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Ui Feedback

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#541 Dakari1109321


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:51 PM

Do not work graphic "advanced settings"

Actually available only two presets - "low" and "high"

Any change in the "advanced settings" leads to a return to the preset "high"

#542 Phlyk


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 12:01 AM

One more minor thing that would add nicely to usability:

When in the 'Select 'Mech' tab can you make an icon in the grid of all mechs that shows you how far down the skill tree they are. I understand that I can see this info if I click directly on the mech.

For instance you have the little grey triangle at the bottom right hand corner of each mech portrait, why not just make that blue/green/gold? I'd like to see at a glance which mechs I still have to work on without switching to the Skills page or clicking individually on each mech.

Also, why is there no colour difference in the icon between a mech that has completed Master level and one that has just started it?

#543 Toadflakz


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 12:11 AM

Biggest issues in my opinion:
  • Too many clicks for everything and no keyboard quick keys (i.e. Enter for OK, Esc for cancel, Backspace for back button - basic Windowing API stuff guys, c'mon!)
  • Sort mechs by chassis THEN by name, and for goodness sake, please stop trying to put Heros and Champions first in the list in Mechlab - no-one cares after purchasing them (i.e. keep the STORE interface with Heros/Champs first but not the Mechlab). Just keep the chassis types together - it's more intuitive. A Flame is a Dragon, group it with the Dragons - same with my Phoenix variants and my Sarah's Jenner. It's a Jenner first, and Sarah's second.
  • Chain fire for weapon groups! We pointed this out in the 1st UI 2.0 Mechlab public test!
  • Loadout overview in mechlab BEFORE hitting Configure and show it on select as well as on mouseover please!
  • A missed opportunity - the ability to choose Assault and Skirmish or Skirmish and Conquest or Assault and Conquest modes for queueing rather than just "Any". You have checkboxes in that screen - use them properly rather than as tickbox-ified radio buttons!

That said: Love the turrets, love the new look and feel in-game - it's sooo much more responsive and clean. Turrets are going to revolutionise Assault. Any chance you can increase the likelihood of getting those maps for the Assault queues?

Looking forward to the next patch!

#544 Seelenlos


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 12:13 AM


I must again give my not humble opinion:
Why not make an UI that is modular, so that everbody can change it to his liking?

Both in Hanger and in Mech for the HUD.

You could leave the development to the community!


#545 Sudden


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 12:15 AM

buying new mechs. how can i, when i go to the store theres pretty pictures of mechs, but their loadout is hidden somewhere. that i cant find. please guys the new ui looks good yes. but the functions need to be simpliefied. the old ui was better in that way. also mechlab is baaaaaaaaaaad. look at mw2 , 3 and 4 for ideas.but i will say that the mechs in mechlab look great

#546 Adimascrow


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 12:26 AM

Finding what engine is equipped in what mech. Currently there doesn't seem to be a way to discern at a glance what engine is currently in a mech, which is a pain when searching for an XL 295 for my new Firestarter and vaguely remembering having one somewhere but not currently lying around in spare parts. Simply adding a "current engine" below "max engine" in the mouse over tooltip on the right of the screen when selecting a mech would remedy this problem, or adding it in the loadout section of the same tooltip with all the weapons.

Further more fleshing out the search or inventory sections with filters for finding items like specific engines, modules, cockpit items and not just spares would be helpful aswell

#547 CPL Madison


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 01:01 AM

why is there a forum topic for feedback when pgi clearly pay no attention to the comments?

if they listened and implemented even half of the suggested things previously, there would be no need for this thread....

#548 Viper CCCP


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 01:06 AM

OMG, how I want the old interface back!!! New MechLab is pain in an ass. Items do not even have a description.

#549 Dymlos2003


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 01:10 AM

View PostViper CCCP, on 06 February 2014 - 01:06 AM, said:

OMG, how I want the old interface back!!! New MechLab is pain in an ass. Items do not even have a description.

