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Lrm Update - March 24


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#561 Sheraf


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Posted 29 March 2014 - 06:25 PM

View PostMujinn, on 29 March 2014 - 03:26 PM, said:

News flash for all the morons who like to say adapt or die... well people are using cover and so much so that people stay in cover instead of trying to find and locate the lrms, because right now if you poke your head out for a second you get 8 lrm boats locking on to you, firing and before you can get back to your cover, half if not all your armor is gone, if you are in a light or medium mech possible a dead mech.

Once one team has the other pin down for fear of being LRMed to death their light and medium mechs move in and start picking you off 1 by 1 or pop their air strike/artillery strikes on all the clustered mechs hiding in cover. So now they have to move or get mass strikes on them and when they do the lrm boats feast.

Before this lrm boast people were actually playing a mech battle now they are playing mech hide and seek. A speed change is needed, I will agree before this patch lrms were a tad too slow but now they are a bit too fast. I would suggest next time to a gradual speed increase of 10 or 15 increments not 40+.

8 LRM boats? That is quite a team:) . They have 4 spotter shining tag at you too? You are fighting 8 at a time, and LRM speed is 1000kph so that it hit you the moment you poke your head out?

#562 Tw1stedMonkey


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Posted 29 March 2014 - 08:46 PM

View Postwanderer, on 29 March 2014 - 06:21 PM, said:

I haven't dropped in a team for more than an hour since the stat reset. I'd say maybe 6 hours or so out of the last six months I've been on a team- most of the people I knew don't even play now. Because in part, they castrated the ability to drop in groups, even against other groups.

So "you people" fails. But the truth hurts- PUGs are inferior to 4-mans, 4-mans are inferior to sync drops, and if we could, a 12-man would roflstomp just about everyone. LRMs encourage teamwork behavior. That's why PUGs with plenty of missile boats tend to stomp other PUGs.LRMs naturally cause PUGs to mimic team-oriented behaviours.

We need more things like it, not "OMG, weapons that encourage people to work together are BROKEN NERF THEM NOW QQ QQ QQ". They are, temporarily, effectively upping people's virtual skill levels.

If they were anything like you, good riddance to the elitist ******. Group dropping makes balancing for the majority of players harder. People that min/max so they can stomp PUGs and/or troll other people ruin it for everyone who just wants to play with their friends casually and I utterly hate those people and everything they represent. Games are meant to be fun, and the more people having fun in a game, the more successful that game is being.

If you want to go pro and play against other pros only, that is fine, but until they find a fair system that can't be abused, tough luck because a good majority more people play the game casually and they deserve to have fun regardless of how many people you group with. Maybe my opinions are tainted by the hatred I felt for the 8 man groups in Halo BTB that just farmed kills and refused to go for objectives until the game was about to time-out, but I refuse to stand by and allow such disgusting abuses and unsportsmanlike conduct ever again.

#563 Kjudoon


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Posted 29 March 2014 - 10:29 PM

View PostMUDDD, on 29 March 2014 - 05:55 PM, said:

To all of those who are saying hide from the LRMs. That is not what i come into this game to do. I don't intend to hang out for half the match with nothing to do. That's ridiculous. The LRMs where fine right where they where for everybody but the players that just want to set in the back and push a button on their LRM boat to get points and they do this because they cant really pilot the mech sufficiently to play the game otherwise. The devs seem to nerf everything but the LRMs. Just the other day that idiot said he was going to nerf the ACs. I got a better idea for the people who think ACs are to powerful. Try hiding from them just like you are telling everybody else to do from LRMs. At least with the AC the PILOT has to aim. It doesn't get done for him like it does for LRM spammers. Don't get me wrong. I think this WAS a great game but the devs are listening to the wrong people. Remember devs whiners are usually only 1% of the population. Let me know when they come to their senses and fix it so it is Mech Warrior again instead of LRM Warrior and I might reload the game and try it again.

