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Ui Feedback

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#981 jackal40


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 12:55 PM

View PostDeathlike, on 18 February 2014 - 12:24 PM, said:

If your build triggers "ghost heat", then the warning comes up. I wish they added some option to disable said warning message.

2xAC20s does trigger ghost heat when fired together at the same time.

That was my point - it's not something that should generate a warning. Trying to drop without an engine or no ammo should generate the message, not ghost heat issues or anything else.

#982 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 01:20 PM

View Postheer085, on 18 February 2014 - 12:37 PM, said:

Im afraid i must agree with some of the hate. the ui is verry pretty and cool with the lighting and looking at the mach the whole time but because only some mechs in the game have the proper visual hardpoints change and others just show there defaults no matter whats equiped its a little silly.

My biggest complaint is also just with how hard it is to use the UI now.
Cant just hit ecs key to go back? why not.
Checkout button doesnt also say save changes? again why not (that one confused me for quit a wile after i configured my mech for the first time).
And who the hell decided that white font on top od bright greens and yellows was a good idea? anytime i sit back from my screen and cant read what im equiping.
And last but not least the pop up tooltips only work when they feel like it. half the time i mouse over somthing and get nothing about it, no weight, no slots, no stats, nothing. Then later, poof they work just fine.
Now if that last one is some technical issue with my graphics card, ide love to know what to do to fix it, but my friends have had same issue so i think its the game.

To be honest ide just love to see the next 1 or 2 big patches be nothing but bug fixes, ui fixes, and just fixing problems that have been brought to attention over the life of the game. New stuff is cool but stability is better, in my opinion. Once the game is in a nice stable format then go back to maps and mechs and such.
PS: SRM's please!!! you know what i mean.

You're not the only one.. I get that random non-working hover box problem too. It works when it feels like it. But hey, some people say there is nothing wrong with the new UI, so what do we know??

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 18 February 2014 - 01:21 PM.

#983 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 02:29 PM

If anyone is getting the "unable to save due to critical loadout error" message and cannot save their mech's loadout or even use that mech, I may have found a temp fix. I went to my upgrades and equiped 'standard structure' instead of 'Endo-steel.' I noticed the upgrades section was buggy before.. so I thought I'd give it a try and risk losing 400,000 C-bills for the structure change-up. I did it and it worked. I can now save my mech's loadout.

Must be a bug with the calculations.

#984 Molossian Dog


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 02:47 PM

Are you frigging kidding me?

Use them!

So we can READ the stuff of your new UI.

Are you deliberately trolling us?


Can someone please twitter this?
Feedback in the Feedback forums in a Feedback thread is obviously the wrong place.

Edited by Molossian Dog, 18 February 2014 - 02:50 PM.

#985 Daekar


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 03:22 PM

I would like it if we could change the color/font combination used on ammo in the much lab. Right now, unless I lean down really far below the nominal viewing angle of my monitor, I can't read the white text on the yellow blocks.

I'm getting used to the new UI and not having as much trouble generally, but the Mech Lab is still pretty rough to use. Looking forward to the smurfy paper-doll "show me the whole mech at once" interface.

Can we make the vital info on the mech in the mechlab larger? I'm using a 24" monitor at 1920x1200, and I have to lean forward to see the values... they're no longer "glancable," if you know what I mean.

#986 Kothrax


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 03:43 PM

In the two weeks since the release of UI 2.0 there have been 49 pages of posts, 75 - 80% of which are complaints, 10 - 15% of which are constructive criticism and possibly the product of the last of the now very strained positivity that stills remains among some of the newer members of the community. I want to make it clear that am being generous when I say that the last 10% approximately account for compliments on the new UI.

Why is this Relevant?

Well PGI/Game Devs, Russ Bullock and anyone else who pretends to care this is for you.

You had two weeks to take the best of what was offered and fix the UI and potentially save some face and attempt to make a mends for the insult that is UI 2.Doh! It seems you didn’t bother to even look at never mind read the feedback… evidenced by the near total silence on the forum from anyone at PGI.

What did you give us instead?

· Firestarter variants...
(More antipersonnel Mechs that we just don’t need at the moment) and they want our C-Bills! Apparently...They also want a new coat of paint, (Matt Newman)

Matt then goes on to remind us that we have "150 colours and 20 different patterns" and finishes with, "That’s customization!"

