CyclonerM, on 18 March 2014 - 12:33 PM, said:
Aff. A Clan mate used to run a LRM Locust similar to yours

I wont tell you how much I've been told this build sucks on the forums. Needless to say though, no one seems able to hit a slow Locust! I don't get it personally, but I'll work with it! (And yeah smaller leg hit boxes! Need to check that out soon.)
CyclonerM, on 18 March 2014 - 12:33 PM, said:
It only took me a second to think about the Kit Fox A. More speed, a Gauss Rifle and TWO medium lasers, but less armor..
Aside from the latter thing, it is a light which can do the job of a medium!
Easily. They could also probably remove some ammo as well (down to 3 tons, considering armor levels) and place more lasers on, giving it a nice long range weapon, and a decent close up punch, with ER med lasers as well!
I could even see them with 2 CERPPCs, and 2 CERMLs, and run as well as the 2 PPC Jenner/Raven. Hot, but covers close range and long range... (Or 2 CERPPCs and with some omni 2 SSRMs for close range pests.)
I could see one running around with 4 CSSRM6s...

(And maybe even ECM as well...)
Depends upon what variants they place in, how the Omni system will really work, and how they do the hard points for each variant...