So the eu server is well and truly unplayable. Hit detection is almost none existent but my mech registers hits a little too easy. My cn9d loses its right torso and arm from a gauss hit, which seem to be all the rage currently, oh and more lurms too. (dont know how many gauss were in that shot) but then in a seperate match i alpha a griffin with 2xlpl, 1xml, 3xasrm6 and he just shrugs and shoots me right back and finishes me off!
SOD it back to murican servers in my trusty locust 1e assasin 2 kills a game 600+ damage. Riiigghht.
Oh and terrain and mech collisions dont work properly anymore either i keep getting stuck. And whats with the amount of fuckwits standing right behind you at the moment?
All the while my laptop is trying to upgrade to 10 gets stuck at 86%, eventually resumes then completely freezes at 92%. So hard reset it after 2hrs 20 mins wasted......restoring previous windows.......... so tempted to tell windose to **** off and put linux on instead.
Argh ffs rant over ;-)
Edited by mad kat, 29 July 2015 - 02:33 PM.