Grimwill, on 22 March 2014 - 08:03 PM, said:
Ok, i remember reading that Widowmaker was the clan that killed Nicholas Kerensky. Where it was Nicholas vs one of the khans from widowmaker. And that by doing that it made the clans even more united behind to defeat widowmaker.
BTW it was kind of like giving a taste of their own medicine when Jade Falcon tried to absorb the Wolf after the clan invastion and the trail of refusal between those two clans. I know it ended in a stalemate and the brief jade wolves didn't last long, but it's kind of like Jade Falcon was like "well the wolf absorb so many clans...i guess we'll absorb them now"
LOL, Well this is one of my all time favourite conspiracies of the BT world tbh.
So bascially, Wolf and Widowmaker hate each, and they end up having a trial over some such.
Nicholas is a Wolf (he's given them his genetic material etc etc) but is ostensibly an 'impartial' referee for this trial.
Widowmaker was an ally of Clan Wolverine, and doesn't like Nicholas's dictatorship style.
Alledgedly (according to Clan Wolf Sources), Widowmaker break the rules of the Trial and we are supposed to believe that the referee(nicholas) walks his mech into a live fire crossfire and gets taken out by Widowmaker fire. Then the Wolf warriors go psycho and tear the Widowmakers a new one.
What's not commentated on is interesting.
Why does the Il Khan step into the CoE, this is the only time in canon that I can recall this happening. What did he hope to achieve with his physical presence. It reads as if he is the school headmaster going to pick up two rascals by their collars which considering its mech to mech combat is unrealistic to say the least.
Why doesn't he use his radio / comms to shut the trial down if the rules had been broken, he is the Il Khan after all. One order and its done right?
How does the fire get attributed to a Widowmaker warrior, BEFORE any analysis of gun cams etc can be done. Who makes this call? Not the Il Khan (he is dead) and not the Widowmakers (they are about to be dead)
So yeah, it's a snapshot from one side that to me at least, leaves a lot more questions than answers.
As for Wolf, well they only absorbed one Clan, Widowmaker. Wolverine was an Annihilation (think killing or sterilising everyone that was a member of Clan Wolverine) but they didn't complete the job, quite a few got away which leads to other conspiracy stories.