…funny time to be asking us to purchase MC never mind suggesting how we spend it.

What else did we get?

· 7 new cockpit items...
Nobody wants your cheap crap PGI! We want CONTENT! And a RESPECTABLE, INTUITIVE, USER FRIENDLY UI! One built for PCs!
If you need money ask for it! And commit to developing a PC GAME for PC USERS! With PC functionality! And stop trying to make the PC MECHWARRIOR PLAYING COMMUNITY pay for your attempts to development a CONSOLE GAME!

...By the way have you seen TITAN FALL on XBone? MWO doesn’t have “a snow flake’s chance in hell!” of competing with that… and EA games are much better funded I think…

· The "Error and Warning Widget"
Really? We needed this? (Sarcasm Warning) Oh wait... I am channelling Paul Inouye… “We observed new players having difficulty with the Mech Bay portion of the UI…” Um that was all of us Paul, Russ and the rest of you. Hint: if we had a paper doll like UI 1.5 this would be a lot less of an issue. The ghost heat warning element is useful but hardly worth the mention.

· In your defence you added the "Strip Mech" function…
But honestly guys and girls we have been asking for that since the end of closed Beta. The "Rename" Function was the same, we had been begging for that for a year and a half and it was the only worthwhile feature of UI 2.0. My problem with this is, that it appeared to me and many of my friends that the only purpose for adding the feature was to attempt to deflect some of the rage that you knew was coming your way with the release the UI. This was further evidenced by the apology that came with the UI’s rushed release.

While we're are on the topic, what was that about? you've been promising the new UI while supposedly working on it for over a year... time management issue maybe?

You know we may be computer nerds, geeks or whatever else you think of us as, but the majority of us are FAR FROM STUPID. We know when we are being lied to and cheap gimmicks like cockpit items, basic UI functions, silly widgets and more Mechs just aren’t going to be enough to keep MWO alive.

One last thought…

$500 for what is essentially a Mech skin? That idea was as offensive as it was outrageous. What that offer said about PGI’s motives and intentions saddened me so much that it put me off the whole Clan release. I get that those Mechs are supposed to be exclusive but asking anyone to spend $500 dollars of real money (in some cases hard earned) on a file containing a few lines of code is absolutely ridiculous and unprecedented. I read an article in Forbes that spelled out just how ridiculous an idea that was.

Article: http://www.forbes.co...0-golden-mechs/

I have uninstalled the game and I have walked away. I am a real fan of the Mechwarrior Franchise and I am or at least was a Founding member of MWO… and a Legendary Founder at that. I have contributed a little over $1100 Australian to the game since September 2012 including the $120 I paid on faith and upfront for the Legendary Founders pack. Had there been any indication at all that YOU PGI & Co were actually listening, sincere and genuine about the community’s interests I would have bought the Clan pack and any other Mech bundles you released. I would also happily have continued to contribute a $100 every month and a half or so for MC to keep up with my love of collecting the Hero Mechs and Cockpit Items (Yes PGI, I liked and bought some of your not so cheap crap!).

Sadly in the last year and a bit of keeping up with the feedback and other threads I have seen the community get progressively ever more sick and tired of you PGI & Co. Sick and tired of your endless back flips, broken promises and disappointments that always seem to be "working as intended." Sick and tired of the ever increasing likelihood that in reality they are being played along and lied to about Piranha's actual vision for MWO. A belief that I too have come to adopt and support simply because I can no longer deny the possibility.

I have lost all faith in this game and its developers and I honestly no longer want to play or contribute.

Edited by Kothrax, 18 February 2014 - 05:01 PM.

#987 Mumblypeg


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 04:28 PM

Ummm, I really like playing MWO, but you guys made it so difficult to play with the new UI, that I no longer can stand dealing with it, long enough to get into a match. Please fix it?! Oh, and send me an email when its fixed, cuz I won't be playing otherwise ;)

#988 Chemie


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 05:01 PM

built my first mech today. Ouch.

Why are upgrades (FF/endo/DHS) back to being on different screening requiring save and no ability to experiment? You basically want to force us to Smurfy to config our mechs...right?

UI1.5 big thing was making it so the uphrade tab was part of the mechlab loadout scrfeenb allowing to add and remove those upgrades while you built out the mech....now back to UI1.0 functionality.