View PostTw1stedMonkey, on 29 March 2014 - 08:46 PM, said:

If they were anything like you, good riddance to the elitist ******. Group dropping makes balancing for the majority of players harder. People that min/max so they can stomp PUGs and/or troll other people ruin it for everyone who just wants to play with their friends casually and I utterly hate those people and everything they represent. Games are meant to be fun, and the more people having fun in a game, the more successful that game is being.

If you want to go pro and play against other pros only, that is fine, but until they find a fair system that can't be abused, tough luck because a good majority more people play the game casually and they deserve to have fun regardless of how many people you group with. Maybe my opinions are tainted by the hatred I felt for the 8 man groups in Halo BTB that just farmed kills and refused to go for objectives until the game was about to time-out, but I refuse to stand by and allow such disgusting abuses and unsportsmanlike conduct ever again.

Soooo... instead of making this a thinking strategic team based game, we should cater to egomaniacal self centered loners who can't be bothered to help others, or even invest themselves in the game so much as to play as if it was really them out there?

Okay. Can we get PGI to make a server just for these people and then another who believe in team play groups and the power of working together in a selfless and invested manner? I mean, you got skirmish mode for this kind of play. What more do you want? For everyone to think and act like you? I'll pass on that.

Edited by Kjudoon, 29 March 2014 - 10:30 PM.

#564 wanderer


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 06:22 AM

View PostTw1stedMonkey, on 29 March 2014 - 08:46 PM, said:

If they were anything like you, good riddance to the elitist ******. Group dropping makes balancing for the majority of players harder. People that min/max so they can stomp PUGs and/or troll other people ruin it for everyone who just wants to play with their friends casually and I utterly hate those people and everything they represent. Games are meant to be fun, and the more people having fun in a game, the more successful that game is being.

If you want a game that's you against the world, you want a solo FPS. This isn't. Heck, I'd be happy to see a PUG-only queue...I don't think it's fair to see solo players pitted against groups.

But you can then quit whining about how the big bad 4-man touched you inappropriately with their Gauss Rifle, or that someone fired a missile over the hill thanks to his friend's NARC beacon and blew your face off. Actually, I don't think you will even then, because what you're calling "casual" isn't casual, it's "I want to believe I'm competent."- not good, mind you. Competent.

Even in a PUG-only queue, the people who work together will reduce Rambos to a thin layer of smoking debris. MWO is a team-oriented game. Not a free-for-all. Not a series of random duels where only the heart of the cards will ensure victory.


If you want to go pro and play against other pros only, that is fine, but until they find a fair system that can't be abused, tough luck because a good majority more people play the game casually and they deserve to have fun regardless of how many people you group with. Maybe my opinions are tainted by the hatred I felt for the 8 man groups in Halo BTB that just farmed kills and refused to go for objectives until the game was about to time-out, but I refuse to stand by and allow such disgusting abuses and unsportsmanlike conduct ever again.

Know why I PUG? Because I have roomies that I can't be talking to others while I play. And because I find PUG play actually is challenging.

Let's try this again. 99%+ of the time, I solo. So take your "pro" and "unsportsmanlike" chatter and stow it with the rest of the whining I see in your posting. What you call "casual", I generally call "flaming bouts of stupid". Like it or not, when you get dropped on a map with 11 other people- even and especially when none of them are grouped, and it happens often enough- you are part of a team.

It is not fun when I see my team LEEEEROY JENKINS into the other side that had the common sense to stick together and I watch them go 0-6 in under three minutes. Or fail to understand the basics of how their weapons operate. Or take a scenic trip at 50kph through the wilds of Terra Therma while the rest of the group is getting pasted. Or "snipe" things at 700m with their medium lasers. Or randomly spray fire across every 'Mech in the opposing force while getting splattered.

It's like telling folks you came to play checkers and instead decided to do tiddly-winks with the pieces, and wondering why everyone else either 1) beat you or 2) got disgusted with what you were doing and 3) called you a bad player. Your "casual" does not mean "don't try to actually play the game"- and MWO is a team-based game. Play with your team. Don't whine that people are playing like a team, don't call it "pro players", because it isn't.

