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Ui Feedback

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#821 Leftwardjetlag


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 06:21 AM

Might as well chime in : UI 2.0 is an horrible useless game-killing stunt. Well it is from my short-sightted, selfish and ignorant point of view.

Maybe I am reluctant to change. Or maybe I'm just used to like well built things.

The old, crappy, buggy, unintuitive and clunky UI was actually what drove me to MWO. Been playing for about 2 months, I understand the game goes way back than that.

What the old UI did nice ?
- it wasn't buggy, clunky or anything to me.
- It would be windowed, sharp and responsive, no-bells-no-whistles, quick to play, or quick to customise
- I could see at a glance my gxp and MC.
- I would see a quick-list of favorite mechs I did want to ... 'evolve'.

It would have a mechlab (or whatever customisation environment) wich has info and functionality at my fingertip. Hell the old paper mech sheets were faster than UI 2.0 (yep, i played paper back then, i'm that old). Paper may have bad rep now, but it had to be optimized, no one would want to browse 3 manuals and a 10 page mech sheet just to play a game would they ? That's about how efficient UI 2.0 is. Despite what I saw on another thread leading to this one, customisation (some would say 'optimisation') is probably the core underlying motive to play giant robots killing each other. "Will this mod give me an advantage on the field ?". UI 2.0 kills the fun of that. Flat. Dead. Useless sounds and pictures, unnerving loading times and missing info, no way to have a general look and feel of the mech we customise.

It is sad to say, but working late and pushing deadlines *might* make for bad decisions and shortcuts. By PGI's own salespitch, UI 2.0 was rushed to the world who couldn't wait anymore for it's glory. Well, I for one could have waited. For now I wait for the mechlab to load. I have to wait for info to show. I when I'm done, even the gameplay feels slow and chunky. Don't know if it's psychologic, but the game seems to be unplayably slow, I can't drive the thing, feels like old stop-motion godzilla or something. I had to drop graphics a little in the old UI. Now no setting would do.

Might as well write about it, I can't play anymore. I'll stick around a week or two, curious to see if this whole mess gets cleaned up and rebooted.

Edited by Leftwardjetlag, 10 February 2014 - 11:11 AM.

#822 Dragunz Pryde


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 06:53 AM

OK, after taking some time to get acquainted with the new U.I. i have some gripes. Nothing overly serious, but these should be addressed.

1: The HOME page should still show your 4 selected mechs for matches. Why this one feature that was used more than anything from the last U.I. was removed i do not understand. Now in order to play rapid matches you have go into the mechlab, select another mech, then go back, ready up and launch. Not good, you should be able to be right back into your home screen, select another mech as you did before and get back in the fray!!

2: Still no strip all button?!?!? Come on guys, this was one feature i literally saw in almost every request thread out there. I hate to say it, but going into each and every section of the mech to remove equipment is ANNOYING AS HELL!! Please put a remove all button in when your next U.I. patch releases.

3: Why is the social aspect of your game, one of the most important features in the pregame U.I. still a button that separates you from everything else you want to do before a match?? This just seems clunky and counter-intuitive to me. I play with friends, some I can talk to on Teamspeak/Ventrillo, and others i cant and have to type. It is very annoying to have to click a button to see their responses when i am working in the Mechbay!!

OK, now that is over i do want to compliment you guys on a significant step forward. This U.I. gives me the one thing i have wanted forever!! The ability to see all my mechs at once, without having to side scroll for days, and the ability to sell items in bulk without having to be in a mech load out to do so!! As a player with nearly 50 mechs that is a HUGE improvement!! Please keep up the good work, and i cant wait to see the improvements when DX11 is implemented!! Also is there any time frame for when SLI/CROSSFIRE will be supported??

Anyway, keep up the great work!!!

#823 GunSage


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 07:25 AM

I'm not sold on this new UI yet. I do like the general feel of it. but I feel the social tabs could be improved

as a surround/eyefinity user - this new UI is HELL!

the new interface in surround is garbage.

everything else I can get used to. change isn't always bad. I do enjoy the new features. just please allow me to choose a windowed mode resolution and a separate one for in-game. even if its only a config edit.

