Rip Snorgan, on 04 March 2018 - 09:48 PM, said:
Two things...
1). I HEAR that man. I legit often find myself wondering why people can't seem to follow the Kintaro even...or hell, the [any Mech that pushes when they should, EVER!!!]...
2). I seriously cannot wrap my head around how you are still in Tier 5. Like, that was some high-level Atlas driving there man...what's your secret?!!

Why am I tier 5? let me count the
1) i was playing on a toaster. when i started playing my toaster was barely able to met minimum spec. 30FPS was a good day. for 4 years it just got worse. when I bought a much better toaster my FPS was sub 15 and no longer playable. I am now a believer in hardware can make a huge difference.
2) i am a crazy beserker. some days the windshield, some days the bug. ok most days the bug. if you stick your neck out enough somebody will cut it off.
3) i love locusts...
4) i like mixed builds and very seldom play meta. I mean come on i play locusts with LRMs, urbies with AC20s, that Boars Head was Super Stock almost a factory weapon load out, i bring LRMs on assaults. no i don't boat but a single LRM 10 is handy. and any other of many many many sins of bad builds out there. I like what i like META be damned lol
5) i don't ride my kills. if i see my target is no longer combat effective I move on to the greater threat. also as a lite pilot i tend to leg em and leave em. hence my K/D 0.49
6) i pug. my teams mates are pugs soo.....
7) 6000 plus drops since the great reset and my W/L is 0.89 takes a bit to over come that
8) when the tier system came out i was almost too low for tier 5 LOL. now i am a bit over 1/2
9) did i mention i play with a joystick....
yep I am the guy that will be tier 5 forever.
Edited by loopala, 05 March 2018 - 08:02 AM.