Know the tournament? I played with one 'Mech. One. A Cataphract-2X. Yes, that paragon of meta-pro-uberness, the Cataphract with ONE ballistic hardpoint that uses missiles.

I didn't use the ballistic HP. Two LRM15's with Artemis, 2 MPL's. *gasp* So meta. Much firepower. Missiles. Wow.

I then went out and had fun. I played with teams. I PUGed, as I normally do, the entire time. As casual as the next guy.

Top 25. Because although I was playing for fun, I played the actual game and respected the fact that I had 11 other people with me who wanted to play what was on the label, not "do whatever I pleased". We blew up PUGs. We blew up premades. Sometimes, they blew us up. But as long as we all actually played the game, it was fun. Sometimes, people even listened and learned the value of patience instead of "charge at the opponent and get ground into mush" and found it surprisingly satisfying- because frankly, MWO tends to be more satisfying when you realize that working together produced positive results that aren't "stomp or be stomped", or obviously show that "Do X = this works".

Like being on HPG Manifold in Skirmish, killing one opponent, and simply grouping up at our start point for the other side to arrive. No frustrating "they're in the roof/basement" failure (which they had gotten to first, usually an "I win" button for Manifold in PUGs). Not that we didn't want to play. We just didn't want to be stupid.

They came. We fought. We won 12-6. It was a way of using the map most of the players there had never experienced. Fun and anti-boredom was had, even by the premade on the other side (we were 12 single players) - because everyone played together. The premade had thought that it'd be the same boring PUG stomp, because PUGs are inevitable- the gung-ho go center and everyone else is sucked into the center, so you just park yourself under cover and win win win.

That's how MWO functions as a fun game. You are on a team. I don't care what you bring, as long as you bring it to play with the other 11 players on your team and you play the game you're in. Otherwise, you take fun -away- from everyone else you play with and often disappoint the other side for good measure. I apologize for stomps. I feel -bad- about stomps. Stomps represent a fundamental failure to play, and nobody has fun getting their teeth kicked through the back of their skulls. Bad players facilitate stomps, and that's why I hate bad players.

And to get back to the subject of LRMs-

Good players can deal with LRMs in a competent manner and don't scrub out. To me, that means when I hear LRM whining, I hear "I'm a BAAAAAD PLAYER! I AM WHY TEAMS FOLD LIKE A CHEAP CHAIR! DOOOO WHAT I SAY!". This isn't opinion on "good players can deal with LRMs"- it's fact. LRMs barely exist at higher ELOs where dakka reigns as it did pre-patch. Even in PUG mode, people at that level of play function in an ad-hoc teamwork that I see most closely mimiced at lower ELO play when there's....a bunch of missile carriers out there firing on things together.

Saying that anything that encourages people to play together is some kind of ancient evil that must be purged from MWO is anathema to me. The ability to handle LRMs is similar to learning not to do things like "don't stand spotlighted on the top of a hill and not expect to get shot". Getting crushed by missiles is a failure to learn, not a flaw in gameplay- the fault lies in the player making mistakes, not "OMG LURMAGEDDON OP". Players doing something in concert is not a flaw in gameplay, it is players on a team doing something team-oriented, working together- no matter if they're PUG or premade or 12-man sync drop. Team actions in a team game are a positive. They're playing checkers to the high-ELO chess, but at least they're not trying to play tiddlywinks with the pieces and regardless of skill level, they're having fun playing the game as it's designed.

#565 J0anna


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 07:03 AM

Having played against this for a while now (and no I don't use LRM mechs - devs feel free to check my stats, tried it once, but it's not my style). I think LRM speed is exactly where it should be, the nerf to 160 really isn't needed. The bottom line is that this boost to LRM's has significantly slowed down 'pop-tarting' and that is very nice. Used to be, you'd never see LRM's in 12-man's, now they have a place. I wouldn't even adjust the screen shake, probably the only 'nerf' I'd like to see is a reduction in their ability to concentrate on your center core, but make them strike all over like SSRM's.