Thank you,


#824 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 08:13 AM

View PostHelsbane, on 10 February 2014 - 04:39 AM, said:

I'm gonna feel really strange after I say this, but I'm actually going to defend PGI on this one, but only just.

This was a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario for them. Imagine what the community's response would have been if they HADN'T released 2.derp. Cries of "OMG you can't hold a deadline!!!" would have dominated the forum, players would have walked away, etc, etc...

Now, that being said, I return to my normal 'PGI is a group of utter failtards' ways...

If 2.derp is an example of what they've been working on for the last year, imagine how bad CW will be. If this is their shining diamond, upon which all else hinges, can you imagine the level of BS, the utter and complete incompetence with which they will attempt to implement further development?

This is already a train wreck, but they keep trying to make this a "Nuclear submarine crashes into downtown Indianapolis" event, causing all of us to stare in awe at the level of obvious present in their mistakes.

I want to love this game. I really do. It is that very desire to see a MW title thrive and be something awesome that makes me keep my forum sig. PGI has no f**king clue what they're doing, and it shows more with every patch.

Doubt the repercussions of being late with the release would have been as bad as this sh*t storm going on. I have cut my play time down to 20% and I have a feeling I'm not alone. The old UI was alot more functional, efficient and bottom line, more tolerable.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 10 February 2014 - 08:13 AM.

#825 Aidan


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 08:19 AM

On my system, the most recent patch of UI 2.0 is not compatible with Razer Synapse 2.0 software. This Razer software is compatible with all the other games I play.

When Razer Synapse is installed there is no audio when the MWO client is running.

If the Razer Synapse software is uninstalled the MWO client produces audio.

Prior to the UI 2.0 update, the Razer Synapse software worked well with the MWO client.

Please address this issue PGI.


Aidan :ph34r:

#826 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 08:22 AM

View PostLeftwardjetlag, on 10 February 2014 - 06:21 AM, said:

Might as well chime in : UI 2.0 is an horrible useless game-killing stunt. Well it is from my short-sightted, selfish and ignorant point of view.

Maybe I am reluctant to change. Or maybe I'm just used to like well built things.

The old, crappy, buggy, unintuitive and clunky UI was actually what drove me to MWO. Been playing for about 2 months, I understand the game goes way back than that.

What the old UI did nice ?
- it wasn't buggy, clunky or anything to me.
- It would be windowed, sharp and responsive, no-bells-no-whistles, quick to play, or quick to customise
- I could see at a glance my gxp and MC.
- I would see a quick-list of favorite mechs I did want to ... 'evolve'.

It would have a mechlab (or whatever customisation environment) wich has info and functionality at my fingertip. Hell the old paper mech sheets were faster than UI 2.0 (yep, i played paper back then, i'm that old). Paper may have bad rep now, but it had to be optimized, no one would want to browse 3 manuals and a 10 page mech sheet just to play a game would they ? That's about how efficient UI 2.0 is. Despite what I saw on another thread leading to this one, customisation (some would say 'optimisation') is probably the core underlying motive to play giant robots killing each other. "Will this mod give me an advantage on the field ?". UI 2.0 kills the fun of that. Flat. Dead. Useless sounds and pictures, unnerving loading times and missing info, no way to have a general look and feel of the mech we customise.

It is sad to say, but working late and pushing deadlines *might* make for bad decisions and shortcuts. I by PGI's own salespitch, UI 2.0 was rushed to the world how couldn't wait anymore for it's glory. Well, I for one could have waited. For now I wait for the mechlab to load. I have to wait for info to show. I when I'm done, even the gameplay feels slow and chunky. Don't know if it's psychologic, but the game seems to be unplayably slow, I can't drive the thing, feels like old stop-motion godzilla or something. I had to drop graphics a little in the old UI. Now no setting would do.

Might as well write about it, I can't play anymore. I'll stick around a week or two, curious to see if this whole mess gets cleaned up and rebooted.

Out of the over 800 comments made here, yours is one my favorites. You tell it with true sincerity.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 10 February 2014 - 08:26 AM.

