Jon Gotham, on 19 June 2018 - 09:58 AM, said:
GG does not equal good sportsmanship.
GG = good game, where collectively considered to be so by all participants. This is usually indicative of a close fought, could go either way game.
12-3 isn't that.
GG is best kept for team chat, if you feel you MUST say something after you win-try something else. the team that just got REKT are obviously not going to think it was a "good game," are they?
One point I'd like to make is the vast majority of gg spammers hardly ever say it when they lose, and yes I do remember them. If you make GG a throwaway statement, then it loses it's worth. It should be reserved for when a game IS a GOOD GAME.
Great 10 minute video showing human kindness. I'll be sure to help people up after I blow them to pieces in a virtual reality.
Oh wait...
When I say gg or gg wp, just take it. Forget how you performed or what your team did, just say gg and move on. I don't think I've ever seen an MMO where the community gets really butt hurt over saying gg or gg wp as much as MWO's community...Mind you, I've said this either on a loss or a win, and it wouldn't matter the score. It could be 11-12 and if I were to say it, some smart *** will say "NO! That last guy sucked! Boo Hoo!".
In a nut shell, if gg or gg wp is triggering you, in a video game, you should probably not play online...or video games in general. Play something less stressful, like Pong or something. Or try growing up.
Edit - I feel like I have to go more in depth for you to understand this because I'm sure more people will read it and go "GG is hurtful!".
Let's step into reality. Let's say you and I were playing on opposite teams and let's say the sport was baseball. Let's say you steam roll my team. 9 runs and we have nothing at the end of the game. What do you think is common practice after a game like this?
Well, we'd line up, shake hands and say "Good Game," to each individual on said teams. No one is going to say "Bad Game" or "Good Game Easy Sauce," unless they're children.
Does this help you understand yet? Saying "GG" or "GG WP" is a virtual hand shake and a show of respect.
Saying "GGEZ" or "Ezy" or whatever is meant to be out of sarcastic spite. Pretty clear difference, and I'm actually baffled I have to explain this when online video games have been around for more than two decade now.
Edited by DrtyDshSoap, 20 June 2018 - 02:45 AM.