@ Craig Steele, you have some well argued points however, you may want to actually look at what you accused other people off, you have several people who openly support different clans, arguing there point with canon/lore based commentry. However you should also remember that 80% of the 'cannon' from BT/MW actually comes from the published novels rather than sourcebooks.
The novels themselves are written often in different perspectives and even about the same events, and become opinion based. Not only that in more than a few novels written around the same events from different 'character' viewpoints, contradictary cannon does occur.
This is further complicated by the fact that Fasa never officially stated whether sourcebook materials outweighed the books for a cannon/lore perspective and then throw in that Fasa themselves included 'Lore/Cannon' examples to brighten up/add depth to source materials.
For example:
Battletech Sourcebook - 1st Somerset Strikers Page 45 excerpt
COMSTAR/ROM Internal Bulletin No.471966Y
To: Primus Myodo Waterly
From: Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht
Date: December 10, 3050
Re: Liberation of Earth
As you have no doubt heard, the First Somerset Strikers have recently retaken the planet Somerset from its Jade Falcon conquerors. You may not, however, know the circumstances of behind that victory, or how hollow it is. Major Adam Steiner of the 1st Somerset Strikers won Somerset in a Trial of Possession but did not get what he expected. The latter is disturbing, for reasons i will go into later in this report.
A Trial of Possession is a Clan combat trial in which two sides battle for possession of the same planet, person and so on. The attackers issue a formal challenge to the defenders, identifying themselves and their objective, and then asking what forces will be defending it. This is the batchall, a word which we have become all to familiar with. The defenders state what forces they will field and chose the site of the battle. The trial for Somerset was a duel fought by Major Steiner and the Clan commander, Star Colonel Nicholai Malthus. This in itself is highly unusual - I cannot think of any other case like it so far. Even more unusual however, was Malthus's reaction to having lost.
As the price of his victory, Major Adam Steiner demanded his homeworld of Somerset. The Jade Falcons were to leave the planet and never set foot on it again. Nicolai Matlhus honored precisely the terms of the trial - his forces departed, but took the entire population of Somerset with them.
Nicholai Malthus interpreted Clan tradition in a way that allowed him to perpetrate a fraud of gigantic proportions. He ceded the planet as agreed - but because the people were not specificially mentioned, Malthus chose to regard them as his to dispose of. To split hairs in this manner is extremely un-Clanlike behaviour - Malthus certainly knew the planet included the people in Major Steiner's mind, and true adherence to Clan honor would have required him to leave them alone. His deception indicates that he has learned to think like the "treacherous Inner Sphere freebirths" he affects to despise.
If the clans are learning to think in lies and intrigues as we do, they will become and even more dangerous enemy.
With regard to YOUR Interpretation that the Wolves were un-Clanlike and Ulric specifically went against the Clan codes of honor, above is a cannon quoted example of the Jade Falcons twisting the Clan Honor codes to suit themselves, as also demonstrated above by an earlier poster with the 'absorbtion' of the Wolves into the Falcons post the Refusal War.
Most of us here are actually willing to concede that points of view in any debate are driven by personal opinion on the subject that are then backed up by proofs, such as cannon materials, lore, anecedotes.etc. However, as we have shown sometimes multiple sources can contradict each other.
We generally are also willing to concede that sometimes others might have more evidence, better arguments, but so far your posts have only repeated the statement that wolves were weak, that Ulric was a traitor and un-Clan like regardless of whatever material and proofs have been included in the arguments. And you wonder why people are a little irritated at you?
Edited by ManaValkyrie, 15 March 2014 - 01:37 AM.