Sure fighting against LRM boats is tough, especially on certain maps, but it's no harder than fighting against the standard meta 'pop-tart' build. But as soon as people learn to not stand in the open, or charge across a open area at 60 kph, they will find fighting LRM's much easier.

#566 Bigbacon


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 08:17 AM

I think since they've lowered the speed there hasn't been as much LRMaggedon in matches anymore. It is actually very reasonable now, even without AMS you can get away pretty easily if you are near some cover.

#567 Kjudoon


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 08:41 AM

View PostMoenrg, on 30 March 2014 - 07:03 AM, said:

Having played against this for a while now (and no I don't use LRM mechs - devs feel free to check my stats, tried it once, but it's not my style). I think LRM speed is exactly where it should be, the nerf to 160 really isn't needed. The bottom line is that this boost to LRM's has significantly slowed down 'pop-tarting' and that is very nice. Used to be, you'd never see LRM's in 12-man's, now they have a place. I wouldn't even adjust the screen shake, probably the only 'nerf' I'd like to see is a reduction in their ability to concentrate on your center core, but make them strike all over like SSRM's.

Sure fighting against LRM boats is tough, especially on certain maps, but it's no harder than fighting against the standard meta 'pop-tart' build. But as soon as people learn to not stand in the open, or charge across a open area at 60 kph, they will find fighting LRM's much easier.

They do spread like SRMs, but they have better functioning hit reg. Artemis makes them aim more CT when there is LOS. This balance issue has no credibility when the game is being funneled to high twitch pinpoint damage weapons that give no warning and hit near instantly.

View PostBigbacon, on 30 March 2014 - 08:17 AM, said:

I think since they've lowered the speed there hasn't been as much LRMaggedon in matches anymore. It is actually very reasonable now, even without AMS you can get away pretty easily if you are near some cover.

Also, the slowdown doesn't happen till Tuesday, so this decrease in the Fauxpocalypse of LRMs you've seen is people seeing that the big deal is over, and only bad players are having problems with it. Once the LRM trial Stalker goes away, it will be even less. There is no need for any re-nerf. This is why if you're going to re-nerf LRMs, you need to re-nerf AMS or we're going right back to LRMs being worthless and Poptarts don't have to think and can reign supreme again over brawlers and missile boats. We don't want to upset the PoptartQQs.

Edited by Kjudoon, 30 March 2014 - 08:42 AM.

#568 wanderer


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 10:03 AM

View PostBigbacon, on 30 March 2014 - 08:17 AM, said:

I think since they've lowered the speed there hasn't been as much LRMaggedon in matches anymore. It is actually very reasonable now, even without AMS you can get away pretty easily if you are near some cover.

They haven't patched yet, LRMs are still at the original buffed velocity.

Surprise! They were never that horrifyingly nasty as people were QQing about in the first place.

#569 Kjudoon


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 10:16 AM

View Postwanderer, on 30 March 2014 - 10:03 AM, said:

They haven't patched yet, LRMs are still at the original buffed velocity.

Surprise! They were never that horrifyingly nasty as people were QQing about in the first place.

You know, if PGI was devious... they'd SAY they lowered it down to 160 and do nothing, and watch the QQ go away or at least reduce. The QQPocalypse will die as it began, rage and fury about nothing.

#570 wanderer


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 10:19 AM

View PostKjudoon, on 30 March 2014 - 10:16 AM, said:

You know, if PGI was devious... they'd SAY they lowered it down to 160 and do nothing, and watch the QQ go away or at least reduce. The QQPocalypse will die as it began, rage and fury about nothing.

As the stats are in the client files, Smurfy would pick up on the ruse immediately.

But yeah. People that are learning are realizing this was no Lurmageddon, merely crocodile tears over a weapon system getting better, not broken.

#571 DaisuSaikoro Nagasawa


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 10:21 AM

LRMS, as they are in the game currently, are too slow. They NEED to be sped up. Also they SHOULD get a slight damage bump.

