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#11061 Trenchbird


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Posted 02 March 2018 - 11:49 AM

Goddamn it, why don't people ever read up on freely available Battletech info. It's like trying to inform slack-jawed apes that rocks help you make fire.

No, the CSPL doesn't have 6 damage on tabletop. No, Reflective Armor doesn't cause you to take double damage from Gauss Rifles. No, you can't give omnimechs lower actuators when mounting PPCs or Autocannons (For some reason). The list goes on.

Edited by Catten Hart, 02 March 2018 - 11:49 AM.

#11062 Kasumi Sumika


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Posted 03 March 2018 - 07:39 AM

I always hate when you play brawl mech and nobody followed you. Now everyone always bring peek & poke weapons and tends to play cowardly.

#11063 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 03 March 2018 - 12:28 PM

View PostKasumi Sumika, on 03 March 2018 - 07:39 AM, said:

I always hate when you play brawl mech and nobody followed you. Now everyone always bring peek & poke weapons and tends to play cowardly.

Timidity is not a reliable strategy. Violence speaks volumes.

#11064 loopala


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Posted 03 March 2018 - 07:34 PM

as someone with a bit too much beserker in my blood for my own good. Could we please have a "drag the rest of the team to glory with you" feature.

yep i am losing my mind with the peek and poke type game play i am seeing. peak and poke loses most games. while a good lance in the middle of them, at the right time can swing the tide of battle....

what you want to live forever?

#11065 Neutron IX


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Posted 04 March 2018 - 02:13 AM

View Postloopala, on 03 March 2018 - 07:34 PM, said:

as someone with a bit too much beserker in my blood for my own good. Could we please have a "drag the rest of the team to glory with you" feature.

yep i am losing my mind with the peek and poke type game play i am seeing. peak and poke loses most games. while a good lance in the middle of them, at the right time can swing the tide of battle....

what you want to live forever?

I know that feeling all too well...lol

#11066 Jon Gotham


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Posted 04 March 2018 - 05:39 AM

Stupid flea. Take a month off come back and see that little terror sitting there. Ugly as hell, gangly and weird looking.
Love at first sight, wallet prized open.
Pro solo brigade bailed out by another $15 increment.

#11067 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 04 March 2018 - 08:02 AM

View PostJon Gotham, on 04 March 2018 - 05:39 AM, said:

Stupid flea. Take a month off come back and see that little terror sitting there. Ugly as hell, gangly and weird looking.
Love at first sight, wallet prized open.
Pro solo brigade bailed out by another $15 increment.

Hope you have fun with your new purchase. I don't have time or resources to build all the Mechs/Omnimechs I have purchased recently.

#11068 Neutron IX


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Posted 04 March 2018 - 02:38 PM

You know, every time I have a super crappy match (like the other night, when I managed 1 single damage on my Urbanmech somehow, before getting my ST taken out by a sharpshooting high alpha Annihilator within the first 60 seconds of the match, for example), I find myself wishing I could just link stuff like this into chat and go "guys, seriously, I'm not always like this!"...

Posted Image

Hilariously enough, this match was the same day as the aforementioned "Urbie-match"... Posted Image

Edited by Rip Snorgan, 04 March 2018 - 02:51 PM.

#11069 Neutron IX


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Posted 04 March 2018 - 02:53 PM

And for the record...the screenshot is from a match I played in a KTO-Golden Boy...lol

#11070 Urbavore


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Posted 04 March 2018 - 05:57 PM

PUG's are cancer.

Tired of the "you suck" from solo try-hards who die alone 2K from their team.

Hate being told that Urbies are OP, when I have used cover and concealment and racked up 6 kills. Sure I play cautiously and aggressively in the same match, but the "R" key works wonders....

#11071 loopala


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Posted 04 March 2018 - 08:06 PM

pugs holding tight to under the canopy for fear of LRMs. notice a short lance of reds trying to flank from the right. another Atlas is with them.... here is the game from when my BoarsHead catches up to the reaction force on the right flank. My beserker blood was up....

my whine

why can more pugs learn to follow the fracking atlas???

ok i admit this could of went south 5 ways to sunday. but do you want to live forever???

#11072 Neutron IX


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Posted 04 March 2018 - 09:48 PM

View Postloopala, on 04 March 2018 - 08:06 PM, said:

pugs holding tight to under the canopy for fear of LRMs. notice a short lance of reds trying to flank from the right. another Atlas is with them.... here is the game from when my BoarsHead catches up to the reaction force on the right flank. My beserker blood was up....

my whine

why can more pugs learn to follow the fracking atlas???

ok i admit this could of went south 5 ways to sunday. but do you want to live forever???

Two things...

1). I HEAR that man. I legit often find myself wondering why people can't seem to follow the Kintaro even...or hell, the [any Mech that pushes when they should, EVER!!!]...

2). I seriously cannot wrap my head around how you are still in Tier 5. Like, that was some high-level Atlas driving there man...what's your secret?!! Posted Image

#11073 Kasumi Sumika


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Posted 05 March 2018 - 04:15 AM

4 games in a row and I'm always doing sub 100 dmg and always stomp, Its suck. Thx for ruining my stats you garbage matchmaking.

Edit :
5 GAMES in a row and I'm lose again, even I'm using meta cheese mech its doesnt work. Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Edited by Kasumi Sumika, 05 March 2018 - 04:17 AM.

