I first started playing nine months ago, I thought that was a pipe dream, but it's real!
I started playing and purchased a light mech after a couple matches, hated it sold it - dumb, I know. Hated all the trials - they are ok, but don't really give the game a good name. A mastered Mech is SO much better. I didn't understand heat, speed, efficiencies, anything! So I read. The forums are a gold mine of knowledge. PGI just needs to codify it, dress it up, and put it in UI 2.0.
After much study and a month of dying almost every match with no kills I read and read. Some body like me trumpeted the TBT-3C and that was my first purchase. I liked it - it was good, but I didn't understand the modules or tag well enough until now. For the past month - the LRM buff didn't hurt - I have been on fire. I haven't really gotten much better. Look at the mechs.
THIS is the build you want. I feel like I cracked MWO for the masses. I rarely ever see one of these, but it is a beast. All I need to do is tag you for a second and I get three for my missiles to get to you. Would love to add beagle, but I don't know that I need it...
TBT-3C Viking 2
Fav map is mordor. Get to the middle first (not hard, you go 106), go to the middle lowered platform - it was built for lrms. You are at the perfect height to hit anything that tries to come in. As soon as you get a second of a lock - fire, the lock will fade but you'll hit the pack.
Enjoy... or tell me I'm wrong The only weakness is vs lights, you'll get HAMMERED, but stay by the pack and rake in the kills.
Edited by Mankor, 31 March 2014 - 06:45 AM.