Well, I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't one of "those" MechWarriors sometimes.
I'm sometimes equally capable of dropping a 1k+ damage match, with 3-4 kills and such, as I am of delivering a sub 100 damage match, where I'm dead in the first 60 seconds because I brain farted my way into an open part of the map all by myself, with no cover, right as Red Teams Charlie lance comes in and swarms me.
But to my own credit, I at least generally am fully aware of where/how I went wrong in those instances. And I have enough "good-to-actually-honestly-great" matches under my belt that I don't hang up my cooling vest in dejection and shame.
But I've definitely, for example, found myself in matches with Tier 1 folks like UnofficialOperator, where I've caught myself saying "Uh-oh, what happened, and how did I get in here?!!" and felt like a drunk Pee-Wee Herman in a cage match in the octagon.