Wintersdark, on 30 May 2014 - 06:27 PM, said:
It surprises me how many people just don't understand the appeal of the Urbanmech.
It's not about capabilities or builds. Sure, you can mirror builds on other mechs. It's about the mech itself. If you can't separate those two things, well, you may as well just wander off elsewhere.
We want the Urbanmech to pilot an Urbanmech. Not a mech with that loadout, but an Urbanmech.
Hell, most people will be changing the loadout right away anyways, as we do with practically every mech regardless. Mechs are more than just bags of hardpoints, after all.
yes you get the idea like how i want a rifleman even though i could sudo make it on another frame
wanderer, on 03 June 2014 - 08:32 AM, said:
Or, you know, finally fixing the construction system to simply include the 10 heat sinks as part of the tonnage, rather than saying "You must add X additional sinks".
But that might take effort.
does there version of the tt build rules have problems yes but in all honesty as a guy makeing his own game its very easy to make a mistake iv had to rework some rules big time a few times all ready but in pgis defense there version of the tt rules in mwo did make sense for the sake of simplicity
Utilyan, on 08 June 2014 - 12:08 AM, said:
i love this pic
IraqiWalker, on 01 July 2014 - 11:31 PM, said:
I swear, Harmony Gold is one of the most annoying, hostile, abusive-of-their-own-playerbase companies I have ever seen, and I deal with Games Workshop for my 40K needs!
yah hg a pain if you as a bt player think that hg is bad for bt go look at the macross fandom they hate hg far more then bt fan base is truly capable
Shar Wolf, on 02 July 2014 - 08:40 AM, said:
I haven't touched any of HG's products yet, but I know I dislike they way that they treat the BT/MW series
Justified or not (and they may very well be for all I can prove) they come across as bullies
no they are not justified thats most of the problem
Dawnstealer, on 03 July 2014 - 05:20 AM, said:
Unlike the Urbie and Warhammer, the Archer is actually an effective mech. Imagine a Catapult with more armor, lasers on arms, and the ability to tank more damage. The Urbie would be fun, not overly effective, and you can build a Warhammer with the Orion.
The Marauder, though...
I'd still rather have the Urbie, Hatchetman, Zeus, and King Crab, but the Marauder is just an awesome mech with a long BT history.
I still say we crowdfund and buy out Harmony Gold and end this stupidity that's been going on since...what? Mechwarrior 2?
hg is on my too buy list if i ever win a stupid big loto for this very reason that and so i can finally watch macross
Malleus011, on 03 July 2014 - 04:44 PM, said:
I would love an Urbanmech.
But I really, really want a Warhammer. And an Archer. And a Marauder, and a Crusader, and a Phoenix Hawk and a Rifleman.
I'd love for them to look 'right', but I'd be happy with all-new artwork, so long as I get the chassis. The Inner Sphere arsenal of Battlemechs is incomplete without the iconic heavies. Making an 'nearly right' model out of an Orion isn't the same.
And, by the way, PGI, I would PAY MONEY for all of the above.
you and me are of the same soul on this these are the mechs i fell in love with and i want to use these guys in mwo bad and im the new bt guy here iv only gotten it to bt in the last year or so
IraqiWalker, on 03 July 2014 - 08:20 PM, said:
You'd think it's the elixir to immortality with how HG treats'em.
yah pretty much the worst part is that if hg wasnt in the way catalyst might be able to work out some thing with the owners of macross and we might get lucky and get the unseen desines back
stjobe, on 07 July 2014 - 09:09 AM, said:
Two major reasons:
1. They're not the Unseen designs, and as such will never be accepted by a certain part of the fan base.
2. The Reseen designs are fugly as hell.
PGI would be better off just letting their marvellous art team make their own re-designs of the Unseen.
And on a completely different note:
(thread needed some PGI Urbie love)
i need one of thoughs for my mech
Ryoken, on 07 July 2014 - 12:39 PM, said:
Here you can see what happens when Mechkrieger at the Operation Galahad Con have to create makeshift Urbanmechs until it arrives on MWO to


So please PGI hurry, people are even starting to sacrifice beer!

no not the beer look out its a brurbie
Tanar, on 01 August 2014 - 03:01 PM, said:
been seeing people complaining in game about needing more ecm mechs. ECM urbie- watch urbie haters heads explode over the dilemna of "urbies are useless" and "ecm is the best".
though actually it would be a good addition to it since, unlike everything but the ddc, there's a 0% chance of the urbie running off and leaving the rest of the team ecm-less.
so true