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Whats Next? (April's Mech)


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#61 CycKath


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Posted 05 March 2014 - 04:24 PM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 05 March 2014 - 08:50 AM, said:

That being said... personally, I suspect that PGI would be doing some sort of "Clanbuster Pack" sale for a Battle of Tukayyid game/community event (as Thomas D. mentions/hints-at Tukayyid, from an in-universe/RP perspective, in his recent post here - "I heard that a major operation was going to go down in May of next year on or around Tukayyid."), which could/would tie up those 'Mechs with a Clanbuster variant (the Hussar, Wyvern, Champion, Black Knight, and King Crab) until around this time next year (that is, early 2015).

The Black Knight Clanbuster would either have to be skipped or reworked though, as it most notably sports a sword-shaped hatchet (because the variant was developed prior to swords being a legit thing in TT rules)

Again back to the topic, the sheet number of TRO:3025 era mediums makes it more likely a medium than heavy for April IMO, but of course we'll see.

#62 Strum Wealh


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Posted 05 March 2014 - 05:26 PM

View PostXeno Phalcon, on 05 March 2014 - 03:39 PM, said:

Maybe PGI will make up a few variants for the shortbus mechs and allow a greater variety all around.
Using only those 'Mechs from both tech bases that have at least three variants/configs at or before the Battle of Tukayyid, PGI could release "one IS 'Mech + one Clan 'Mech" per month, every month, for the better part of two-and-a-half years before running out of 'Mechs (and, by then, additional post-Tukayyid 'Mechs would have become available, anyway). :huh:

View PostStrum Wealh, on 18 February 2014 - 03:54 PM, said:

I would expect that "two 'Mechs per month" is more likely to mean one of each tech base until they run out of 'Mechs for either.

The IS still plenty of 'Mechs left (assuming three or more ~3051/pre-Tukayyid variants + the implementation of MASC):
  • Flea(FLE-4, FLE-15, FLE-17)
  • Thorn (THE-N, THE-S, THE-T)
  • Hornet (HNT-151, HNT-152, HNT-171)
  • Mercury (MCY-99, MCY-98, MCY-97)
  • Mongoose (MON-66, MON-70, MON-67, MON-68)
  • Hermes (HER-1S, HER-1A, HER-3S/S1/S2)
  • Hussar (HSR-200-D, HSR-300-D, HSR-350-D)
  • Javelin (JVN-10N, JVN-10F, JVN-10P)
  • Panther (PNT-8Z, PNT-9R, PNT-10K)
  • Assassin (ASN-21, ASN-101, ASN-23)
  • Clint (CLNT-1-2R, CLNT-2-3T, CLNT-2-3U)
  • Crab (CRB-27, CRB-27sl, CRB-20)
  • Dervish (DV-6M, DV-6Md, DV-7D)
  • Hermes II (HER-2S, HER-2M, HER-4K, HER-5S)
  • Sentinel (STN-3L, STN-3K, STN-3KA/KB, STN-3M)
  • Vindicator (VND-1R, VND-1X, VND-1AA, VND-1SIC)
  • Vulcan (VT-2T, VT-5T, VT-5S)
  • Whitworth (WHT-1, WHT-1S, WHT-2)
  • Black Knight (BL-6-KNT, BL-7-KNT, BL-7-KNT-L)
  • Champion (CHP-1N, CHP-1N2, CHP-2N)
  • Grasshopper (GHR-5H, GHR-5N, GHR-5J)
  • Guillotine (GLT-3N, GLT-4L, GLT-4P, GLT-5M)
  • Lancelot (LNC25-01, LNC25-02, LNC25-03)
  • Banshee (BNC-3E, BNC-3M, BNC-3Q, BNC-3S, BNC-MC)
  • Charger (CGR-1A1, CGR-1L, CGR-1A5, CGR-1A9, CGR-3K)
  • Cyclops (CP-10-Z, CP-10-Z-DC, CP-10-Q, CP-11-A, CP-11-A-DC, CP-11-C)
  • Hatamoto-Chi (HTM-26T, HTM-27T, HTM-27U/C/CM, HTM-27V, HTM-27W, HTM-27Y)
  • Zeus (ZEU-6S, ZEU-5S, ZEU-5T, ZEU-6T, ZEU-6S-DC, ZEU-9S, ZEU-9S-DC)
With just the above 28 IS 'Mechs versus the 22 or so pre-Tukayyid Clan OmniMechs not included in the initial Clan Package (Dasher, Koshi, Dragonfly, Fenris, Vulture, Loki, Man O' War, Gladiator, Hankyu, Battle Cobra, Pouncer, Shadow Cat, Stooping Hawk, Nobori-nin, Crossbow, Cauldron-Born, Kingfisher, Fire Falcon, Phantom, Black Lanner, Night Gyr, and Turkina) plus the eight OmniMechs that were included in the Clan Package (for a total of 30 Clan OmniMechs), PGI could easily have enough 'Mechs to follow a "1 IS 'Mech + 1 Clan 'Mech per month" scheme for for over two years - by which point, several new chassis (such as the Clan-built Linebacker and Grendel) could become available.