#827 Namicus


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 08:35 AM

View PostFunky Bacon, on 05 February 2014 - 10:32 AM, said:

(thread I posted this in got jettisoned so I'm re-posting here. =/ )

I made a thingy. Not the best maybe, but it's something.

Posted Image

Hope ya can see where I'm going with this,

I though a small overview of your currently equipped items would work well where if you click on one of the sections, either via the paperdoll or mini-overview, to bring up a larger, easier to read window of that section which also (on the right) brings up only the equipment that you can fit in that section. lasers, missiles heatsinks etc. But if your currently selected section cannon contain certain equipment, it will not be shown in the list.

The visuals also changed a bit to make it easier to separate each individual item that is equipped on your mech. As well as a triangle that will remove the item if clicked on.

also I gave the now much smaller drop down menu some of the old categories from the old UI to better filter out stuff such as weapons, ammo, heatsinks & equipment, and upgrades.
The new drop down menu also does not have the over sized icons anymore and have a brief info of the equipment. Clicking an items bring up more details about the item selected as well as an icon for that item.

"Checkout" button changed to "Equip / Buy".

another thing not present in the picture would be to also to bring up an info window to the left of the big highlighted section window so you can compared an equipped item with a highlighted item in the drop down window.

For the love of all that is good, PGI, please use this as your foundation to build from!

#828 PPMcBiggs


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 08:53 AM

View PostNamicus, on 10 February 2014 - 08:35 AM, said:

For the love of all that is good, PGI, please use this as your foundation to build from!

This is a good base. One major tweak to this that I would love to see:
Somewhere on that screen, perhaps in the empty vertical expanse on the left edge, should be a 'social' window with your groups status up top and all your buddies status' below.

This is a social game is it not? Put the social IN MY FACE!

#829 Nebelfeuer


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 09:02 AM

Seriously guys....I mean the task was simple was it not? I mean a simple list with mechs with selection resulting in a complete paperdollmodel on one screen to change the components is all that is needed for the mechlab. Add a "play now" and a "shop" button and you would have done a great job.
Instead you give us this ugly looking, unlogically sorted 300-click mess that is not even able to show me simple and vital information like the number of installed heatsinks without browsing every single component...it instead shows me worthless bars and graphics with absolutely uninteresting information.
I would show you how to do it better but there have been numerous posts doing that since the first screenshots where avaliable and in every feedbackthred during the test phase and you decided to ignore them all.
So no further tolerance from me.
Fix it!

Edited by Nebelfeuer, 10 February 2014 - 09:02 AM.

#830 Bad Andy


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 09:43 AM

[color=#959595]the mechlab should autosave changes to a loadout when you hit the "back" button if the changes don't cost MC/Cbills and won't result in an unlaunchable loadout[/color]

[color=#959595]there needs to be a option to disable the UI sounds, the beeping is really annoying[/color]

[color=#959595]when you select a mech, it should display some kind of summary of the loadout without needing to go into the "configure" menu and select loadout for each part. For example in addition to heat, weight, firepower, there should be another box that summarizes armament, what engine is equipped, and other equipment like beagle etc.[/color]

[color=#959595]If you own a module, the total amount owned across all mechs should be displayed in the menu regardless if they are equipped or not. If you want to equip a module you own at least 1 of and have unlocked, it should simply auto-unequip it from whatever other mech it's currently on and put it in the loadout you're currently working on. Currently if you own 40+ mechs like me it's a tremendous pain to try and remember which mech you had X module in when trying to move it to a mech you want to use it in. Ditto for engines, but modules would be a good place to start. [/color]

#831 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 10:07 AM

View PostBad Andy, on 10 February 2014 - 09:43 AM, said:

[color=#959595]the mechlab should autosave changes to a loadout when you hit the "back" button if the changes don't cost MC/Cbills and won't result in an unlaunchable loadout[/color]

[color=#959595]there needs to be a option to disable the UI sounds, the beeping is really annoying[/color]

[color=#959595]when you select a mech, it should display some kind of summary of the loadout without needing to go into the "configure" menu and select loadout for each part. For example in addition to heat, weight, firepower, there should be another box that summarizes armament, what engine is equipped, and other equipment like beagle etc.[/color]