#989 Lindonius


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 06:05 PM

View PostKothrax, on 18 February 2014 - 03:43 PM, said:

In the two weeks since the release of UI 2.0 there have been 49 pages of posts, 75 - 80% of which are complaints, 10 - 15% of which are constructive criticism and possibly the product of the last of the now very strained positivity that stills remains among some of the newer members of the community. I want to make it clear that am being generous when I say that the last 10% approximately account for compliments on the new UI.

Why is this Relevant?

Well PGI/Game Devs, Russ Bullock and anyone else who pretends to care this is for you.

You had two weeks to take the best of what was offered and fix the UI and potentially save some face and attempt to make a mends for the insult that is UI 2.Doh! It seems you didn’t bother to even look at never mind read the feedback… evidenced by the near total silence on the forum from anyone at PGI.

What did you give us instead?

· Firestarter variants...
(More antipersonnel Mechs that we just don’t need at the moment) and they want our C-Bills! Apparently...They also want a new coat of paint, (Matt Newman)

Matt then goes on to remind us that we have "150 colours and 20 different patterns" and finishes with, "That’s customization!"

…funny time to be asking us to purchase MC never mind suggesting how we spend it.

What else did we get?

· 7 new cockpit items...
Nobody wants your cheap crap PGI! We want CONTENT! And a RESPECTABLE, INTUITIVE, USER FRIENDLY UI! One built for PCs!
If you need money ask for it! And commit to developing a PC GAME for PC USERS! With PC functionality! And stop trying to make the PC MECHWARRIOR PLAYING COMMUNITY pay for your attempts to development a CONSOLE GAME!

...By the way have you seen TITAN FALL on XBone? MWO doesn’t have “a snow flake’s chance in hell!” of competing with that… and EA games are much better funded I think…

· The "Error and Warning Widget"
Really? We needed this? (Sarcasm Warning) Oh wait... I am channelling Paul Inouye… “We observed new players having difficulty with the Mech Bay portion of the UI…” Um that was all of us Paul, Russ and the rest of you. Hint: if we had a paper doll like UI 1.5 this would be a lot less of an issue. The ghost heat warning element is useful but hardly worth the mention.

· In your defence you added the "Strip Mech" function…
But honestly guys and girls we have been asking for that since the end of closed Beta. The "Rename" Function was the same, we had been begging for that for a year and a half and it was the only worthwhile feature of UI 2.0. My problem with this is, that it appeared to me and many of my friends that the only purpose for adding the feature was to attempt to deflect some of the rage that you knew was coming your way with the release the UI. This was further evidenced by the apology that came with the UI’s rushed release.

While we're are on the topic, what was that about? you've been promising the new UI while supposedly working on it for over a year... time management issue maybe?

You know we may be computer nerds, geeks or whatever else you think of us as, but the majority of us are FAR FROM STUPID. We know when we are being lied to and cheap gimmicks like cockpit items, basic UI functions, silly widgets and more Mechs just aren’t going to be enough to keep MWO alive.

One last thought…

$500 for what is essentially a Mech skin? That idea was as offensive as it was outrageous. What that offer said about PGI’s motives and intentions saddened me so much that it put me off the whole Clan release. I get that those Mechs are supposed to be exclusive but asking anyone to spend $500 dollars of real money (in some cases hard earned) on a file containing a few lines of code is absolutely ridiculous and unprecedented. I read an article in Forbes that spelled out just how ridiculous an idea that was.

Article: http://www.forbes.co...0-golden-mechs/

I have uninstalled the game and I have walked away. I am a real fan of the Mechwarrior Franchise and I am or at least was a Founding member of MWO… and a Legendary Founder at that. I have contributed a little over $1100 Australian to the game since September 2012 including the $120 I paid on faith and upfront for the Legendary Founders pack. Had there been any indication at all that YOU PGI & Co were actually listening, sincere and genuine about the community’s interests I would have bought the Clan pack and any other Mech bundles you released. I would also happily have continued to contribute a $100 every month and a half or so for MC to keep up with my love of collecting the Hero Mechs and Cockpit Items (Yes PGI, I liked and bought some of your not so cheap crap!).