Now I know I'm just one guy but I'm pretty sure that my experiences account for just about everyone's game play and experience so PGI you don't have to look and further. Just listen to me... also, I know double heat sinks NEED to be bumped up to 1.8 efficiency and they SHOULD take up at the most 2 slots.

MWO also NEEDS a god mode, and PGI SHOULD listen to me because I spent money and play the game.

heh... You guys are such poindexters.

#572 Kjudoon


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 10:24 AM

View PostDaisu Saikoro, on 30 March 2014 - 10:21 AM, said:

LRMS, as they are in the game currently, are too slow. They NEED to be sped up. Also they SHOULD get a slight damage bump.

Now I know I'm just one guy but I'm pretty sure that my experiences account for just about everyone's game play and experience so PGI you don't have to look and further. Just listen to me... also, I know double heat sinks NEED to be bumped up to 1.8 efficiency and they SHOULD take up at the most 2 slots.

MWO also NEEDS a god mode, and PGI SHOULD listen to me because I spent money and play the game.

heh... You guys are such poindexters.

Define "god mode"? There is no solo function with AIs running enemy mechs you know.

Edited by Kjudoon, 30 March 2014 - 10:24 AM.

#573 Kjudoon


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 10:32 AM

View Postwanderer, on 30 March 2014 - 10:19 AM, said:

As the stats are in the client files, Smurfy would pick up on the ruse immediately.

Curses! Foiled again!

#574 GreenHell


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 12:53 PM

View PostTw1stedMonkey, on 29 March 2014 - 08:46 PM, said:

"Lots of angry words. MW:O should be balanced for solo queue."

Multiplayer games need to be balanced for the competitive scene. Take a look at League. In fact, almost all online games are balanced that way. If a game isn't balanced for the competitive scene, then the teams will find other games to play because it isn't challenging to them.
As it stands, yes the game could be balanced better (SRM fix anyone?) but in a way that works for the competitive scene. The way it works is that when the competitive scene is balanced, that balance flows well in the solo queue (until you get to low skill / new players). They can't balance the game for the solo queue, because that would absolutely ruin the competitve game. The game would lose it's skill curve, and the high skill players would disappear. I am not a high skill player, but if the game was balanced with me in mind it would drive away a large number of players.
You balance the game for the top players, and then low skill players like me are driven to improve our skills to get to that high skill level. Solo queue will always be a mixed bag, and there is no escaping that fact. My suggestion is that you should find a team and play with them.

TLDR: TEAMWORK OP & The game should be balanced for the competitive scene.

#575 ArmandTulsen


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 08:02 PM

So how about them SRMs, eh?

#576 Grey Ghost


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Posted 31 March 2014 - 12:40 AM

The free Mechbay challenge brought me back yesterday, played a dozen matches ... Didn't experience anything worthy of being called LRMageddon. Definitely noticed more LRMs in play, but the interest in them must be dying down. If they remain semi-relevant after the upcoming nerf, I may have to reevaluate my policy of never using them in 1-2 launcher configurations.

Before they only seemed to be of any use in LRM Boats, and I never wanted to pilot one of those.

#577 Jae Hyun Nakamura


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Posted 31 March 2014 - 03:44 AM

I liked the LRM's before. One had a reason to get the Modules and another/other competent Player/s to spot were more important.

Without teamplay LRM's were one useless peace of Equipment before the patch. I liked to Play my Awsome, Catapult, LRM-Atlas in a Group of three with two People useing LRM with ML Support and one spotter in a light. It was FUN. Today it feels a bit wrong for me to Play this. Dont get me wrong, i liked LRM's before and used them regularly.

The new Speed is a Little to high imo but i hope this gets better at 160 m/s. We'll see in a while what this new Speed will bring as other Problems in game/weapon Balance get fixed. (hopefully :ph34r:)

#578 Wolfways


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Posted 31 March 2014 - 05:13 AM

View PostJae Hyun Nakamura, on 31 March 2014 - 03:44 AM, said:

I liked the LRM's before. One had a reason to get the Modules and another/other competent Player/s to spot were more important.