[color=#959595]If you own a module, the total amount owned across all mechs should be displayed in the menu regardless if they are equipped or not. If you want to equip a module you own at least 1 of and have unlocked, it should simply auto-unequip it from whatever other mech it's currently on and put it in the loadout you're currently working on. Currently if you own 40+ mechs like me it's a tremendous pain to try and remember which mech you had X module in when trying to move it to a mech you want to use it in. Ditto for engines, but modules would be a good place to start. [/color]

I agree with everything you say but they'll never use the auto-equip option.. that would make it too easy and it would be a dissinsentive to purchase more than one non-consumable module. I wouldn't blame them either. My guess is they'll make it slightly easier than it is now but not a one-click, auto-unequip/auto-equip affair.

#832 Valcrow


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 10:14 AM

Someone Suggested I put this here... Here's the full thread, but here's the important part in a nutshell.


Original 2.0 layout:
Important stuff is all to the sides & small.

Posted Image

Could we please have something like this:

Posted Image

Because then all the important stuff is laid out as follows:

In addition, we're missing awesome stuff like, ammo count, heat sinks, slots, etc.
we also need a fast way to add artillery strikes and change modules.
Lastly, that can all be glanced in the CENTER of the screen easily and completely. All we loose is 16 mech portraits.

Posted Image

This is the current Loadout layout. Which requires both your eyes, clicks and mouse to keep going across the prime realestate (the center) without actually interacting with it at all.
Posted Image

Can we have something like this?

The most important pieces of info in the middle. Tonnage, layout, slots open. all WITHOUT requiring ANY clicks.

Posted Image

I removed the armor to fit everything. Put it in a new screen.

Posted Image

Shows you where your guns are, so you can make sure those spots have more armor than your disposable arms.
Internal point value showing.
And armor tonnage totals, for getting those .5t and 1.0 values.

Thanks for looking.

#833 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 10:29 AM

View PostValcrow, on 10 February 2014 - 10:14 AM, said:

Someone Suggested I put this here... Here's the full thread, but here's the important part in a nutshell.


Original 2.0 layout:
Important stuff is all to the sides & small.

Posted Image

Could we please have something like this:

Posted Image

Because then all the important stuff is laid out as follows:

In addition, we're missing awesome stuff like, ammo count, heat sinks, slots, etc.
we also need a fast way to add artillery strikes and change modules.
Lastly, that can all be glanced in the CENTER of the screen easily and completely. All we loose is 16 mech portraits.

Posted Image

This is the current Loadout layout. Which requires both your eyes, clicks and mouse to keep going across the prime realestate (the center) without actually interacting with it at all.
Posted Image

Can we have something like this?

The most important pieces of info in the middle. Tonnage, layout, slots open. all WITHOUT requiring ANY clicks.

Posted Image

I removed the armor to fit everything. Put it in a new screen.

Posted Image

Shows you where your guns are, so you can make sure those spots have more armor than your disposable arms.
Internal point value showing.
And armor tonnage totals, for getting those .5t and 1.0 values.

Thanks for looking.

Piranha, hire this designer, NOW!

#834 Ayenn


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 10:35 AM

This is an excellent solution but it needs to be scaled some so it doesn't overlap the beautiful mech render to the right of the screen.

View PostValcrow, on 10 February 2014 - 03:57 AM, said:


Like many, I've had my share of frustration with the new UI. Although I appreciate the new graphics, and obviously a nicer backend to the UI, the functionality is not quite as we'd hoped. I think you've swayed a bit too much in the artistic direction and not enough on the user experience.

Instead of voicing the dissatisfaction through a wall of text. I thought it actually faster for me to just mock something up instead so maybe we can pinpoint our grips.

I've even mocked up an example of what I think would be pleasant to use, in keeping with your framework and art direction. -in hopes that it is easy to implement. Though I know, stuff's always harder than it looks.

I think the biggest problem lies in the hierarchy of information and underutilized screen realestate. And possibly a lack of consideration for function of the mech selection screen.

IMO, The FUNCTION of this page is to SELECT your mech. Get an OVERVIEW, and either launch or decide to REFIT.