Yes they do :ph34r:

#550 Chazmatron


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 01:10 AM

View PostDarthPayne, on 05 February 2014 - 10:58 PM, said:

I think I'll just repeat what I wrote in my feedback to both public tests of UI 2.0: hire a UX expert (aka GUI design expert) for a couple of days.

Just one single bad example: Unlock a mech efficiency
  • Assuming, we start on the home screen, click Skills.
  • Find your mech in that weirdly sorted list. It's not sorted by weight and not alphabetically. It does look like it's sorted by class and then alphabetically. Really? Ok, making it easier for myself, I click on "Assault" to make the list smaller.
  • Expand "Battlemaster", for example.
  • Click on the tiny button called "'MECH TREE" on the right variant.
  • Find the efficiency you want to unlock and click on "UNLOCK".
  • A modal dialog box opens asking you whether to use Mech or General XP. Radio buttons look like check boxes. Hmm. Click on the tiny "OK" button.
  • Hmm, modal dialog box opens asking whether I'm really really sure that I want to unlock this efficiency. Click the tiny "YES" button.
  • Done, right? Uhm, no. A (guess what!) modal dialog box opens after over a second of "UNLOCKING" telling you "Efficiency successfully unlocked.". Click on the tiny "OK" button.
  • Finally. Done.
So, lots of clicks, lots of searching, lots of trying to hit tiny buttons. 3 (THREE) consecutive modal dialog boxes!!! Seriously? Just for unlocking an efficiency?

Best practices on UI design today says: don't use modal dialog boxes whenever you can avoid them. Use it for critcial errors and maybe (important) confirmations. I don't care that unlocking was successful because I can see it right after returning to the overview. Even if it fails, I don't care for a modal dialog box. You can just do a slide up notification telling me something went wrong and then I can try again (and: how often can it go wrong?). Just an idea: instead of the modal dialog, you could let the box for the recently unlocked efficiency "bloom" a little for a couple of seconds so the user sees immediately where something has changed.

And about the confirmation dialog: if you design the dialog for selecting Mech/General XP right, it can double-serve as confirmation dialog. So, you can easily get rid of 2 modal dialogs without fearing that a user will bite your head off because he unlocked an efficiency accidentally. After all, I don't lose any money unlocking an efficiency, but it feels like I'm signing a multi-million, 10-year contract.
You might actually go back to the way it was in UI 1.5: Provide two buttons to unlock, one for mech XP and one for general XP. Scratch one more modal dialog!

Please hire that UX expert for a couple of days.


Everybody like this man's post, and hope that if the devs read one thing this week, ONE THING, it is his post.

Edited by Chazmatron, 06 February 2014 - 01:11 AM.

#551 Vamboozle


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 01:22 AM

Well after 30 odd years of gaming, PGI have just given me a new experience - rage quitting a UI !!!

The loadout on my Battlemaster wasn't working for me today so I thought I'd try something different.....however it's the first time trying to change loadout with the new UI but nothing ventured....

I've already expressed my problems with font size / number of clicks required to do stuff etc so won't go over that again.
First problem - how do I find my mech? Luckily already struggled with this one but it's worth repeating - make it easier to find mech with some sort of sensible sorting / filtering.

So how do I know what hardpoints I have?

Well the mech selection screen lets you know how many of each if you hover over the picture but not where they are. When you go into configure you lose even this little information.

Once in the configure screen you have to select each part of the mech to get these odd coloured boxes up that signify what weapon / equipment type it is (turns out there's also a little symbol but depending on the position / colour of your mech behind you can't see them. Eventually I sort of worked out the meaning of the colours by looking at the loadout available. AAARGH!!!

Ok deep breath - armour

Yup you guessed it - you have to go into each part to configure the armour which just makes it that much harder to balance it across the mech (before we could see at a glance what the armour values on each part was) - REALLY?

Ok second deep breath

So how do I know what tonnage I have left, heat management stats etc? Oh - its that really small, orange writing in the bottom right near the mech legs. Now if that isn't hard enough to read, PGI have helpfully put a "blue light" behind some of it so you can't read it at all.