Without teamplay LRM's were one useless peace of Equipment before the patch. I liked to Play my Awsome, Catapult, LRM-Atlas in a Group of three with two People useing LRM with ML Support and one spotter in a light. It was FUN. Today it feels a bit wrong for me to Play this. Dont get me wrong, i liked LRM's before and used them regularly.

The new Speed is a Little to high imo but i hope this gets better at 160 m/s. We'll see in a while what this new Speed will bring as other Problems in game/weapon Balance get fixed. (hopefully :ph34r:)

It sounds like you enjoy playing LRM's as artillery. I think that's the problem with LRM's in MWO.
In BT LRM's are direct-fire weapons just like any other weapon but they have the added ability to be able to be fired indirect. In MWO however, players seem to think that LRM's are a support weapon that is supposed to mainly be used for indirect-fire and i think that mindset has evolved simply because there is so much cover on MWO's small maps that LRM's are used mainly as indirect-fire weapons.
As long as we have these small arena-type maps any weapon introduced to the game that can fire indirect will mainly be used that way, and players will complain about it.

If you prefer to play that way then that's fine. I'm not telling anyone how to play, but imo LRM's need a buff, or at least a removal of the warning and ECM fixed, to make them better direct-fire weapons as they should be.

#579 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 31 March 2014 - 08:00 AM

View PostBigbacon, on 30 March 2014 - 08:17 AM, said:

I think since they've lowered the speed there hasn't been as much LRMaggedon in matches anymore. It is actually very reasonable now, even without AMS you can get away pretty easily if you are near some cover.

Not to bust your bubble...but they haven't actually lowered the speed yet. That's supposed to happen in tomorrow's patch.

Any 'difference' you're encountering is entirely a product of your mind. :angry:

Ah damn, ninja'd by wanderer. Oh well. Still, we'll see how much QQ there is post speed patch..and whether it shifts back to 'LRM's are USELESS NOW' vs 'LRM's STILL OP!'

Edited by Ghost Badger, 31 March 2014 - 08:03 AM.

#580 Ludibrat


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Posted 31 March 2014 - 08:47 AM

View PostJae Hyun Nakamura, on 31 March 2014 - 03:44 AM, said:

I liked the LRM's before. One had a reason to get the Modules and another/other competent Player/s to spot were more important.

Without teamplay LRM's were one useless peace of Equipment before the patch. I liked to Play my Awsome, Catapult, LRM-Atlas in a Group of three with two People useing LRM with ML Support and one spotter in a light. It was FUN. Today it feels a bit wrong for me to Play this. Dont get me wrong, i liked LRM's before and used them regularly.

The new Speed is a Little to high imo but i hope this gets better at 160 m/s. We'll see in a while what this new Speed will bring as other Problems in game/weapon Balance get fixed. (hopefully :angry:)

I couldnt agree more. I have a few assaults that i loved playing..but im having second thoughts every time i wanna drive those these days...
I always try sticking to some ecm guy for cover and move in group...but usually that wont help much since now almost all lights equip TAG for this "new style" of play.. and not to mention airstrike for situation if you try moving in a group....

The point is that before you actually had a little time to move out of line of sight if you started moving immidiately, even with a slow assault (by that i mean speeds around 55kph) you still had some chance to avoid dmg from LRMS...but now this is practically impossible...By the time you start moving you re already getting their second salvo. I play around 15 to 20 games of mwo a day...atleast 70% of outcomes are decided by LRMS. Theres no more interesting combat like before...
Before lrms were just great....i cant see the need for boosting them cause if you were atleast half capable of playing mwo you would always end up in the top 3 dmg dealers...
I didnt see anyone complaining about them before...prbbly cause they were working fine for those who knew how to use em..
But like always...."lets not fix important stuff" lets f**k around with the working stuff and see what people say...

Remember devs...."NOT EVERY IDEA IS A GOOD IDEA"

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