For that, we need the following information in order of priority:

1. Mechs in bay
2. Loadout of selected mech
3. Information relating to decision to refit

Posted Image

Currently, There are a few major problems:

The important stuff as I perceive it is in the corners and tiny. The best realestate in the center is taken up by 16 redudant mech portraits that could be solved by scrolling or filtering.

When I choose a mech, I need to see what it has immediately to decide if I want to use that one. Currently it requires a buggy 'mouse over', and information on that mech is incomplete and also tiny.

Important stuff should be in the center, and your eyes should go in a natural flow.

I propose the following:

Posted Image

This layout follows my decision making process more fluidly providing much more info.

The first panel, is the overview.
The second panel, the loadout (including missing information like modules, ammo, slots, HS.)
The third, Chassis info that you 'might' need

Each panel gets more specific as it flows so you naturally get from generic to specific until you make your decision to launch or refit.

Additional stuff that I'd like on the page integrated into layout:

SKILL tree included on top of the configure button.
Easy access to modules for stuff like arty strikes.
Quirk information.
Bonus XP/Cbills info
Cockpit items - for easy removal to put in other mechs.

Removed the arm/yaw information
Although pretty, very rarely do you need that specific information...

All we loose to the currently layout is 16 mech portraits that we can scroll to get.

Here is the arrangement of importance on this layout:

Posted Image


Loadout screen has more issues than the mech selection IMO. It takes ages to do anything. There is no overview perspective. I'm willing to bet the vast majority of people will find the OLD UI quicker to setup mechs than this..

I think this is due to the placement of buttons, the steps you need to take to do anything requires you to go across the screen to the left and right constantly. Whle the middle is not being used. Picture to illustrate.

Posted Image

1, select a point to view
2. figure out which slots are free
3. check weight (its tiny and in the corner.. this is the most common thing to look at when customizing.. tonnage)
4. Select a catagory of item (ok in theory, but problems exaggerated by not being able to see more than 1 part at a time.)
5. click and drag, no double click? also, uses too much prime realestate (THE CENTER OF YOUR SCREEN)
6. drag part onto here. That works. What doesn't work is that you don't know how that relates to your other parts of the mech.
7. Check out is bottom left? Most naturally, done, ok or close buttons are on the bottom right, or sometimes top right. Never left.

You can see that your eyes and mouse are constantly going across the middle... eating up brain energy. We're also missing critical infomration for customization like free critical slots. And an overview.

Just imagine adding heat sinks to each part, and realizing you need to get .5 tons somewhere... Nightmare.

Ok, so... Here's my proposal:

Posted Image

I don't think I need to explain this.

Note that I've removed armor into another tab.

Hardpoints don't need to be as complicated as they are. 2 lighting bolts = 2 energy hardpoints.

Tonnage, firepower etc is easily referenced in the middle of the screen.

Still have enough space to mouse over anything for expanded info.

Posted Image

Here is the flow:
1. check overview/ tonnage
2. pick what you want
3. drag it over
4. make sure everything fits.
1. check tonnage (visually close)
5. repeat/confirm or go to armor.

Most of the function is in the middle of the page. and going in a natural circle. Most importantly you have at a glance all the information you need to decide what to do.


Posted Image

Again, I need not explain really.

Shows you where your guns are, so you can make sure those spots have more armor than your disposable arms.

Internal point value showing! (we need this!)

And armor tonnage totals, for getting those .5t and 1.0 values.


I know UI 2.0 is at it's early stages, but holy cow I didn't think it would be that infuriating to use.
It does look pretty though.

I hope this helps illustrate specifically the gripes we have with 2.0.
Let me know if you all agree/disagree. Thoughts, critiques.

Thanks for looking.

Edited by Ayenn Destiny, 10 February 2014 - 10:38 AM.

