TheDruid, on 18 February 2014 - 09:39 PM, said:
Some quick notes on the new UI 2.0 and Skills.
1) On UI 1.5 I used to be able to get Master level after having completed 2 Elite variants per Chassis. I know because I did it with both the Cicada and the Shadowhawk, and I specifically noticed that it changed with UI 2.0. Unacceptable change IMO.
2) Need to be able to:
a) see how much Mech XP you have on EVERY chassis, not only the ones you currently own, but also
be able to spend Mech XP on chassis Skills even if you no longer own the Mech, and
c) be able to upgrade to Master after 2 Elites are complete like it was in UI 1.5.
BOTTOM LINE: I shouldn't have to clean out 3 of my 4 mech bays to work on a new variant or have to buy each mech twice at 8M C-bills a pop!
Lastly, I'm looking forward to seeing the new "Smurfy-like" MECH Lab. Thanks.
Not a UI2.0 thread, but I would like to address your point 1 here.
You need 3 Elited mechs in the same Weight class to get Mastery (1 Shadowhawk and 2 cicadas) not 4 (and they don't need to be 2 for the same chassis).
3 Basic of one chassis -> Elite for this chassis
3 Elite for one weight class -> Mastery unlocked for the whole weight class.
combination like buy 3 cicadas, elite 1, sell 2 after basics.
buy 3 shadowhawks, basic 3 and elite 2 of them.
Now with 1 elite Cicada and 2 elite Shadowhawks you can master them all and can elite&master your 3rd shadowhawk, or sell it even like the cicadas.