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#11321 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 12 June 2018 - 03:00 AM

View Postmad kat, on 12 June 2018 - 02:54 AM, said:

So i've all but abandoned this game lately for Battletech.

Are the games here still **** with match after match being 12-2 stomps?

Depends on the day. I had a hard week last week because of work and luck of the draw. Yesterday was very good got some good games in. I made more than half of what I made last week last night.

#11322 Jon Gotham


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Posted 12 June 2018 - 10:57 AM

My games vary, I have to be in certain mechs though for top funz.
Hunchbacks mainly for sheer rabid pitbull face smashery.
Timberwolf?!!! EH come on then!!!! *chews own feet off*

#11323 Jon Gotham


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 06:13 AM

Now, I have just hit tier 2. I'm not enjoying QP at this level at all. the level of coward, hide and peek and nascar running away has reached all new highs.
Played 10 games yesterday and in ALL TEN my team ran. Nobody wanted to fight or be the aggressor team. No matter how many times I asked over voip-got blanked.
You are supposed to play better as you go up the tiers due to experience.
Basic rules to winning games:
#1 When flanked, always turn into the enemy and attack back.
#2 Don't run, just don't.You will kill your own team mates.
#3 Communicate, if you spot something SPEAK. that's what voip is for.
#4 Back team mates up-this is related to point #2.
#5 You as individual are nothing. Your score, your damage means NOTHING if your TEAM loses. The world and the game simply are not centered around you.
#6 Share your damn armour. Assaults should not be "sniping" or "supporting" 400m behind everyone else. Your smaller, weaker team mates will have to do what you won't do.
#7 NEVER give the enemy team the initiative, simply never. The vast majority of losses I've had in MWO has been due to timid, camper teams. You will be surrounded, flanked, overrun and rekt.
#8 Position is king. Be aggressive, take the superior position. Ambushing passively just doesn't work. the one time it does however, doesn't make you right-it makes you lucky.
#9 when shooting, for pity's sake LOOK at the enemy. don't just alphatard in to centre mass. Shoot the dangerous bits off. Help the rest of your team.
#10 Remember, this is a team game. There are other people in your team besides you. their fun is as important as yours. Don't be an ******.

#11324 Bulletsponge0


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 12:01 PM

Sunday afternoons.... where teams simply just pucker up and hide while the enemy just pushes over them...

#11325 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 07:38 PM

View PostJon Gotham, on 16 June 2018 - 06:13 AM, said:

Now, I have just hit tier 2. I'm not enjoying QP at this level at all. the level of coward, hide and peek and nascar running away has reached all new highs.
Played 10 games yesterday and in ALL TEN my team ran. Nobody wanted to fight or be the aggressor team. No matter how many times I asked over voip-got blanked.
You are supposed to play better as you go up the tiers due to experience.
Basic rules to winning games:
#1 When flanked, always turn into the enemy and attack back.
#2 Don't run, just don't.You will kill your own team mates.
#3 Communicate, if you spot something SPEAK. that's what voip is for.
#4 Back team mates up-this is related to point #2.
#5 You as individual are nothing. Your score, your damage means NOTHING if your TEAM loses. The world and the game simply are not centered around you.
#6 Share your damn armour. Assaults should not be "sniping" or "supporting" 400m behind everyone else. Your smaller, weaker team mates will have to do what you won't do.
#7 NEVER give the enemy team the initiative, simply never. The vast majority of losses I've had in MWO has been due to timid, camper teams. You will be surrounded, flanked, overrun and rekt.
#8 Position is king. Be aggressive, take the superior position. Ambushing passively just doesn't work. the one time it does however, doesn't make you right-it makes you lucky.
#9 when shooting, for pity's sake LOOK at the enemy. don't just alphatard in to centre mass. Shoot the dangerous bits off. Help the rest of your team.
#10 Remember, this is a team game. There are other people in your team besides you. their fun is as important as yours. Don't be an ******.

Since I got Voip with the computer I have now, I have tried to express a version of this to my team mates. Usually you get crickets or some emmo teen who swears at you. The outcome is your team lost before they reached the field.