Sadly in the last year and a bit of keeping up with the feedback and other threads I have seen the community get progressively ever more sick and tired of you PGI & Co. Sick and tired of your endless back flips, broken promises and disappointments that always seem to be "working as intended." Sick and tired of the ever increasing likelihood that in reality they are being played along and lied to about Piranha's actual vision for MWO. A belief that I too have come to adopt and support simply because I can no longer deny the possibility.

I have lost all faith in this game and its developers and I honestly no longer want to play or contribute.

I feel your pain dude. I've given up to be honest and only really come here for the meme thread and a bit of trolling these days. Mostly everyone who realises what clowns PGI are have left and to be honest, you're a bit late to the flame party. The fire has raged and all that's left are the cinders and the die hard BT fans who are holding on to every pug cockpit item release as being a sign of "progress".

After buying in to Elite Dangerous and seeing how professional Frontier Developments have been over all aspects of their ALPHA release (which already has more content than PGI produced in over TWO YEARS), I think I've probably logged in to this game for the last time.

Having said that I might get blind stinking drunk one night and log in again. These days, playing MWO for me is somewhat similar to those times when you come home drunk from a night out and decide, at 3am, to buy a dodgy kebab on the way home. After leaving the remnants of your purchase on the coffee table, you sober up the next day only to find the leftovers of your "meal" staring at you and you suddenly feel the urge to ask yourself the question "why the frack did I eat that?"

Edited by Lindonius, 18 February 2014 - 06:28 PM.

#990 AntharPrime


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 07:46 PM

New issue popped up, I can no longer rotate my mechs in the mechlab anymore.

#991 Kothrax


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 08:26 PM

View PostLindonius, on 18 February 2014 - 06:05 PM, said:

Having said that I might get blind stinking drunk one night and log in again. These days, playing MWO for me is somewhat similar to those times when you come home drunk from a night out and decide, at 3am, to buy a dodgy kebab on the way home. After leaving the remnants of your purchase on the coffee table, you sober up the next day only to find the leftovers of your "meal" staring at you and you suddenly feel the urge to ask yourself the question "why the frack did I eat that?"

Lol I know this feeling! haha, yep nothing like a healthy helping of regret to go with a crushing hangover hehe...

Truth be told that feeling of regret is precisely why I gave up drinking a little while back. The world is a different place for me now, the goggles are off...

hehe I can see clearly now the Bull Shit's gone ;)

#992 Pilotshark


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 09:42 PM

Very dissapointed that despite the massive outcry that followed the ignored feedback following test center that the cumbersome downgrade to the UI known as "UI 2.0" that it is still the same exact un-intuitive aborted thought process that it was when discarded upon us.

#993 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 09:44 PM

View PostAntharPrime, on 18 February 2014 - 07:46 PM, said:

New issue popped up, I can no longer rotate my mechs in the mechlab anymore.

Yes, same here. Too much. You give them props for the few goods things they bring to the UI and it gets glitched.

Clicking right above the mech and trying to rotate will make it jitter a bit.. but will not rotate!

#994 Lindonius


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:01 PM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 18 February 2014 - 09:44 PM, said:

Clicking right above the mech and trying to rotate will make it jitter a bit.. but will not rotate!

Posted Image

#995 JuiceKeeper


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 12:58 AM

store is not working properly i cant see mechs or their lodaut i still have my own mechs there and clicking on any mech in store doesnt change that bug. logging on and off didnt helped too. this UI feels like deevolution of the old one. i even stopped playing this game.

#996 Nayous


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 01:15 AM

After reading the Hotfix-Posts (Source: http://mwomercs.com/...11/page__st__20)


Posted Yesterday, 04:18 PM
Posted ImageJohnAzussa, on 18 February 2014 - 04:05 PM, said:

First, let me just say that I have only worked in software development as a manager and an engineer for 20+ years.

You are telling us that you dont QA it fully until AFTER you release it to the public?

Posted ImagexWiredx, on 18 February 2014 - 04:06 PM, said:

Um... shouldn't something pass QA before you say "hey we have a hot fix"? I mean, speaking as a developer, this sentence is scary. It makes me think you don't actually test things on a test server at all, and production (read that: players, your customer base) is the test platform. You have a public-facing test server, I'd assume you also have a private test server or the test server is dual-purposed and this patch should have been tested on that first... that should be your QA. There shouldn't be any need for it "to pass" anything if you're applying it to your production side unless your devs are fumbling around and there are disparities between test and prod.