#11074 loopala


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Posted 05 March 2018 - 07:55 AM

View PostRip Snorgan, on 04 March 2018 - 09:48 PM, said:

Two things...

1). I HEAR that man. I legit often find myself wondering why people can't seem to follow the Kintaro even...or hell, the [any Mech that pushes when they should, EVER!!!]...

2). I seriously cannot wrap my head around how you are still in Tier 5. Like, that was some high-level Atlas driving there man...what's your secret?!! Posted Image

Why am I tier 5? let me count the ways...lol

1) i was playing on a toaster. when i started playing my toaster was barely able to met minimum spec. 30FPS was a good day. for 4 years it just got worse. when I bought a much better toaster my FPS was sub 15 and no longer playable. I am now a believer in hardware can make a huge difference.

2) i am a crazy beserker. some days the windshield, some days the bug. ok most days the bug. if you stick your neck out enough somebody will cut it off.

3) i love locusts...

4) i like mixed builds and very seldom play meta. I mean come on i play locusts with LRMs, urbies with AC20s, that Boars Head was Super Stock almost a factory weapon load out, i bring LRMs on assaults. no i don't boat but a single LRM 10 is handy. and any other of many many many sins of bad builds out there. I like what i like META be damned lol

5) i don't ride my kills. if i see my target is no longer combat effective I move on to the greater threat. also as a lite pilot i tend to leg em and leave em. hence my K/D 0.49

6) i pug. my teams mates are pugs soo.....

7) 6000 plus drops since the great reset and my W/L is 0.89 takes a bit to over come that

8) when the tier system came out i was almost too low for tier 5 LOL. now i am a bit over 1/2

9) did i mention i play with a joystick....

yep I am the guy that will be tier 5 forever.

Edited by loopala, 05 March 2018 - 08:02 AM.

#11075 mad kat


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Posted 05 March 2018 - 02:37 PM

So today I came across a match where the entire enemy Charlie Lance hid at the back. A gargoyle, a warhawk (I think) a supernova and worst of all a MC mkii. Why was it worst because it spent the entire match hiding at the back seemingly only firing lrm's. I mean the MC mkii is in my eyes the most overpowered and toughest mech in the game by a good margin. And he and his other clan crutch mech buddies hid. The gargoyle barely even left the walls (incursion).

At least my stealth pirates bane kept them all busy for most of the match as I harassed their base in the process eventually killing the MC mkii.

Atlas lurmers don't seem too bad now, at least they can say their mech is slow as **** and couldn't turn fast enough as their life depends on it.

#11076 el piromaniaco


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Posted 05 March 2018 - 02:39 PM

I really like your attitude, but joystick?������

After nearly 10.000 matches I have a k/d of 0.61

And I am in the middle of T3, looks like I am one of those that get swept upwards.
My playing has improved over the time, but I still do make bad mistakes.

Bought the Back Lanner for my alt account, played over the weekend, and just realized "this mech has MASC!?!"
I just wasn't aware of this because it is a fixed component, I didn't have to add it.
And there have been so many moments where I thought "Gee, only a few kph more ....".

#11077 loopala


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Posted 05 March 2018 - 03:35 PM

View Postel piromaniaco, on 05 March 2018 - 02:39 PM, said:

I really like your attitude, but joystick?������

After nearly 10.000 matches I have a k/d of 0.61

And I am in the middle of T3, looks like I am one of those that get swept upwards.
My playing has improved over the time, but I still do make bad mistakes.

Bought the Back Lanner for my alt account, played over the weekend, and just realized "this mech has MASC!?!"
I just wasn't aware of this because it is a fixed component, I didn't have to add it.
And there have been so many moments where I thought "Gee, only a few kph more ....".

Yep a joystick. I mouse left handed. Though I am not left handed. Too much time on equipment and not as much on a keyboard. Joystick is just natural to me. Now I use the joystick for leg left right and buttons, 5 weapon groups, and hats. Mouse controls torso/arms left, right, up, down. Also have throttle, chat, JJs, center legs to torso on the mouse buttons. Almost never touch the keyboard, expect for the L key for the lights/sirens on the K9. As I typed just more natural for me.

May your match score be greater than your ping

#11078 Kasumi Sumika


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Posted 06 March 2018 - 06:30 AM

Posted Image

#11079 Jon Gotham


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Posted 06 March 2018 - 11:07 AM

View PostUrbavore, on 04 March 2018 - 05:57 PM, said:

PUG's are cancer.

Tired of the "you suck" from solo try-hards who die alone 2K from their team.

Hate being told that Urbies are OP, when I have used cover and concealment and racked up 6 kills. Sure I play cautiously and aggressively in the same match, but the "R" key works wonders....

I think those comments come from the armour and structure pools they have, loved playing mine-they are evil. They break the idea of light=fragile.

#11080 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 06 March 2018 - 06:10 PM

I normally get between 0-12 Kills per week, 0-8 Kill Most Damage Done. Today is the first day I was playing the new Trial By Fire challenge. I was using my Orion llC for the Clans and my Catapult K2, Butter Bee,and my Jester. I got both wins, 20 Kill Assists, and a total of 5/18 Kill Most Damage Done. In 13 games I raised 2.2-2.4 million C-Bills, 10 Component Destructions, 56 Kiill Assists, 1373 points of damage( 2 games did not show for whatever reason). Needless to say I am still without my 2,000,000 C- Bill prize.

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