Bishop Steiner, on 01 April 2014 - 11:02 AM, said:
It does have a pretty paintjob though.
Seem like the anti-Ember.
(Ember was an amazingly well designed Hero with an amazingly poorly designed paint scheme. The Huginn is pretty much a horribly thought out and designed Hero, with an amazingly cool paint scheme. Whatupwitdat?)
I don't know about that. The design is really only awful because we're stuck between 0.5 ton MGs, which suck for Light mechs (can't afford to get too close to targets unless they're mechanically broken - see Spider and Firestarter), and AC2s. You can't afford to invest too much weight into ballistics and, even if you could, you're going to go insanely slow for very little impact. The AC2 is only good in multiples and even that is debatable.
We desperately need the Mech Mortar or something cause anything under 50 tons is dying horribly due to being taxed by the limitations of ballistic options.