Additionally, changes to the MWO Engine weighting system could allow for the UrbanMech (with its UM-R60, UM-R60L, UM-R50, and UM-R63 variants) to be implemented, while (per the suggestion of Bishop Steiner) removal of the lower-arm and hand-actuators would allow for the implementation of the King Crab (with its KGC-000, KGC-010, and KGC-0000 variants) in the absence of the (inordinately more preferable, IMO) ability to crit-split those weapons that had the ability in BattleTech.

PGI won't be hurting for 'Mechs that already meet the known criteria for a long time, so there will be no need to make up variants for the foreseeable future.


View PostXeno Phalcon, on 05 March 2014 - 03:39 PM, said:

The Flashman cometh

Posted Image

The Flashman probably won't see the light of day in MWO for a long time (at least a few years), as it doesn't get a third variant in-universe until 3061 and (as previously noted) PGI has enough 'Mechs that already have enough timeline-appropriate variants to provide at least a couple of years of content.

Additionally, Bryan Ekman indicated in ATD #50 (specifically, in the responses to questions #13 and #43) that PGI would be sticking with 'Mechs and tech that are available during the "current" era (that is, in/around 3050), which means that extinct chassis (and equipment) & chassis (and equipment) that have not been invented yet can be safely assumed to be not-in-the-running for the foreseeable future.

That being said, the now-departed Garth Erlam essentially confirmed (in NGNG Podcast #84, between the 7:40 and 9:30 marks) that there will be time-jumps in the timeline (and that said time-jumps would affect 'Mech availability, and that he didn't know when those would happen as of the point when the podcast was recorded).

Additionally, the Flashman's third-and-onward variants require tech that PGI hasn't made available in-game yet - the 3061 variant needs a C3i system (which isn't invented in-universe until the 3060s), the 3063 variant needs a normal C3 Slave Unit, and the 3068 variant needs a lot of things (a Light Fusion Engine (which is not the same as a XL Engine), Compact Gyro, Light FF Armor, IS ER Medium Lasers, and so on), and the 3070 variant needs a Light Fusion Engine & Heavy PPCs.
Moreover, all of the Flashman's variants are non-jumping pure-energy-boats - aside from being faster, it doesn't offer anything that the same-weight, less-timeline-issue-prone, far-more-popular Black Knight (or the slightly-heavier, also-heavyset Awesome) doesn't already do, so there is no pressing need for the Flashman when the Black Knight could be implemented sooner, more spectacularly (as part of a hypothetical "Clanbuster Pack"), and in a far less troublesome manner for PGI.

As such, the Flashman is, IMO, one of those 'Mechs that will just have to wait until one for the right timeline skip.

#63 Strum Wealh


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Posted 05 March 2014 - 06:27 PM

View PostCycKath, on 05 March 2014 - 04:24 PM, said:

The Black Knight Clanbuster would either have to be skipped or reworked though, as it most notably sports a sword-shaped hatchet (because the variant was developed prior to swords being a legit thing in TT rules)

Again back to the topic, the sheet number of TRO:3025 era mediums makes it more likely a medium than heavy for April IMO, but of course we'll see.