#835 Victor Morson


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 10:45 AM

The problem, the real problem as shown over and over here, is not the fact the UI is just buggy or has growing pains. It's that it's blatantly obvious either no thought, or really bad thoughts, were put into it while everyone that tested it was ignored.
  • The button layouts are awful (You have to click bottom, left, right, center, right, left just to get anywhere). You have to click the far X on social to minimize it, instead of in the tons of dead space
  • Tons and tons of wasted space
  • Broken into tons of sub-menus that don't need to exist - we don't need a Home tab (the tabs at the top remove the need for it), or anything but the mechlab!
  • Missing critical features
  • No useful hover information
  • Abstract charts prioritized over actual information rendering it useless; you can't see weapons, just "firepower." You can't see your 'mech XP from mechlab, just your rank.
  • Poor font choices
  • ESC should always go back!
  • The removal of features, large and small (clicking on 'mechs, ready list)
On top of minor things. Like how every time I customize a 'mech and the buttons fling to the other side of the screen, for a split second I think I'm at a loading screen because no other game does that. Or how there's no link from Inventory to Configure Mech. Or how every single time you change locations, it resets which type of gun you're looking for. Etc, etc, etc.

This was the most illogically and poorly thought out system from a design phase and a huge part of that is, like in all things, PGI REFUSES TO TAKE FEEDBACK.

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 10 February 2014 - 10:29 AM, said:

Piranha, hire this designer, NOW!

We lack the professional experience from working on esteemed titles like Marine Sharpshooter in addition to high profile success like Duke Nukem Forever's multiplayer. We clearly don't know what we're doing in our UI requests and none of the hundreds of pages of test feedback was worth listening to.

Perhaps Paul can come in here and "poke the Dragon" (See the Highlander thread) then "Run away" by making some bold statement about how he's planning to make UI 2.0 worse and doesn't care if we like it.

Edited by Victor Morson, 10 February 2014 - 10:54 AM.

#836 HoppinRaven


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 11:04 AM

First and foremost thank you for bringing UI 2.0!
As it is UI 2.0 is a good step into the direction we need to go, thanks for that! Even though it took a blimmin long wait.
However, sorry to say since I realize its a lot of work and a lot of complaints from everyone to get through to the constructive critisism: There is still a LOT of work to be done to make it a good UI.
I want to help and make this UI better, this game deserves a damn good UI to get players to play quick and smooth.

I'll work in bullit points to get to a user interface that is actually workable instead of just looking nice.

Through the various stages we get different buttons but there are no shortcuts. Since loadtimes with a lot a mechs gets worse and worse... give us more shortcuts to and through the various screens.

- Loadout and Module buttons without the need to go back and forth through several screens to get what you want in a mech.
- One button list on the left, not all over the screen. Its become a clickfest to get anywhere and having to move your mouse from this end to that gets really annoying if you have to do it between each drop.
- Selecting and having to choose configure is somewhat easier but why not have a config button in one place instead of under each mech?
- Give us the ready button back in the Home screen!
- Save button, not checkout as I am not in a restaurant or some such. I am in my mechbay configuring the brute machine.

Mech loadout and layout, modules:
- Having to go through each section of a mech to see where is what is truly of the pas and annoying as hell. Give us a FULL loadout view in one go. The list of items can be a lot smaller as the icons are really huge compared to everything else.
With Full loadout view I mean a full frontal of the mech, then every section tethered to a list all open and viewable at the same time. That way you can quickly scroll through the item lists to get the items you want and drag them into place.
Perhaps a toggle for full open view or per section if you want to have people choose what kind of layout they want to use.
- Able to see modules in mouseovers before you go into the config screen.
- Icons for modules present, like the champion and hero icons, to show that a mech is equipped with modules.
- Smaller icons in the inventory lists of loadout items and modules. That way you can make better use of the full screen without scrolling up and down.
- Section the different modules or items in loadout lists into simple rows instead of a seemingly endless listing of icons. That way you can much more easily find things without the real need for those buttons of the different sections (still handy the buttons but not really needed).

Icon sizes of items and modules are way too big compared to the letter size. Plus in many a case having white letters showing in a bright yellow section makes it really unfriendly to a user. Having non solid coloring can help but I would prefer larger letters that are in contrast to the background they are on.
edit: Make full icon double clickable to select or config instead of just a tiny button at the bottom of the icon.

