visual input for me.

#440 Chimperator


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:33 AM

Pro: Only saving onetime when the mech is configured! Real Great

Contra:U can not see the whole loadout...
If i wanne switch the Battlemech after a game, i cant see wich engine, how many JJ, how many DHS or wich modules are in my ohter Battlemech.
So if i wanne switch i need to klick 3 times to check my modules.
If i wanne build a ohter Mech with a new loadout and need a engine from a other mech i need to check 40mechs with 1000klicks to find the right engine.

While fitting a mech... havent a complete overview about the mech.

Why the .... no exit Button only Log out button in the Mechlab.??

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