The weight for Yen Lo Wang's nails was also made up as a 4-ton Hatchet on its Record Sheet (the data for which is viewable here), which PGI accounted for by upgrading the YLW's engine from a STD 200 to a STD 215 & adding some armor.

The BL-9-KNT's hatchet/faux-sword masses 5 tons. It starts with one ton less than max armor, and with an XL 300 Engine.
If the same process as was used for Yen Lo Wang were to be applied, one ton of armor would be added to bring the 'Mech to its maximum armor value, then the Engine would be upgraded to fill in the remaining 4-ton gap; to make up 4 tons, the Engine would have to upgrade from an XL 300 to an XL 330 (which results in a base speed increase from 64.8 kph to 71.3 kph).

PGI did have to adjust the CDA-3C by moving the MGs from the legs to the side-torsos (because, apparently, leg-mounted weapons and the associated issues with aiming them were probably determined to not be worth it), and any 'Mech with rear-facing weapons in BT (including the Centurions and Atlases) has had them brought around to the front for MWO.
Given that the proposed change would be exactly the same as used for the MWO Yen Lo Wang (and would also need to be employed if the hatchet-wielding Black Knight used by the McKinnons, as the commanders of the Fox's Teeth, were to be used as the basis of a BK Hero 'Mech), it could prove... workable.

#64 Zerberus


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Posted 05 March 2014 - 09:01 PM

I think Flea or Urbie. Flea is overdue, Urbie is a fan favorite despite being as useful as a wet sponge in teh current game.

View PostNehkrosis, on 04 March 2014 - 11:38 AM, said:

has to be heavy.

Doesn`t "have" to be anything, they released a light and right on it`s heels an assault within the last month. :huh:


calling it NOW; its an Archer.


a contemporary of the Thunderbolt and the Banshee? would ya look at that...

Absolutely no and I can tell you why.

The Archer is a 1:1 copy of a MBR-07-Mk II Spartan Main Battle Destroid from Macross (aka. Robotech)

Harmony Gold "owns" the NA rights, does not license them out, and is VERY keen on suing people.

Will not happen as long as HG owns the rights.

http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Unseen :mellow:

Edited by Zerberus, 05 March 2014 - 09:15 PM.

#65 Axeman1


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Posted 05 March 2014 - 10:12 PM

"Following the introduction of the Firestarter OmniMech and its spread by the Second Star League production of the Vindicator was curtailed"

Hope it's not the vindicator :huh:

#66 CycKath


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Posted 05 March 2014 - 11:22 PM

View PostAxeman1, on 05 March 2014 - 10:12 PM, said:

"Following the introduction of the Firestarter OmniMech and its spread by the Second Star League production of the Vindicator was curtailed"

Hope it's not the vindicator :huh:

Why, Vindicator was built and in use for centuries prior to "now"/3050 and we are still at least 8 or so in game years away from the Firestarter Omni. And even after that they just made the Vindy more role specific rather than the Capellan's default camel/workhorse it used be to, not kill it off entirely.

Edited by CycKath, 05 March 2014 - 11:23 PM.

#67 CheeseThief


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 01:17 AM

I would be over the moon if it was a Bombardier.

The generic versions of the mech is pretty much just a Catapult A1 without jumpjets, but you could safely roll all the fancy Archer builds that Harmony Gold won't let us have into it. Things like the ARC-2K and 2S would fit wonderfully into the Bombardier Chassis, drop 2 tons of ammo out of them fit and it's fully in line with the mechs lore as an ammo deprived replacement to the Archer.

Could even make the Hero mech have the hardpoints of the classic ARC-2R like how the Firebrand has Rifleman hardpoints.

