Cerberias, on 19 February 2014 - 04:38 PM, said:
The game revolves around pinpoint, and the HGN takes damage better than the Atlas due to the extra dimension of mobility provided by JJ's allowing it to more easily spread damage around, especially to legs. Every mech can draw fire, obtain sensor data etc.. doesn't mean its generally a good idea. A JJ mech popping his head over a rock for a split second, can provide the same data as an Atlas walking around the corner, guess which is more safe?
That's a terrible kdr for an Atlas Flak Kannon. I think Atlas suck and I have 2.61 in DDC, I also have 4.62 in a stalker, 3.99 in a 732 highlander. I also have 3.03 win/loss ratio in the stalker.
Note that I never said the Atlas didn't work, but for 100 tonnes, its just not a good weight/power ratio. I'd honestly choose a spider, or a blackjack, tonne for tonne over an Atlas any day of the week, and use less resources from our dropdeck.
Yes Craig, I'm saying that non-poptart or high hardpoint mounted mechs generally suck. You can use them, but youll almost always do better in something with less limitations rather than more. Sorry that I play to win, not to 'play a certain playstyle' even if it isn't a very good/smart one.
HGN's jump jets don't make that much difference in spreading damage, if its fighting a pilot who knows to wait until the jj' flames die or just wait until the things landed before hammering it, I rather like HGn's that jump while trying to escape as it makes them squished, torso twist is what spreads the damage, unless its lucky enough to be fighting up against a person who is prepared to take a shot at the legs.
Good pilots attacking jumpy HGN's also know about the shield side and to tease it by cycling through ml's chipping it away, so that when it does turn to shoot, your big stuff is there waiting.
Good pilots also know that a poptart is vunerable when its going up, and hammer the ****** before it takes the shot.
JJ's are good for mobility, getting your self over ridges and humps, which might other wise stop a non jump mech, In brawls they're good for jumping over another mech but if your not jumping at speed against anyone who's good, then your just a target.
A Highlanders sides are even easier to hit than an Atlas side torso,
Other than the mobility JJ's give the highlanders advantage is its twist speed