#11326 Jon Gotham


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Posted 18 June 2018 - 02:46 AM

I'm wanting to ditch windows, I have Linux Mint installed on a separate drive-it crushes windows by the way.....
However the last 2 games I want to play namely Battletech (linux port is coming) and MWO are a tad tempremental at the minute. So I'm having to load Winbloat 10 just to play 2 games!

Winbloat 10 takesa bout 10 mins from start up to fully settle, Mint takes just under 20 seconds......

#11327 Electroflameageddon


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Posted 18 June 2018 - 05:20 AM

View PostJon Gotham, on 16 June 2018 - 06:13 AM, said:

Now, I have just hit tier 2. I'm not enjoying QP at this level at all. the level of coward, hide and peek and nascar running away has reached all new highs.
Played 10 games yesterday and in ALL TEN my team ran. Nobody wanted to fight or be the aggressor team. No matter how many times I asked over voip-got blanked.
You are supposed to play better as you go up the tiers due to experience.
Basic rules to winning games:
#1 When flanked, always turn into the enemy and attack back.
#2 Don't run, just don't.You will kill your own team mates.
#3 Communicate, if you spot something SPEAK. that's what voip is for.
#4 Back team mates up-this is related to point #2.
#5 You as individual are nothing. Your score, your damage means NOTHING if your TEAM loses. The world and the game simply are not centered around you.
#6 Share your damn armour. Assaults should not be "sniping" or "supporting" 400m behind everyone else. Your smaller, weaker team mates will have to do what you won't do.
#7 NEVER give the enemy team the initiative, simply never. The vast majority of losses I've had in MWO has been due to timid, camper teams. You will be surrounded, flanked, overrun and rekt.
#8 Position is king. Be aggressive, take the superior position. Ambushing passively just doesn't work. the one time it does however, doesn't make you right-it makes you lucky.
#9 when shooting, for pity's sake LOOK at the enemy. don't just alphatard in to centre mass. Shoot the dangerous bits off. Help the rest of your team.
#10 Remember, this is a team game. There are other people in your team besides you. their fun is as important as yours. Don't be an ******.

The problem is, when I get a good PUG team where we seem to click on multiple levels and absolutely roll the other team, I forget to friend them so that I can play with decent people.

That is my whine for the day.

#11328 Neutron IX


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Posted 18 June 2018 - 08:00 PM

My main whine right now is...I love doing group drops with Jon Gotham, but we're rarely on at the same time. Posted Image

#11329 MTier Slayed Up


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Posted 18 June 2018 - 11:31 PM

When you try to be a good sport and say "GG" or "GG WP," but people get super salty for no reason in chat.
"Wasn't a GG, my team did x".
"**** you, there wasn't a WP!".
"I'm God Level tier and your GG is stupid and you're a big dooky head".

I've started saying as a retort; "sorry, I meant ggez," to which they follow up with me being reported for derp.

Edited by DrtyDshSoap, 18 June 2018 - 11:32 PM.

#11330 Jon Gotham


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Posted 19 June 2018 - 09:00 AM

View PostRip Snorgan, on 18 June 2018 - 08:00 PM, said:

My main whine right now is...I love doing group drops with Jon Gotham, but we're rarely on at the same time. Posted Image

I'm about tonight Ripper-I'll be making a "pest" of myself later

#11331 Jon Gotham


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Posted 19 June 2018 - 09:58 AM

GG does not equal good sportsmanship.



GG = good game, where collectively considered to be so by all participants. This is usually indicative of a close fought, could go either way game.
12-3 isn't that.
GG is best kept for team chat, if you feel you MUST say something after you win-try something else. the team that just got REKT are obviously not going to think it was a "good game," are they?

One point I'd like to make is the vast majority of gg spammers hardly ever say it when they lose, and yes I do remember them. If you make GG a throwaway statement, then it loses it's worth. It should be reserved for when a game IS a GOOD GAME.

Edited by Jon Gotham, 19 June 2018 - 10:03 AM.

#11332 UnofficialOperator


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Posted 19 June 2018 - 07:54 PM

Lol wow I have no words for the T1 scrubs nowadays. Just had a 46% player with 4000 games split off from group in a slow mech after even getting warned that he'd get ganked. Got ganked and proceeded to lie about how I was hiding behind the group in my 52kph mech when I was hammering W the whole way. My whole alpha lance were fleas! I have to be behind at some point!!