#68 Whatzituyah


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 01:23 AM

Technically there are 3 Flashman variants the 8K which it mentions in the Weapons and Equipment the loadout


The primary weapons on the Flashman are three Selitex Radonic Large Lasers, these give the 'Mech a respectable punch out to a range of 450 meters. The back up weapons to this are five Ichiba 3000 Medium Lasers, one of which is mounted in the rear of the 'Mech to provide short to medium range protection. The Flashman also carries a Buzzsaw Anti-Missile System to defend against missile attacks and a Zippo Mark X Anti-Personnel Flamer to deter infantry attacks.

Then 2 others bellow it that seem to not have specific time of release.

#69 Strum Wealh


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 02:52 AM

View PostWhatzituyah, on 06 March 2014 - 01:23 AM, said:

Technically there are 3 Flashman variants the 8K which it mentions in the Weapons and Equipment the loadout


The primary weapons on the Flashman are three Selitex Radonic Large Lasers, these give the 'Mech a respectable punch out to a range of 450 meters. The back up weapons to this are five Ichiba 3000 Medium Lasers, one of which is mounted in the rear of the 'Mech to provide short to medium range protection. The Flashman also carries a Buzzsaw Anti-Missile System to defend against missile attacks and a Zippo Mark X Anti-Personnel Flamer to deter infantry attacks.

Then 2 others bellow it that seem to not have specific time of release.

The variant dates are available from the Flashman's Master Unit List page (which is operated/maintained by Catalyst Game Labs, the current license-holders for BattleTech).
  • FLS-8K: 2701
  • FLS-7K: 2796
  • FLS-9C: 3061
  • FLS-C: 3063
  • FLS-9B: 3068
  • FLS-9M: 3070

#70 Nehkrosis


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 07:02 AM

will we actually ever get the urbie....would we really pilot it?

#71 Ngamok


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 07:26 AM

View PostNehkrosis, on 06 March 2014 - 07:02 AM, said:

will we actually ever get the urbie....would we really pilot it?

I would and would make private matches for it when we get the Launch module.

#72 Nehkrosis


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 08:38 AM

would be fun, i just mean, would pgi take the time and money to make it?
wud it be worth it for em?
a petition shud be written.

#73 CycKath


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 02:55 PM

I think loads of people would buy an Urbie, I would just for the amusement factor. Not every 'Mech has to be good or effective, despite what the competitive try-hards rant.

#74 Varent


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 04:17 PM

View PostNgamok, on 06 March 2014 - 07:26 AM, said:

I would and would make private matches for it when we get the Launch module.



cute little feller aint he?

Edited by Varent, 06 March 2014 - 04:18 PM.

#75 Bagheera


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 04:20 PM

View PostBront, on 04 March 2014 - 11:32 AM, said:

75 tons:
Black Knight (not sure on the variants)
Flashman (looks like an Urbie, might not have enough variants in time)

I'm leaning more towards a 70 tonner.

Black Knight has tons of variants, not sure how many are in timeline though. Interestingly, it also has 2 potential hero variants as well.


#76 Zerberus


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 11:23 PM

View PostNgamok, on 06 March 2014 - 07:26 AM, said:

I would and would make private matches for it when we get the Launch module.

Same here, 24 man Urbie Warfare mode.... Go Urbie or go home ;)

#77 KuroNyra


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Posted 07 March 2014 - 06:58 AM

Have to be the Urbanmech for an April's Fool mech.

#78 Meteor Hammer


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Posted 07 March 2014 - 07:36 AM

I think Russ Bullock stated during his recent interview on NGNG that the release order for mechs was: Assault, Heavy, Medium, Light. I'd love to see the Archer. They would have to play around with the looks because it is unseen, but we already have the project phoenix unseen mechs, so I see no reason they can't do the same sort of treatment for the Archer.

#79 Theodore Laservelt


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Posted 07 March 2014 - 08:46 AM

If the new mech is a Black Knight, could it please look this awesome:

Posted Image

Pretty Please?! :lol:

#80 Nehkrosis


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Posted 07 March 2014 - 09:04 AM

were probably getting a heavy.

we just got an assault, before that, a light, and the griffin before that.
stands to reason that next month will be both the Wolverine/plus a new Heavy.

the Black Knight would be sweet as sin tho.

Edited by Nehkrosis, 07 March 2014 - 09:05 AM.

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