Ok Third deep breath

Right I decide - I'll do what I always do normally - fire up Smurfy, play to my hearts content then, once happy, put the 2 side by side and configure away.

But not the mech lab is full screen so I can't side by side.

Not a problem - I'll get it to windowed, readjust so I can see both on screen......................

.........except Windowed gives me a full screen window I can't resize (unless you count minimize) - really? seriously?

At this point I found myself screaming abuse at the screen.

I know the old UI wasn't pretty but it was functional - I could do what I needed to do quickly and easily. The new UI, whilst undoubtedly pretty, is approaching un-usable. Seriously any developer at my company would be sacked for producing dross like this.

Please, please, please sort it out and make it usable as I'm not sure how much I can play with this.

#552 Viper CCCP


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 01:22 AM

View PostDymlos2003, on 06 February 2014 - 01:10 AM, said:

Yes they do :ph34r:

I have not found how to show description for PPC, for example.

#553 Unfknblievable


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 01:24 AM

I don't post much, but I hope PGI really reconsiders its' new UI design.

I just want to be able to select a mech and look at its' overall load out. The mech should be central to the screen and weapon/ammo/equip selction should be located next to the part your trying to customize in a window.

Everyone is familiar with Smurfy, why not copy that???

I want to be able to visualise the mech on the whole and see what I have loaded in the mech in one look. I don't want to be scrolling through different windows and clicking on separate buttons to view each part of the mech *piece by piece*.

I also dislike the fact that the new UI doesn't even tell me what weapons I have, located on what Arm or torso. Even buying a mech, in UI 1.0, I can highlight the hardpoint in the overview and it will highlight the location on the mech for that hardpoint. This UI 2.0 - I'm making a blind decision!! 4 Energy hardpoints - WHERE???

At this stage, I prefer UI 1.0. Not because UI 2.0 is new and different, it's because it takes far too long and highly inefficient to navigate and customise your mech.


Edited by Unfknblievable, 06 February 2014 - 01:30 AM.

#554 Cyborne Elemental


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 01:38 AM

I guess we should have involved ourselves better as a community into the Development of the new UI.
Open testing was available, so how did we not untill it was out the door?

2.0 is a step in the right direction for the most part, but this release is premature and the state of the UI is only 70% where it should be, and needed to be if it was going to be better accepted by the community.

It needed at least another month's worth of work from the looks of it, and a much better group of people testing and pointing out all these issues.

How so many important things slipped past the developers is unclear, and frankly disappointing.

#555 ImperialKnight


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 01:47 AM

View PostMister D, on 06 February 2014 - 01:38 AM, said:

I guess we should have involved ourselves better as a community into the Development of the new UI.
Open testing was available, so how did we not untill it was out the door?

2.0 is a step in the right direction for the most part, but this release is premature and the state of the UI is only 70% where it should be, and needed to be if it was going to be better accepted by the community.

It needed at least another month's worth of work from the looks of it, and a much better group of people testing and pointing out all these issues.

How so many important things slipped past the developers is unclear, and frankly disappointing.

WHAT? Did you even look at the public test feedback forum? The vast majority of the issues here were already brought up in the public test feedback page. Did they listen? NO

#556 Alik Kerensky


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 01:52 AM

View PostHeadshot39, on 05 February 2014 - 07:21 PM, said:

Just who the **** authorised hireing of the stupids of the eve online dev team did you get to create this peice of trash no info hard to use clunky piece of shit UI no slots info no hardpoint location info no heatsinks info that was readily dam avaliable under the good pervious UI there was no reason to ever make up this cluster **** .... revert it back or lose my dam money forever.

Only reason UI 2.0 was added was to say they implemented UI 2.0 on Feb 4th 2014 on "scheduled"... having an actual properly thought out and working UI 2.0 was not in the requirments of PGI/IGP. :ph34r:

PS: They don't care about your money... if you spent anything they already got it and seemingly could care less if you spend anymore.

Edited by Alik Kerensky, 06 February 2014 - 01:55 AM.