What a ******* moron.

Theres always that few players that consistently lie ingame.
These ******* psychopaths are the worse

Edited by UnofficialOperator, 19 June 2018 - 08:00 PM.

#11333 Neutron IX


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Posted 19 June 2018 - 09:49 PM

View PostJon Gotham, on 19 June 2018 - 09:00 AM, said:

I'm about tonight Ripper-I'll be making a "pest" of myself later

Worked a hellishly long day, and am only just now waiting for the patch to DL so I can claim my own little pests myself...so curses, foiled again!

#11334 Neutron IX


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Posted 19 June 2018 - 09:54 PM

View PostUnofficialOperator, on 19 June 2018 - 07:54 PM, said:

Lol wow I have no words for the T1 scrubs nowadays. Just had a 46% player with 4000 games split off from group in a slow mech after even getting warned that he'd get ganked. Got ganked and proceeded to lie about how I was hiding behind the group in my 52kph mech when I was hammering W the whole way. My whole alpha lance were fleas! I have to be behind at some point!!

What a ******* moron.

Theres always that few players that consistently lie ingame.
These ******* psychopaths are the worse

Yeah, anyone claiming you aren't pulling your weight isn't right in the head. When I see you in drops on my side I'm comforted, and on the enemy side, I'm worried. I was way off my own game last night, and am mildly embarrassed at my own showings of late...but yeah, that dude is nuts.

#11335 MTier Slayed Up


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Posted 20 June 2018 - 02:32 AM

View PostJon Gotham, on 19 June 2018 - 09:58 AM, said:

GG does not equal good sportsmanship.



GG = good game, where collectively considered to be so by all participants. This is usually indicative of a close fought, could go either way game.
12-3 isn't that.
GG is best kept for team chat, if you feel you MUST say something after you win-try something else. the team that just got REKT are obviously not going to think it was a "good game," are they?

One point I'd like to make is the vast majority of gg spammers hardly ever say it when they lose, and yes I do remember them. If you make GG a throwaway statement, then it loses it's worth. It should be reserved for when a game IS a GOOD GAME.

Great 10 minute video showing human kindness. I'll be sure to help people up after I blow them to pieces in a virtual reality.

Oh wait...

When I say gg or gg wp, just take it. Forget how you performed or what your team did, just say gg and move on. I don't think I've ever seen an MMO where the community gets really butt hurt over saying gg or gg wp as much as MWO's community...Mind you, I've said this either on a loss or a win, and it wouldn't matter the score. It could be 11-12 and if I were to say it, some smart *** will say "NO! That last guy sucked! Boo Hoo!".

In a nut shell, if gg or gg wp is triggering you, in a video game, you should probably not play online...or video games in general. Play something less stressful, like Pong or something. Or try growing up.

Edit - I feel like I have to go more in depth for you to understand this because I'm sure more people will read it and go "GG is hurtful!".

Let's step into reality. Let's say you and I were playing on opposite teams and let's say the sport was baseball. Let's say you steam roll my team. 9 runs and we have nothing at the end of the game. What do you think is common practice after a game like this?
Well, we'd line up, shake hands and say "Good Game," to each individual on said teams. No one is going to say "Bad Game" or "Good Game Easy Sauce," unless they're children.

Does this help you understand yet? Saying "GG" or "GG WP" is a virtual hand shake and a show of respect.
Saying "GGEZ" or "Ezy" or whatever is meant to be out of sarcastic spite. Pretty clear difference, and I'm actually baffled I have to explain this when online video games have been around for more than two decade now.

Edited by DrtyDshSoap, 20 June 2018 - 02:45 AM.

#11336 Trenchbird


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Posted 20 June 2018 - 07:43 AM

My whine's that PGI is steadfastly refusing to give more mechs the "-Insert location here- Cage" for more mechs. Currently, AFAIK, only the Sun Spider, Annihilator, and Atlas have cage-anything options, and of those, the Atlas doesn't have the slots to add all of the cages; The Sun Spider only has the facecage; And the Annie only has elbow cages for some stupid reason.