Group window and Friendlist are too far apart, they should be either docked to each other or make the panes layered so you can keep them open and drag them out of the way if needed. Makes up for the lack of a quick ready button too but I truly think that needs to be brought back into the UI.
The lag between clicking the button for the friendlisting is insane, also the loadtimes in between matches and getting back into your mechbay or homescreen is way too long. There are much more people out there that have as much mechs as I do. Pre-loading and caching per client is needed with partial refreshes when saves are done and only full refreshes when a time has lapsed or when a client asks for it (refresh buttons!).

This is as far as I got after playing just four times with the new UI, so more to come.

Please contact me if some of the points above need additional explanation, willing to use skype or other means of comms to make things easier.

Edited by HoppinRaven, 14 February 2014 - 02:12 PM.

#837 DemonRaziel


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 11:14 AM

View PostValcrow, on 10 February 2014 - 10:14 AM, said:

*Lots of awesome stuff!*

Pay this guy money immediately! He just did your job for you.

#838 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 11:34 AM

View PostValcrow, on 10 February 2014 - 10:14 AM, said:

Someone Suggested I put this here... Here's the full thread, but here's the important part in a nutshell.


Original 2.0 layout:
Important stuff is all to the sides & small.

Posted Image

Could we please have something like this:

Posted Image

Because then all the important stuff is laid out as follows:

In addition, we're missing awesome stuff like, ammo count, heat sinks, slots, etc.
we also need a fast way to add artillery strikes and change modules.
Lastly, that can all be glanced in the CENTER of the screen easily and completely. All we loose is 16 mech portraits.

Posted Image

This is the current Loadout layout. Which requires both your eyes, clicks and mouse to keep going across the prime realestate (the center) without actually interacting with it at all.
Posted Image

Can we have something like this?

The most important pieces of info in the middle. Tonnage, layout, slots open. all WITHOUT requiring ANY clicks.

Posted Image

I removed the armor to fit everything. Put it in a new screen.

Posted Image

Shows you where your guns are, so you can make sure those spots have more armor than your disposable arms.
Internal point value showing.
And armor tonnage totals, for getting those .5t and 1.0 values.

Thanks for looking.

I'm requoting this for awesomeness. the absolute worst thing in this current ui is the overly massive box for items/mechs. The 1 column ordered system is WAY better. guns should be treed in a 1 column row just like ui 1.5, and engines etc, everyone gripes about this, they like going logically down the list, not left to right.

also info on the icons missing is huge. no longer can i see engine tonnages at a glance or relative to each other. this information made building a mech much easier before.

Edited by Colonel Pada Vinson, 10 February 2014 - 11:37 AM.

#839 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 11:37 AM

View PostAyenn Destiny, on 10 February 2014 - 10:35 AM, said:

This is an excellent solution but it needs to be scaled some so it doesn't overlap the beautiful mech render to the right of the screen.

You mean the Giant mech on the home screen isn't enough for you? I say add click and rotate feature to that mech and that's enough eye-candy..

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 10 February 2014 - 11:46 AM.

#840 Helsbane


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Posted 10 February 2014 - 11:38 AM

View PostValcrow, on 10 February 2014 - 10:14 AM, said:

Someone Suggested I put this here... Here's the full thread, but here's the important part in a nutshell.


Original 2.0 layout:
Important stuff is all to the sides & small.

Posted Image

Could we please have something like this:

Posted Image

Because then all the important stuff is laid out as follows:

In addition, we're missing awesome stuff like, ammo count, heat sinks, slots, etc.
we also need a fast way to add artillery strikes and change modules.
Lastly, that can all be glanced in the CENTER of the screen easily and completely. All we loose is 16 mech portraits.

Posted Image

This is the current Loadout layout. Which requires both your eyes, clicks and mouse to keep going across the prime realestate (the center) without actually interacting with it at all.
Posted Image

Can we have something like this?

The most important pieces of info in the middle. Tonnage, layout, slots open. all WITHOUT requiring ANY clicks.

Posted Image

I removed the armor to fit everything. Put it in a new screen.

Posted Image

Shows you where your guns are, so you can make sure those spots have more armor than your disposable arms.
Internal point value showing.
And armor tonnage totals, for getting those .5t and 1.0 values.

Thanks for looking.

PGI, hire this man.

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