#557 Shignog


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 02:03 AM

Hey how about you fix the game and get rid of the ui 2.0 its very very very
bad. The jumpjets are wrong it says the jump jet 5 is stronger than jumpjet
class 4,3,2,1 but the class 1 jumpjets cost more to buy or sell how can this
be? And not only that the graphic setting are ass backwords low is high and
high is low, is anyone at pgi looking at what they are doing and how could
this get past the testing you guys said you did? If you tested this and said
yes this is good lets put this steaming pile, out and call it good, its just

You did 10 steps back with 2.0 then not fixing the game itself doing the
opsite of what the player base is telling you, had made this game a sinking
fail boat, and you will not get anymore money out of me till you fix it all
and not break anything else in the mean time. I have never been so
disapointed in a game like this one. I mean sim city online was crap when it
first came out but at least they listened to the player base and fixed it in
4-5 months or soemthing like that. At least sim city knew they screwed up
and gave people a free game and pgi as done nothing. There is stuff that has
been broke for a year or more and pgi is acting like its not and they want
people to pay them for a broken game?

I cant imagine a new player coming into this game for the first time and be able to build anything that will work or even get around all the drop down menus and pop-up menus.

#558 1Sascha


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 02:29 AM


You know what the sad thing about this thread is? It's that most of these problems mentioned ARE THE SAME ONES as what people mentioned during the last public test.

That's one of the saddest aspects of this whole debacle and the one I probably understand the least.

And why even release this client in its current, read: apparently unfinished, state, when we'll get yet another major change to it in a month or so (switch to smurfy-style)? I'd much rather wait for another month than put up with this clumsy interface.

View PostWM Xitomatl, on 05 February 2014 - 08:53 AM, said:

Yet another example of poorly executed information display, which speaks for itself:
Posted Image

Yup. Plus on the same info popup you get lots of other non-essential info (yaw angles, torso-twist limits, etc), but you don't get any info on the currently equipped engine. I own 49 Mechs ATM and last night I tried finding one of my engines. If you don't happen to remember where the engine is, good luck finding it. It now requires you to open up the loadout-section on every single Mech you suspect the engine could be in. Like everything else in this UI, it's an orgy of mouseclicks. At least in 1.5, it was enough to click on the Mechs you suspected of having the engine and checking the "at a glance"-info on the right side of the screen.

Which makes me wonder if anyone at PGI have actually tested this thing under "live" conditions. Meaning with a non-developer account where you don't have a gazillion of C-Bills/MCs and every piece of equipment in your hangar.

Don't get me wrong: I don't mind change - if it's change for the better. Deviating from established, working structures and conventions is not what I'd call change for the better.
That's the reason why car manufacturers don't suddenly decide "Hey, let's put the accelerator on the left side, the clutch in the middle and the brake-pedal on the right! That way we'll be totally different and recognizable!"


Edited by 1Sascha, 06 February 2014 - 02:37 AM.

#559 SLAK Ghost


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 02:30 AM

I thought it wasted a lot of time in UI 1 looking for which mechs had my modules... Now I want UI 1 back.

Any way to check what Mech XP you had on a chassis? I am giving up trying to master them all because I don't know where I have been.

I don't like shopping. Checkouts give me the creeps.

Edited by SLAK Ghost, 06 February 2014 - 02:32 AM.

#560 Reno Blade


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 02:41 AM

Some really nice feedback here. (specially the mockup screens provided).
Keep it comming (positive and negative).

One thing to keep in mind:
We got the UI2.0 now, befor it's "complete", so they could finally start working on lobbies and CW without further waiting for UI2.0.
All the stuff that they did not change yet, but said they will (like sorting/filtering/searching) will come in the next few patches, but the work on these items won't slow down the work on lobbies and CW!

Would you rather wait 2-3 more patches for a perfect UI, or have that bottleneck opened and PGi working on the "real" features already, that everyone is waiting for?

Edited by Reno Blade, 06 February 2014 - 02:44 AM.

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