Seriously, it's like they go out of their way to avoid adding any good Solaris gubbinz.

#11337 UnofficialOperator


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Posted 20 June 2018 - 09:13 AM

View PostRip Snorgan, on 19 June 2018 - 09:54 PM, said:

Yeah, anyone claiming you aren't pulling your weight isn't right in the head. When I see you in drops on my side I'm comforted, and on the enemy side, I'm worried. I was way off my own game last night, and am mildly embarrassed at my own showings of late...but yeah, that dude is nuts.

Thanks, that's really nice of you.

Usually I'm a salty **** but I think I'm going to turn full on villain.

Embrace the inner ******* I say.

#11338 Electroflameageddon


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Posted 20 June 2018 - 03:34 PM


Somebody at PGI went a little mad with the hot glue gun and put a bunch of hard points on the Flea.

Not quite as bad as the Piranha and at least you can see out of the cockpit.

It is a fun ride though. Had 2 neutral matches (1 kill per match) and I'm glad there isn't a collision detector for when I careen off of buildings, rocks, bridges. I always did have a problem driving fast in video games....

#11339 Jon Gotham


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Posted 20 June 2018 - 04:55 PM

View PostDrtyDshSoap, on 20 June 2018 - 02:32 AM, said:

Great 10 minute video showing human kindness. I'll be sure to help people up after I blow them to pieces in a virtual reality.

Oh wait...

When I say gg or gg wp, just take it. Forget how you performed or what your team did, just say gg and move on. I don't think I've ever seen an MMO where the community gets really butt hurt over saying gg or gg wp as much as MWO's community...Mind you, I've said this either on a loss or a win, and it wouldn't matter the score. It could be 11-12 and if I were to say it, some smart *** will say "NO! That last guy sucked! Boo Hoo!".

In a nut shell, if gg or gg wp is triggering you, in a video game, you should probably not play online...or video games in general. Play something less stressful, like Pong or something. Or try growing up.

Edit - I feel like I have to go more in depth for you to understand this because I'm sure more people will read it and go "GG is hurtful!".

Let's step into reality. Let's say you and I were playing on opposite teams and let's say the sport was baseball. Let's say you steam roll my team. 9 runs and we have nothing at the end of the game. What do you think is common practice after a game like this?
Well, we'd line up, shake hands and say "Good Game," to each individual on said teams. No one is going to say "Bad Game" or "Good Game Easy Sauce," unless they're children.

Does this help you understand yet? Saying "GG" or "GG WP" is a virtual hand shake and a show of respect.
Saying "GGEZ" or "Ezy" or whatever is meant to be out of sarcastic spite. Pretty clear difference, and I'm actually baffled I have to explain this when online video games have been around for more than two decade now.

Because your logic doesn't translate everywhere. Over here it's called virtue signalling. That's enforced behaviour. GG=good game. you say it when it is. No need for it to be anything else. Feeling like you "should" say something is insane.
Again to spell it out, GG= good game. you use this when the game has been a genuine, good and close game. that's what it means. End of.
Respect isn't something to be handed out because someone tells you to-it's EARNED. People from other places don't have the same beliefs and upbringing as you do, I was never forced to line up and shake on it.
If i feel an opponent has played well, I'll single them out and compliment them on their skills.

#11340 MTier Slayed Up


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Posted 20 June 2018 - 06:59 PM

View PostDrtyDshSoap, on 20 June 2018 - 02:32 AM, said:

I feel like I have to go more in depth for you to understand this because I'm sure more people will read it and go "GG is hurtful!". Let's step into reality. Let's say you and I were playing on opposite teams and let's say the sport was baseball. Let's say you steam roll my team. 9 runs and we have nothing at the end of the game. What do you think is common practice after a game like this? Well, we'd line up, shake hands and say "Good Game," to each individual on said teams. No one is going to say "Bad Game" or "Good Game Easy Sauce," unless they're children. Does this help you understand yet? Saying "GG" or "GG WP" is a virtual hand shake and a show of respect. Saying "GGEZ" or "Ezy" or whatever is meant to be out of sarcastic spite. Pretty clear difference, and I'm actually baffled I have to explain this when online video games have been around for more than two decade now.

I've now bolded it for you to read it better.

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