You both seem to have taken what I said out of context. Let me explain it a bit more in depth. We test on test servers until it's vetted. Once vetted we upload the patch to the production servers. We then have QA test the production code to make sure the same behaviour seen on the test servers is experienced on production servers.

So instead of your suggested lack of testing, we test it twice to make sure nothing changed between testing servers and production servers BEFORE we open the servers to the public.

I think you make a really good job on MW but, something makes me wonder: You test the things twice before release it? Maybe there could be a triple testing stage, couldn't it? When you look at the polls: Source: http://mwomercs.com/...-feedback-poll/


Compared to the current live UI: Is UI 2.0 better, about the same, or worse?

Sarkastic: 13.51%+21.82%+16.62% = 51,95% => Release it?!?!? (Is that the logical way how decisions are made?)

I try to understand how could that happen? (the UI release) So please reroll, rework, test or whatever the UI - and keep listening to the community and their constructive criticisms, good suggestions (Images, 1 pages feedback etc.) and focus on this high priority issue instead of a MW fashion show event.

#997 Molossian Dog


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 03:00 AM

View PostNayous, on 19 February 2014 - 01:15 AM, said:

...So please reroll, rework, test or whatever the UI - and keep listening to the community and their constructive criticisms, good suggestions (Images, 1 pages feedback etc.) and focus on this high priority issue instead of a MW fashion show event.

Keep listening? They don´t read these threads. 12 days after UI2.0 was introduced it came as a complete surprise that many people can´t read the UI text. See the page before.

It is like they live on an island or something only frequented by the Royal Whiteknight Mail.

#998 Angelos


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 07:04 AM

One thing I know should be added into the UI is Info on the Mech in the store. Instead of me buying a mech blind without knowing what kind of armerments, Hardpoints,stats, etc I am sure everyone would like to have some knowlege of what they are buying before they buy the mech. That is one thing in the old UI that was nice.

#999 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 07:55 AM

View PostLindonius, on 18 February 2014 - 06:05 PM, said:

I feel your pain dude. I've given up to be honest and only really come here for the meme thread and a bit of trolling these days. Mostly everyone who realises what clowns PGI are have left and to be honest, you're a bit late to the flame party. The fire has raged and all that's left are the cinders and the die hard BT fans who are holding on to every pug cockpit item release as being a sign of "progress".

After buying in to Elite Dangerous and seeing how professional Frontier Developments have been over all aspects of their ALPHA release (which already has more content than PGI produced in over TWO YEARS), I think I've probably logged in to this game for the last time.

Having said that I might get blind stinking drunk one night and log in again. These days, playing MWO for me is somewhat similar to those times when you come home drunk from a night out and decide, at 3am, to buy a dodgy kebab on the way home. After leaving the remnants of your purchase on the coffee table, you sober up the next day only to find the leftovers of your "meal" staring at you and you suddenly feel the urge to ask yourself the question "why the frack did I eat that?"

Posted Image

#1000 Lord Destro


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 09:23 AM


Some experiences about UI2:

1. I can not manage my mech as a whole. If I put some ammo in my right hand, I can not see it when I buid any other part. It is Difficult to navigate among the different parts. The previous was much more easier.

2. If I want to sell an equipment I have to save my mech (no save button, so the only way I can save is to change the weapon groups… see later…) go to inventory and find the appropriate part, sell it and go back. Now I have to realize that I still haven’t got enough credit, so start it again… A lot of useless and pointless click…

3. Saving a mech installation. It is possible, that I am a dummy, but the only way to save a mech is through the weapon group change??? Why? What if I only want to change a single weapon or heat sink??? And the best: You HAVE To change the weapon group, because simple cancel won’t let you go back…

4. Most important information are not visible at once. Eg.: I can not see the amount of an ammunition unless I won’t wait the pop up window… Time, time, time… I do not care about graphs and all kind of useless figures. Heat, tonnage, etc, the most importatnt hings are hidden and small…

5. Mech skill tree. Total confuse. The design is not clear. Icons are hugh, but can not be read and no differences among them… The system here is also confuse. I have to click a lot, before find what I am looking for. This is a general problem. I have to click a lot to reach what I am looking for…

This was the first week exp. I’ll continue If I have more time…



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